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Manuela Sollazzo

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 171KB )


November 2014 - April 2018: PhD Fellow at CancerREvolutionLab, Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology (FaBiT), University of Bologna, Via Selmi 3, 40126 (IT). Tutor: Prof.ssa A. Pession, Supervisor: Dott.ssa D. Grifoni.

April 2014 - October 2014: Graduate Student at Cancer Genetics Lab, Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology (FaBiT), University of Bologna, Via Selmi 3, 40126 (IT).

March 2014: Master Degree in "Health Biology", University of Bologna. Thesis Title: Analysis of Vascular Mimicry in an Animal Model of Carcinogenesis. Tutor: Prof.ssa A. Pession, Supervisor: Dott.ssa D. Grifoni. 110/110 cum laude

Dicember 2011: Bachelor in "Biological Sciences", University of Bologna. Thesis Title: Lipid Assessment in a population of the"Brisighella Heart Study". Tutor: Dott.ssa S. Cristino. 93/110


Research Activity

Jan 2020 – Today: Post-doctoral AIRC Fellow, Mitochondrial Biochemistry and Biology Lab, Dept. of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, University of Bologna, Via Selmi 3, 40126 Bologna (IT). Tutor: Prof AM Porcelli. INCEPTiON – Inhibition of respiratory ComplEX I and survival PaThways: a synthetic lethality approach for Ovarian cancer.

Oct 2018 - Present: Post-doctoral fellowship in Cell Biochemistry at Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnologies, University of Bologna. Title of the project: "Riprogrammazione della bioenergetica mitocondriale nella chemioresistenza dei carcinomi dell'ovaio". 


Teaching Activity

AY 2020 - 2021:

  • Adjunct professor for ‘Biochemistry (Module 2) – Biochemistry and Ecology’ course (64841) – Low Carbon Technologies and Sustainable Chemistry master degree.
  • Teaching tutor for BIOCHIMICA CELLULARE E STRUTTURALE course [cod. 93357 - Prof. AM Porcelli], Master degree in Molecular and industrial Biotechnology, University of Bologna

AY 2019 - 2020: Teaching Tutor for

  • ‘Biochemistry (Module 2) – Biochemistry and Ecology’ course (64841 – Dr L. Iommarini) – Low Carbon Technologies and Sustainable Chemistry master degree, University of Bologna
  • ‘Biochemistry Laboratory (Module 2) – Biochemistry (00061 – Dr C. Zanna) – Biological science degree, ‘Molecular Signalling Transduction (I.C.) – Molecular interaction network’ course (90819 – Prof AM Porcelli) – Pharmaceutical Biotechnology master degree, University of Bologna

AY 2018 – 2019: Teaching Tutor for

  • ‘Biochemistry of cellular signaling with laboratory’ course (72568 - Prof M. Rugolo) – Molecular and Cellular Biology master degree, University of Bologna
  • ‘Biochemistry of complex cell systems and analysis of protein networks with laboratory’ course (87604 - Module 2 - Prof G. Farruggia) - Pharmaceutical Biotechnology master degree, University of Bologna

AY 2016/2017: Board Member of the ‘General Pathology’ course (00768 – Module 2 Prof), Health Biology Master degree, University of Bologna.

AY 2014/2015 - 2016/2017 - 2017/2018: Supervisor of Master Degree Thesis in "Molecular and Cellular Biology", University of Bologna.

AY 2015/2016: Supervisor of Master Degree Thesis in "Health Biology", University of Bologna.

Other Scientific Qualifications

Organisation of "Italian Drosophila Research Conference 2016" (IDCR 2016), Bologna, 14-16 September 2016, University of Bologna.

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