Foto del docente

Marco Castrignanò

Full Professor

Department of Sociology and Business Law

Academic discipline: GSPS-08/B Sociology of Environment and Territory

Curriculum vitae

Curriculum Vitae



1988: Degree in Political Sciences at the University of Bologna (magna cum laude).

1994: Ph.D. in Sociology and Social Policies at the University of Bologna.

 He was post-Ph.D. Fellow at the Department of Sociology of Bologna University for the academic years 1994/95 and 1995/96.


Academic Career

Since July 2018 Professor (sps/10, “Territorial and Environmental Sociology”) and member of the Department of Sociology and Business Law, University of Bologna

2006-2018: Associate Professor, University of Bologna.

1999-2005: Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences “R. Ruffilli” (Forlì campus), University of Bologna.

2005-2006: Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences (Bologna campus), University of Bologna.


Elective and Institutional Offices

He is the coordinator of the undergraduate course in Social Work for the 2012-2015 triennium.

He is a council member of Commissione Paritetica (joint committee) of the School of Political Sciences, University of Bologna.

He is delegate for teaching for the Department of Sociology and Business Law.

He is member of Commissione Tirocini (internships committee) of the School of Political Sciences, University of Bologna.

He was president of the undergraduate course of Social Work for the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Bologna (2008-2011).

He was director of the 2nd level master course  in “Politiche Sociali e Direzione Strategica per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile del Territorio”, University of Bologna (social policies and strategic management for a sustainable territorial development); he is also a member of the scientific council of that master (2009-2013).

He was director of the post-graduate vocational training program in “Organizzazione e Management dei Servizi Socio-Sanitari in contesti differenziati”, University of Bologna (organization and management of health and social services in differentiated contexts, for managers in foreign countries) (2009-2013).

In the academic year 2010/2011, he was director of the post-graduate vocational training program “Health as a right: vocational course in the organization of health and social services (for staff coming from foreign countries)”, University of Bologna.

In the academic year 2008/2009, he was director of the post-graduate vocational training program “Metodologie per la promozione sociale in territori a differenziate tecnologie di sviluppo”, University of Bologna (social promotion methodologies in territories with differentiated development technologies).

He is a member of the teaching body for the Ph.D. in Sociology at the Department of Sociology and Business Law, University of Bologna. He was also the coordinator, until 2009, of “Corso metodologico di formazione alla ricerca empirica” (methodological training course for empirical research).


Journal and editorial activity

Since 1995: member of the Editorial Board of the journal Sociologia urbana e rurale.

Since January 2013: member of the Executive Board of the journal Sociologia urbana e rurale.

From 2000 to 2005: member of the Scientific Board of the journal Salute e prevenzione.

Since January 2013: member of the Scientific Board of Sociologia urbana e rurale series (FrancoAngeli).

He is also referee for the following journals: Urban Studies, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Spaces and Flows: an International Journal of Urban and Extraurban Studies, and Archivio di studi urbani e regionali.


Other referee and review activities, and participation to thematic tables

He is referee for the evaluation of research projects (Direzione Generale per il coordinamento e lo sviluppo della Ricerca - Ministero dell'istruzione, dell'Università e della ricerca) and research products (ANVUR, VQR 2004-2010) per the SPS/10 scientific sector.

From 2002 to 2006, he was a member of the committee “per l'esame istruttorio di progetti finalizzati alla prevenzione ed al recupero dalle tossicodipendenze e dall'alcooldipendenza correlata” (investigation exam aimed to prevention and recovery from drug addiction and alcohol addiction), for the Dipartimento delle Politiche Sociali e Previdenziali, Direzione generale per la prevenzione e il recupero dalle tossicodipendenze e alcoldipendenze. He was also a member for the Osservatorio permanente per la verifica dell'andamento del fenomeno delle droghe e delle tossicodipendenze – Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche sociali (permanent observatory on drugs and addiction).

In 2012, he was a member of the scientific committees of the 1st Winter School of Territorial Sociology organized by the AIS Territorial Section.

He is a member of the work group on sustainable mobility within the Piano Strategico Metropolitano promoted by the Municipality of Bologna.

He is a member of the work group on participation and social cohesion) within the Build See EU project “Addressing the divide between EU indications and their practical implementation in the green construction and eco-social re-qualification of residential areas in South East Europe Regions”.


Research group coordination  

He is the local coordinator of the research group of the Bologna Department of Sociology in the PRIN 2009 program “Public spaces, mobile populations and urban reorganization processes” (National coordinator: Prof. Antonietta Mazzette)

He is a member of the technical and scientific coordination of group of the project “Outcome Comunità. Definizione e implementazione di un modello e di un sistema per la valutazione degli esiti dei trattamenti delle Comunità terapeutiche” (Community outcome. Definition and implementation of a model for the evaluation of treatments in therapeutic communities), Italian Department for Anti-Drug Policies .


Participation to scientific groups and associations

Since 1989, he is member of Ce.P.Ci.T. (center for studies on city and territory problems), at the Department of Sociology and Business Law, University of Bologna. He makes research about poverty, youth problems, drug addiction and urban social exclusion, as well as on urban transformations and sociology of tourism.

He is a member of Territory Section and Social Policies Section of AIS (Associazione Italiana di Sociologia).

He is a member of Research Committee 21 on Sociology of Urban and Regional Development  of the International Sociological Association.