Foto del docente

Marco Montalti

Full Professor

Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"

Academic discipline: CHEM-03/A General and Inorganic Chemistry


Keywords: photo-catalysis photo-active nanoparticles fluorescence photochemistry nanomedicine photo-protection

Characterization of the photochemical, photophysical and electrochemical properties of supramolecular systems and nanostructures aimed to the development of innovative materials in the fields of sensors, diagnostric, imaging and energy conversion.  Particular interest is devoted to: (1) Synthesis and charaterization of gold, siliver, silica or hybrid (core-shell) nanoparticles. (2) Derivatization of the nanoparticles surfaces with luminescent or redox active species. (3) Design and characterization of luminescent chemosensors for optical applications. (4) Synthesis and characterization of sensor films on different substrates (glass, quartz, gold).

1-Nanoparticles. Synthesis and characterization of gold, silver and metal-core-silica-shell  nanoparticles. The sysnthetic tecniques have been developed in order to allow the doping of the materials, size control and surface modification with photo- redox active molecules. These hetero-supra-molcular species are very interesting model for the investigation of the fundamental photoinduced processes and, in the mean time, thanks to their versatility are suitable for several applications. Core-shell nanoparticles can be exploited as structures for investigating luminescent quenching and enhancement due to the interaction of a fluorophore with a metal core. Nanoparticles are also very versitile architecture for self organizing and connecting molecular moieties in order to design nanodevices. Adsorption onto surfaces or cross-linking can also be exploited to organize nanoparticles into lattice and superstructures.

2-Luminescent sensors. Design, synthesis and characterization of luminescent chemosensors for different metal ions and other target analyte of environmental (pollutants as Hg) or biological (K, Mg, Ca,..) interest, in collaboration with other italian or international groups. The research in this field is aimed to contol the selectivity and the affinty of the chemosensors toward specific targets. Particular attention is devoted to the development of superstructures where cooperative processes may allow collective effects to take place and lead to amplification of the sensor response. 

3-Interfacing the molecular and nanosized systems to the macroscopic world is essential from the applicative point of view. Immobilization of chemosensors onto substrates, for example,  is necessary to exploit their detection ability in real time and to avoid contamination of the measurement environment.  Research in this filed is aimed to the control of the surface modification processes in order to optimize the activity and the signal.

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