Foto del docente

Marco Lenci

Full Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: MATH-04/A Mathematical Physics


Keywords: dynamical systems ergodic theory infinite-measure dynamics billiards stochastic processes random walks anomalous diffusion transport in physical systems large deviations

  • Dynamical systems. Ergodic theory and stochastic properties dynamical systems. Infinite ergodic theory. Hyperbolic/expanding dynamics. Hyperbolic billiards, Lorentz gases and similar systems. Quenched random dynamical systems. Maps with indifferent fixed points.
  • Stochastic processes. Random walks in random and inhomogeneous environments: recurrence vs transience, limit theorems. Diffusive and superdiffusive properties.
  • Applications of dynamics to problems in physics. Anomalous diffusion, transport. Lévy random walks. Intermittent dynamics. Applications to biological systems. Dynamics of internal waves. Mathematical methods for applications to climate sciences.
  • Quantum large deviations. For lattice spin systems (quantum spins, discrete gases, fermionic systems on the lattice, etc.).

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