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Marco Candela

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Farmacia e Biotecnologie

Settore scientifico disciplinare: CHEM-07/C Chimica e biotecnologia delle fermentazioni


Centanni M.; Candela M.; Biagi E.; Turroni S.; Bellucci M.; Musiani F.; Bergmann S.; Hammerschmidt S.; Brigidi P., Characterization of plasminogen binding mechanisms of the bifidobacterial receptor DnaK, in: National Congress of the Italian Society of General Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology (SIMGBM), s.l, s.n, 2011, pp. na - na (atti di: National Congress of the Italian Society of General Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology (SIMGBM), Pisa, September 21-23) [atti di convegno-abstract]

Candela M., Diet, intestinal microbiome and colorectal cancer onset., in: Bacterial Infection as a Cause of Cancer, s.l, s.n, 2011, pp. na - na (atti di: European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop on Bacterial Infection as a Cause of Cancer, King’s College, London (UK), 2-4 October) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Ottaviani E.; Ventura N.; Mandrioli M.; Candela M.; Franchini A.; Franceschi C., Gut microbiota as a candidate for lifespan extension: an ecological/evolutionary perspective targeted on living organisms as metaorganisms., «BIOGERONTOLOGY», 2011, 12, pp. 599 - 609 [articolo]

Candela M.; Guidotti M.; Fabbri C.; Brigidi P.; Franceschi C.; Fiorentini C., Human intestinal microbiota: cross-talk with the host and its potential role in colorectal cancer., «CRITICAL REVIEWS IN MICROBIOLOGY», 2011, 37, pp. 1 - 14 [articolo]

Candela M., Intestinal microbiome, an epigenetic factor conferring adaptation to environmental changes., in: SysBioHealth, 2nd Workshop on SYSTEMS MEDICINE, s.l, s.n, 2011, pp. na - na (atti di: SysBioHealth, 2nd Workshop on SYSTEMS MEDICINE, Bologna, Italy, 14th-15th December) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Candela M.; Turroni S.; Centanni M.; Fiori J.; Bergmann S.; Hammerschmidt S.; Brigidi P., Relevance of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis plasminogen binding activity in the human gastrointestinal microenvironment, «APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY», 2011, 77, pp. 7072 - 7076 [articolo]

Biagi E.; Candela M.; Franceschi C.; de Vos W.; Brigidi P., The aging gut microbiota: a new perspective., in: SIMGBM 29th National Meeting Proceedings, S.N., s.n, 2011, pp. 19 - 19 (atti di: SIMGBM 29th National Meeting, Pisa, Italy, September 21-23, 2011) [atti di convegno-abstract]

Biagi E.; Candela M.; Franceschi C.; Brigidi P., The aging gut microbiota: new perspectives., «AGEING RESEARCH REVIEWS», 2011, 10, pp. 428 - 429 [articolo]

Candela M.; Turroni S.; Severgnini M.; Consolandi C.; Peano C.; Pession A.; Brigidi P, Unbalances of the intestinal microbiota in atopic children., in: 4th Congress of European Microbiologists, FEMS 2011, s.l, s.n, 2011, pp. na - na (atti di: 4th Congress of European Microbiologists, FEMS 2011, Geneva, Switzerland, 26-30 June) [atti di convegno-abstract]

S. Turroni; B. Vitali ; M. Candela ; P. Gionchetti ; F. Rizzello ; M. Campieri ; P. Brigidi, Antibiotics and probiotics in chronic pouchitis: a comparative proteomic approach, «WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY», 2010, 16, pp. 30 - 41 [articolo]

Candela M.; Fiori J.; Dipalo S.; Brigidi P., Development of a high-performance affinity chromatography-based method to study the biological interaction between whole microorganisms and target proteins, «LETTERS IN APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY», 2010, 51, pp. 678 - 682 [articolo]

Candela M.; Centanni M.; Fiori J.; Biagi E.; Turroni S.; Orrico C.; Bergmann S.; Hammerschmidt S.; Brigidi P., DnaK from Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis is a surface exposed human plasminogen receptor up-regulated in response to bile salts, «MICROBIOLOGY», 2010, 156, pp. 1609 - 1618 [articolo]

Candela M.; Maccaferri S.; Turroni S.; Carnevali P.; Brigidi P., Functional intestinal microbiome, new frontiers in prebiotic design, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD MICROBIOLOGY», 2010, 140, pp. 93 - 101 [articolo]

Candela M.; Consolandi C.; Severgnini M.; Biagi E.; Castiglioni B.; Vitali B.; De Bellis G.; Brigidi P., High taxonomic level fingerprint of the human intestinal microbiota by Ligase Detection Reaction - Universal Array approach., «BMC MICROBIOLOGY», 2010, 10, Article number: 116, pp. 1 - 16 [articolo]Open Access

B. Vitali; M. Ndagijimana; F. Cruciani; P. Carnevali; M. Candela; M. E. Guerzoni; P. Brigidi, Impact of a synbiotic food on the gut microbial ecology and metabolic profiles, «BMC MICROBIOLOGY», 2010, 10:4, pp. 1 - 13 [articolo]

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