Foto del docente

Marco Pretelli

Full Professor

Department of Architecture

Short Bio

Urbino, 1963. Degree in Architecture, University IUAV of Venice; PhD in Conservation of Architecture, University "Federico II", Naples. Architect at the Soprintendenze per i Beni Architettonici of Arezzo (2000) and Venice and its Lagoon (2001-2005), since 2005 he is Associate Professor of Architectural Restoration (disciplinary sector: 08/E2,  ICAR/19) at the University of Molise (oct. 2005-dec. 2009), since 2009, at the Alma Mater Studiorum; since march 2016 is full professor at the same university. The main lines of research focus on topics of theory and history of restoration; restoration of  Modern Architecture; restoration of historical plant; microclimate of the historic architecture. Already in the PhD Steering Committee in Conservation of Architecture at the Politecnico of Milan, from 2013 he is member of the PhD Steering Committee in Architecture at the Department of Architecture of the Alma Mater Studiorum.

From the end of 2019 to the end of 2022, he coordinated the Master's Degree Course in Building Processes and Systems Engineering based in Ravenna.

Go to the Curriculum vitae



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Dipartimento di Architettura
Via dell'Università 50, Cesena - Go to map

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Office hours

You can meet me at the end of the lessons of the various courses (Laboratorio di restauro; Teorie della Conservazione degli Edifici Storici e del Patrimonio Architettonico; Preserving Heritage and Shaping New Urban Features-Building Restoration); outside the lecture periods, on the same days scheduled for lessons, time to be agreed. However, it is essential to request the appointment by sending an e-mail at least one week in advance.
You need to make an appointment with his secretary to see the manager.