Foto del docente

Marco Sazzini

Associate Professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: BIOS-03/B Anthropology

Curriculum vitae



2009  PhD in Biodiversity & Evolution, University of Bologna

          Dissertation: TNFRSF13B genetic variability, an anthropological evolutionary approach to

          biomedical research

          Evaluation: excellent


2008  Lifelong Learning Programme Formative Traineeship, Barcelona Biomedical Research

          Park, Evolutionary Biology Unit, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona (Spain)

          Projetc: “Bioinformatics tools for evolutionary genetics analyses”


2006  Qualification to practice the profession of Biologist


2005  Degree in Biological Sciences, Univeristy of Bologna; evaluation: 110/110, Magna cum Laude




Position & Research Topics


2024-present Delegate for Teaching and Education - Dip. BiGeA


2022-present Member of the Bioethics Committee - Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna


2019-2024    Director of First Cycle Degree in Biological Sciences - Dept. BiGeA

2019-present Associate Professor - Dept. BiGeA

                       Research topics: Natural selection and human adaptability; Evolutionary medicine


2016-2019    Fixed-term Researcher (L240/2010 b-senior) - Dept. BiGeA

                      Project: ”Anthropological evolutionary insights into the Italian genomic and phenotypic



2013-2016    Fixed-term Researcher (L240/2010 a-junior, full time) - Dept. BiGeA

                      Project: ”Genomic diversity, selective pressures and adaptation in human populations”


2011-2013    Senior Post Doctoral Research Fellow - Dept. BiGeA

                      Project: “Optimization of NGS data analysis methodologies: towards the application of

                      massive parallel sequencing to the whole human genome”


2009-2011    Post Doctoral Research Fellow - Dept. of Experimental Evolutionary Biology

                      Project: “Application of Next Generation Sequencing Technologies to the study of human 

                      genome variability”



Contribution to Research Projects

CROSSING THE SEA: Ancient and modern human genomes to study the evolutionary dynamics of

Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica (ruolo: Responsabile unità UNIBO, PRIN 2020)


SHERPA - Genetic adaptation and acclimatization to high altitude as experimental models to investigate

the biological mechanisms that regulate physiological responses to hypoxia (ruolo: PI, funded by

Fondazione CARISBO, 2020)


fineMEX - Fine-mapping of potential disadaptive genetic variants, evaluation of their biological relevance

and correlation with disease prevalence in Native and Admixed Mexican populations (ruolo: PI, finanziato

da Mexican Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, 2019)


MEX - Inferring genetic adaptations to local environments in Mexican populations and identifying

potential dis-adaptive loci predisposing them to chronic complex diseases (ruolo: PI, funded by Mexican

Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, 2018)


PH-NGS - Next generation sequencing in the evaluation of the genetic profile associated to pulmonary

hypertension (ruolo: Responsabile unità BiGeA, funded by Fondazione CARISBO, 2016)


LANGELIN - Meeting Darwin's last challenge: toward a global tree of human languages & genes

(FP7 Ideas, ERC 2011)


EPIC - Biological and cultural heritage of the Central-Southern Italian population trough 30 kyr

(PRIN 2010-2011)


NGS-PTL - Next Generation Sequencing platform for targeted Personalized Therapy of Leukemia 

(FP7 Cooperation 2012)

PsA GWAS - A genome-wide association study of Psoriatic Arthritis in the Italian population 

(funded by Pfizer International, 2011)


TASTE GENETIC GEOGRAPHY: a pilot study on the Emilia Romagna population 

(funded by Fondazione del Monte, 2011)



(funded by National Geographic & IBM, 2011)


ISOLATING THE ISOLATES: analysis of geographical and cultural factors influencing human genetic

variability (PRIN 2007)