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Matteo Cervellati

Full Professor

Department of Economics

Academic discipline: ECON-01/A Economics


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Publications prior to 2004

Pubblicazioni Internazionali con Referaggio

- Work Values, Endogenous Sentiments and Redistribution (con Joan Esteban e Larry Kranich) Journal of Public Economics, 2010

- Human Capital Formation, Life Expectancy, and the Process of Development (con Uwe Sunde), American Economic Review 95(5), pp. 1653-1672, 2005.

- Growth and Endogenous Political Institutions (con Piergiuseppe Fortunato e Uwe Sunde), in: Institutions and Growth (ed. Theo Eicher and Cecilia Garcia-Peñalosa), MIT Press, Cambridge MA, ch. 8, pp. 215-248, 2006.

- Are all Democracies Equally Good: on the Role of the Interaction between Inequality and Democracy con Uwe Sunde e Piergiuseppe Fortunato, Economics Letter, 99 (3), 552-556, 2008

- Hobbes to Rousseau: Inequality, Institutions and Development con Piergiuseppe Fortunato e Uwe Sunde, The Economic Journal, 18 (August), 1354-1384, 2008

Discussion Papers

- Religious Norms and Long Term Development: Insurance, Human Capital and Technological Change con Marcel Jansen e Uwe Sunde, 2008

-  Thou shalt not covet ...: Crime, Temptations and Moral Values con Paolo Vanin, 2008

- Technology Adoption, Democracy and Trade Openness con Alireza Naghavi e Farid Toubal, mimeo 2008

- Human Capital, Differential Fertility and Mortality: A Theory of the Economic and Demographic Transition (con Uwe Sunde), CEPR DP and IZA DP 2007. Versione precedente: - Health, Development and the Demographic Transition 2005

- Inequality and the Efficiency-Equality Trade-Off: An Empirical Test using Principles of Democratic Constitutions con Uwe Sunde, 2007

- The Social Contract with Endogenous Sentiments, con Joan Esteban e Laurence Kranich IZA DP, 2312, 2006. Versione precedente Work Values, Social Preferences and Redistribution con Joan Esteban, 2003.

- Consensual and Conflictual Democratization con Piergiuseppe Fortunato e Uwe Sunde, IZA Discussion Paper 2225, 2006. Nuova versione Consensual and Conflictual Democratization, Rule of Law and Devolopment , CEPR DP (2007).

- Democratization and Endogenous Constitutions con Piergiuseppe Fortunato e Uwe Sunde, 2006.  

- Resistance to Reforms, Inequality and Development con Piergiuseppe Fortunato, 2004

- Natural Resources and the Wealth of Nations in a Globalized World Economy Cahier de la Maison de Sciences Economiques n 68 2004, Universitè Sorbonne Pantheon con Piergiuseppe Fortunato

- Redistributive Conflict in Unequal Democracies: OpportunityEqualizing Public Intervention and the Role of the Middle Clas UPF 2002

- Costly Riding: A Fiscal Theory of Public Good Provision in Fragmented Communities UPF 2001

Work In progress

- Roots and Fruits of Democracy con Piergiuseppe Fortunato and Uwe Sunde

- Conflict, Curruption and the Rule of Law con Uwe Sunde

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