vai alle Pubblicazioni
Publications prior to 2004
M. Bennati, F. Lodesani, M. Crescentini, A. Mariani and M.
Tartagni, “A Delta-Sigma Approach for Ion Channel Based Biosensor
Arrays”, in Transducers Dig. Tech. Papers, Vol.
1, pp. 835-838, June 2007.
M. Tartagni, M. Crescentini, and M. Bennati, “New Trends in
Microelectronic Interfaces for (Bio)Chemical Sensors” presented
at NATO ARW on “ Portable chemical sensors for the rapid
detection of chemical and biological agents and other weapons of
terrorism”, Snogeholm castle, Lund (Sjöbo), Sweden, Jul. 2011.
F. Thei, M.
Rossi, M. Bennati, M.
Crescentini, C. Berti and M.
Tartagni, “A Low Noise Ion Channel Amplifier in a USB Pen
Drive”, Biophys.
vol. 104, no. 2, pp. 519, Jan. 2013.
F. Thei, M. Rossi, M. Bennati, M. Crescentini, and M. Tartagni, “A
Miniaturized Single Channel Amplifier for Various Different
Electrophysiology Setup”, Biophys. Meeting, vol. 106, no. 2,
pp. 623a, Jan. 2014.
, A. Romani, and E. Sangiorgi, “Physical simulations of response
time in Hall sensor devices”, 15th Int. Conf. on Ultimate
Integration on Silicon (ULIS), Stockholm, Sweden, April,
M. Crescentini, M. Bennati, and M.
Tartagni, “Ultra Low-Noise Electrophysiology Amplifier on a Chip”,
10th BioCAS Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, October,
Crescentini, M. Bennati and M. Tartagni, “A High
Resolution Standalone Interface for Kelvin Impedance Sensing”,
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, vol. 49, no. 10, pp.
2199-2212, October 2014.
Tartagni, M.
Crescentini, M. Rossi, H.
Morgan, and E. Sangiorgi, “An AC and Phase Nanowire Sensing for
Site-Binding Detection”, 2014 International Electron Device Meeting
(IEDM), San Francisco,
California, December, 2014.
M. Crescentini, F. Thei, M.
Bennati, S. Saha, M. R.R. de Planque, H. Morgan and M. Tartagni, “A
Distributed Amplifier System for Bilayer Lipid Membrane (BLM)
Arrays with Noise and Individual Offset Cancellation”, IEEE
Trans. Biomedical Circuits and Syst., in press.