Foto del docente

Mara Mirasoli

Associate Professor

Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"

Academic discipline: CHEM-01/A Analytical Chemistry

Curriculum vitae

Mara Mirasoli


Personal Information

Laboratory of Bioanalytical Chemistry

Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"

University of Bologna – Alma Mater Studiorum

Via Selmi 2, 40126 Bologna, Italy

Telephone and fax: +39-051-343398


Nationality: Italian

Date of birth: October 6th, 1971

Present position:

Associate professor in Analytical Chemistry, University of Bologna

Scientific Referent for the Space Science and Technology Unit of the Interdipartmental Center for Industrial Research (CIRI) Aerospace, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna

Member of the Interdepartmental Centre for Industrial Research in Renewable Resources, Environment, Sea and Energy - CIRI Renewable Resources, Environment, Sea and Energy – FRAME


Education and Training:

- DSc Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology, University of Bologna: Magna Cum Laude (1997)

-  PhD Degree in Feed and Food Science, University of Bologna (2001)

- Obtained the national scientific qualification for the functions of first-level professor in the 03/A1 sector.


Work Experience and University activity

-  Associate professor in Analytical Chemistry, University of Bologna (2014 - today)

- Responsible person for the Accreditation Management of the Interdepartmental Center for Industrial Research (CIRI) of the University of Bologna "Renewable Sources, Environment, Sea and Energy - FRAME" (2019 - today)

- Deputy Director of the Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician", University of Bologna (2018-2021)

-  Researcher in Analytical Chemistry, University of Bologna (2004-2014)

-  Research grant for the project “Development of immunoassays for the detection of pollutants and toxic compounds in biological fluids and food samples” (2001-2002), University of Bologna.

-  Visiting Fellow at the Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry of the Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA (1999-2000)


Teaching Activity

Teaching of courses in the field of Analytical Chemistry for the Bachelor's degree programs in "Controllo di Qualità dei Prodotti per la Salute", "Scienze Ambientali", "Chimica e Chimica dei Materiali"; for the single-cycle master's degree programs in "Farmacia," "Pharmacy" and "Chimica e Tecnologia Farmaceutiche"; for the master's degree program "Advanced Cosmetic Science" (2004 - today)


Participation in Doctoral Colleges

- Member of the Teachers' Board of the PhD program in "Food Science and Nutrition", University of Bologna (2004-2008)

- Member of the Board of Lecturers of the PhD program in "Food Science, Animal Nutrition and Food Safety - SANASA", University of Bologna (2009-2012)

- Member of the Teachers' Board of the PhD program in "Chemistry", University of Bologna (2020 - today)


Membership in Scientific Societies

-  Member of the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI)

- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the International Society for Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (ISBC) (2015 - today)

- Coordinator of the Divisional Group of Bioanalytics, Division of Analytical Chemistry of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI) (2013-2022)



Marlene DeLuca Memorial Prize awarded at the 12th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence held at Cambridge, UK, April 5-9, 2002.


Scientific Activity

Her scientific activity is mainly focused on the development of bioanalytical methods (enzyme, immuno-, and DNA-based assays) and biosensors with colorimetric and bio/chemi/electrochemiluminescence detection for application in the biomedical, pharmaceutical, agro-food and environmental fields.

In particular, she deals with the development of chemiluminescence-based lateral-flow immunoassays, microfluidic paper-based analytical devices (µPADs), and lab-on-chip devices for the detection of analytes of clinical, veterinary, environmental, and agrifood interest.

In the last decade, this activity was particularly focused at the development of portable bioanalytical devices for life science investigations in space environment.

She is PI and co-PI of several projects supported by the Italian Space Agency, the Italian Ministry of University, and the European Union.


Personal skills and expertise

Mother tongue: Italian

Reading skills: English (excellent), French (good), Spanish (good)

Writing skills: English (good), French (basic), Spanish (basic)

Verbal skills: English (good), French (basic), Spanish (basic)


Organisational skills and competences

- Secretary of the Organizing Committee of the XXVII Congress of the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the Italian Chemistry Society (SCI) (September 16-20, 2018 - Bologna, Italy).

- Secretary of the Organizing Committee of the XIII International Symposium on Luminescence Spectrometry (September 7-11, 2008 - Bologna, Italy).

- Member of the Organizing Committee of the “I Conference Agrofood Bioanalysis” (June 24-26, 2004 – Alghero (SS), Italy).



Author of more than 80 papers and book chapters on referred journals or books in the fields of Analytical Chemistry, Environmental and Food Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Clinical Chemistry.


Updated on July 25th, 2023

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