Foto del docente

Marco Giacinti Baschetti

Full Professor

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering

Academic discipline: ICHI-01/B Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering


G. C. Sarti; F. Doghieri; M. Giacinti Baschetti; M. G. De Angelis, Modeling Sorption and Swelling Behavior in Non-Equilibrium Polymer Phases, in: 2006 AIChE Annual Meeting and Fall Showcase Conference Proceedings on CD, NEW YORK, The American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2006(atti di: AIChE Annual Meeting 2006, San Francisco, California, 12-17 Novembre 2006) [Abstract]

F. Doghieri; M.G. De Angelis; M. Giacinti Baschetti; G.C. Sarti, Solubility of gases and vapors in glassy polymers modelled through non-equilibrium PHSC theory, «FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA», 2006, 241(1-2), pp. 300 - 307 [Scientific article]

M.G. De Angelis; S. Lodge; M. Giacinti Baschetti; G.C. Sarti; F. Doghieri; A. Sanguineti; P. Fossati, Water sorption and diffusion in a short-side-chain perfluorosulfonic acid ionomer membrane for PEMFCS: effect of temperature and pre-treatment, «DESALINATION», 2006, 193, pp. 398 - 404 [Scientific article]

M. C. Ferrari; J. Catalano; M. Giacinti Baschetti; M. G. De Angelis; G. C. Sarti, Water Transport in a Short Side Chain Pfsi Membrane: Differences between Cast and Extruded Membranes Subject to Different Thermal Treatments, in: 2006 AIChE Annual Meeting and Fall ShowcaseConference Proceedings on CD, NEW YORK, The American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2006, pp. . - .. (atti di: AIChE Annual Meeting 2006, San Francisco, California, 12-17 Novembre 2006) [Abstract]

M. C. Ferrari; J. Catalano; M. Giacinti Baschetti; M. G. De Angelis; G. C. Sarti, Water transport in a short side chain PFSI membrane: Differences between cast and extruded membranes subject to different thermal treatments, in: PMSE Preprints, SAN FRANCISCO, ACS Division PMSE, 2006, 95, pp. . - . (atti di: 232TH NATIONAL ACS MEETING, San Francisco, CA, September 10-14, 2006) [Abstract]

G.C. Sarti; M. Giacinti Baschetti; F. Doghieri; B.D. Freeman, Differences between transient and steady-state mass transport in high free volume glassy polymers, in: ICHEME, World Congress of Chemical Engineering-Abstract CD, LONDRA, Icheme, 2005(atti di: World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Glasgow- Scotland, 10-14 luglio 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

M. Giacinti Baschetti; M. Ghisellini; M. Quinzi; F. Doghieri; P. Stagnaro; G. Costa; G.C. Sarti, Effects on sorption and diffusion in PTMSP and TMSP/TMSE copolymers of free volume changes due to polymer ageing, «JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE», 2005, 739, pp. 75 - 86 [Scientific article]

M. Minelli; M. G. De Angelis; M. Giacinti Baschetti; F. Doghieri; G. C. Sarti, Gas Barrier Properties of Polymeric Films with Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Coatings for Food Packaging Applications, in: AICHE, 2005 AIChE Annual Meeting and Fall ShowcaseConference Proceedings on CD-ROM, NEW YORK, AIChE, 2005, pp. . - . (atti di: AIChE Annual Meeting, Cincinnati (USA), 30 ottobre-4 novembre 2005) [Abstract]

D. Pizzi; M. G. De Angelis; F. Doghieri; M. Giacinti Baschetti; G. C. Sarti, Moisture sorption and oxygen transport in a Nylon-6 / montmorillonite composite, in: Chemical Engineering Transactions 7th ITALIAN CONFERENCE ON CHEMICAL AND PROCESS ENGINEERING, MILANO, AIDIC, 2005, 6, pp. 515 - 520 (atti di: 7th ITALIAN CONFERENCE ON CHEMICAL AND PROCESS ENGINEERING, Giardini di Naxos, Italy, 15-18 Maggio, 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Marco Giacinti Baschetti; Enrico Piccinini; Ferruccio Doghieri; Giulio Cesare Sarti, Quantitative analysis of solvent induced polymer dilation through FTIR-ATR spectroscopy, in: International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM) 2005, SEOUL, The Membrane Society of Korea, 2005, I, pp. 229 - 230 (atti di: International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM) 2005, Seoul (Korea), 21-26 Agosto 2005) [Abstract]

M. Giacinti Baschetti; M.G. De Angelis; F. Doghieri; G. C. Sarti, Solubility of gases in polymeric membranes, in: MIGUEL A. GALAN EVA MARTIN DEL VALLE, Chemical Engineering - Trends and Developments, CHICHESTER, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2005, pp. 41 - 62 [Chapter or essay]

M.G. De Angelis; S. Lodge; M. Giacinti Baschetti; F. Doghieri; G.C. Sarti; A. Sanguineti; P. Fossati, The effect of temperature and pre-treatment on water and methanol sorption and diffusion in a short-side-chain perfluorosulfonic acid ionomer membrane for PEMFCs, in: AICHE, 2005 AIChE Annual Meeting and Fall Showcase Conference Proceedings on CD-ROM, NEW YORK, AIChE, 2005(atti di: AIChE Annual Meeting, Cincinnati (USA), 30 Ottobre-4 Novembre 2005) [Abstract]

M. G. De Angelis; S. Lodge; M. Giacinti Baschetti; G.C. Sarti; F. Doghieri; A. Sanguineti; P. Fossati, Water sorption and diffusion in a short-side-chain perfluorosulfonate ionomer membrane for PEMFCs: effect of temperature and pretreatment, in: THE MEMBRANE SOCIETY OF KOREA, International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM) 2005, SEOUL, The Membrane Society of Korea, 2005, I, pp. 185 - 186 (atti di: International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM) 2005, Seoul (Korea), 21-26 Agosto 2005) [Abstract]


F. GRASSIA; GIACINTI BASCHETTI M.; F. DOGHIERI; G. C. SARTI, "Solubility of Gases and Vapors in Glassy Polymer Blends", in: I. PINNAU; B. FREEMAN, "Advanced Materials for Membrane Separations", NEW YORK, Oxford University Press, 2004, pp. 55 - 73 (ACS Symposium series) [Chapter or essay]