Foto del docente

Marco Crescentini

Associate Professor

Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi"

Curriculum vitae

Marco Crescenti is  an associate professor (fixed term) at the Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering (DEI) of the University of Bologna since 2022. 

He received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electronic engineering, both cum laude, from the University of Bologna, II School of Engineering, Cesena Campus, in 2006 and 2008 respectively. In 2012 he completed his Ph.D. at ARCES, University of Bologna, with thesis entitled "Advanced CMOS Interfaces for Bio-Nanosensors". He worked within a summer job for Silicon BioSystems in 2006 and for ARCES, University of Bologna, in 2007. During his Ph.D. he had a 6-months internship at Infineon Technologies A.G. within Villach Development Center (Austria), working on backannotation of DC-DC converter drivers. From 2009 to 2016, he was lecturer for the course of digital electronics at School of Architecture and Engineering, Cesena Campus, University of Bologna. From 2012 to 2016 he was a post-doctoral fellow at ARCES, University of Bologna, taking part to several national and international projects. 

He was particularly involved in the following funded research projects:

- 4D BIOGEOCHEMICAL SENSOR - in collaboration with National Oceanography Centre of Southampton and University of Southampton. Funded by Natural Environment Research Council (UK)

- LB4MEMS - ENIAC-JTI project from European Comission.

- NANOFUNCTION - FP7 European project 

- RECEPTRONICS - FP6 European project

- LTRYRE - Italian National Research Project 2009

- CURRENT AMPLIFIER CHIP FOR SODIUM CHANNEL PLATFORM - in collaboration with University of Southampton. Funded by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (UK).

- GRETA - Italian National Research Project 2011

 - CONNECT - ECSEL European Project, 2016

- CONVERGENCE - Flag-Era JTC European Project 2016

- PROGRESSUS - ECSEL European Project, 2020

- ENERGY ECS - ECSEL European Project, 2021

- EIT4ATI - AlmaIdea project funded by the European Union under the "NextGenerationEU"

- R-PODID - KDT European Project, 2023 (Project Coordinator)

He currently is in charge of part of the scientific activities in the joint lab between ARCES University of Bologna and STMicroelectronics.

His research interests are in the area of sensing systems, instrumentation and measurements, biomedical circuits, low power and low noise electronic design. He is reviewer for many international scientific journals like IEEE-TIM, IEEE-JSSC, Sensors.