Foto del docente

Marianna Marcella Bolognesi

Associate Professor

Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Academic discipline: L-LIN/01 Historical and General Linguistics


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Publications prior to 2004

As Editor:

  1. Bolognesi M., Steen G. (Eds.) (2019). Perspectives on abstract concepts: From cognitive processing to semantic representation. Amsterdam: Benjamins Publishing Company.
  2. Bolognesi M., Steen G. (Eds.) (2018). Abstract concepts: Structure, processing and modeling. Special Issue of TopiCS in Cognitive Science, 10 (3).
  3. Bolognesi M., Despot K., Brdar M. (Eds.) (2019). Metaphor and Metonymy in the Digital Age. Building Repositories of Figurative Language: Methods, Risks, and Challenges. Amsterdam: Benjamins Publishing Company.

    As Author:


  4. Bolognesi, M. (2020). Where Words Get Their Meaning. Cognitive processing and distributional modelling of word meaning in first and second language. Amsterdam: Benjamins Publishing Company.
  5. Bolognesi, M., Werkmann Horvat, A. (accepted, under contract). New Directions in Metaphor Studies: Cognition, Communication, Creativity, and Variability across Languages and Cultures. London: Routledge.

    International Peer reviewed journals

  6. Wicke, P. and Bolognesi, M. (under review). Covid-19 discourse on Twitter: How the topics, sentiments, subjectivity and figurative frames changed over time.
  7. Werkmann Horvat, A., Bolognesi, M., Kohl, K. (accepted). Creativity is a toaster: Experimental evidence on how monolinguals vs. multilinguals process novel metaphors. Applied Linguistics.
  8. Werkmann Horvat, A., Bolognesi, M., Kohl, K. (under review). Comprehension of novel metaphors in L2 speakers of English.
  9. Werkmann Horvat, A., Bolognesi, M., and Lahiri, A. (accepted). Processing of literal and metaphorical meanings in polysemous verbs: An experiment and its methodological importance. Journal of Pragmatics.
  10. Werkmann Horvat, A., Bolognesi, M., and Kohl, K. (under review). Demolishing walls and myths: On the status of conventional metaphorical meaning in the L2 lexicon.
  11. Bort Mir, L., Bolognesi, M., Ghaffaryan, S. (2020). Cross-cultural interpretation of filmic metaphors: A think-aloud experiment. Intercultural Pragmatics17(4), 389–416.
  12. Wicke, P. and Bolognesi, M. (2020). Framing COVID-19 How we conceptualize and discuss the pandemic on Twitter. PLoS ONE 15(9): e0240010
  13. Wicke, P., and Bolognesi, M. (2020). Emoji-based semantic representations for abstract and concrete concepts. Cognitive Processing, 21, 4, 615-635.
  14. Bolognesi, M., Burgers, C., Caselli, T. (2020). On Abstraction: Decoupling conceptual concreteness and categorical specificity. Cognitive Processing. 21, 365–381.
  15. Vivas, L., Montefinese, M., Bolognesi, M., and Vivas, G. (2020). Core features: measures and characterization for different languages. Cognitive Processing 21, 4, 651-667.
  16. Cavazzana, A., Bolognesi, M. (2020). Uncanny Resemblance. Words, pictures, and conceptual representations in the field of metaphor. Cognitive Linguistic Studies, 7(1): 31-57.
  17. Bolognesi M., Strik Lievers F. (2020). How language and image construct synaesthetic metaphors in print advertising. Visual Communication. 19,4, 431-457.
  18. Stampoulidis, G., Bolognesi, M. (2020). Bringing metaphors back to the streets: A corpus-based study for the identification and interpretation of rhetorical figures in street art. Visual Communication.
  19. Poppi, F., Bolognesi, M., Oija, A. (in press). Metaphorical conceptualization of pictorial artworks within a participant-based framework. Semiotica.
  20. Reijnierse G., Burgers C., Bolognesi, M., Krennmayr T. (2019). How Polysemy Affects Concreteness Ratings: The Case of Metaphor. Cognitive Science 43, 8, e12779.
  21. Bolognesi, M., Vernillo, P. (2019). How abstract concepts emerge from metaphorical images: The metonymic way. Language and Communication 69, 26-41.
  22. Stampoulidis, G., Bolognesi, M., Zlatev, J. (2019). A Cognitive Semiotic Exploration of Metaphors in Greek Street Art. Cognitive Semiotics 12, 1.
  23. Bolognesi M., Aina L. (2019). Similarity is Closeness: Using Distributional Semantic Spaces to model Similarity in Visual and Linguistic Metaphors. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 15(1), 101-138
  24. Bolognesi M., Steen G. (2018). Editors’ Introduction: Abstract concepts: Structure, processing and modeling. TopiCS in Cognitive Science, 10 (3), 490-500.
  25. Bolognesi M., Pilgram R., Van den Heerik R. (2017). Reliability in content analysis: the case of semantic features norms. Behavior Research Methods, 49(6), 1984–2001.
  26. Bolognesi M. (2017). Using semantic features norms to investigate how the visual and verbal modes afford metaphor construction and expression. Language and Cognition, 9(3), 525-552.
  27. Bolognesi M. (2016). Modeling semantic similarity between metaphor terms of visual vs linguistic metaphors through Flickr tag distributions. Frontiers in Communication, 1:9.
  28. Bolognesi M., Bichisecchi, R. (2014). Metaphors in dreams: where cognitive linguistics meets psychoanalysis. Language and Psychoanalysis, 3(1), 4-22.

    National Peer reviewed journals

  29. Bolognesi, M. (2019). Il linguaggio figurato nella comunicazione multimodale. Il genere pubblicitario e la campagna sociale [Figurative language in multimodal communication. Insights from the genres of advertising and social campaigns]. Ricognizioni, 6(12).
  30. Bichisecchi, R., Bolognesi, M. (2014). La metafora onirica tra linguistica cognitiva e psicoanalisi. Quaderni di psicoterapia comparata, 3, 223-245.
  31. Bolognesi M. (2011). Il lessico mentale bilingue e gli spazi semantici distribuzionali: e similarità tra i verbi in L1, in L2 e nei corpora. Studi di Glottodidattica, 5(2), 51-72.
  32. Bolognesi M. (2011). Il Lessico Mentale Bilingue, i Legami Semantici e quelli Episodici, un esperimento. Studi di Glottodidattica, 5(1), 64-71.
  33. Bolognesi M. (2010) La Competenza Lessicale nei Processi di Apprendimento di L2 e All’interno del Metodo Didattico FICCS. Bollettino Itals VIII, 35.

    Invited Book Reviews

  34. Bolognesi, M. (2019). Book Review of Perception Metaphors, edited by Laura J. Speed, Carolyn O'Meara, Lila San Roque and Asifa Majid. Amsterdam: Benjamins Publishers. Journal of Pragmatics 155, 160-162.
  35. Bolognesi, M. (2018). Book Review of Multimodal Metaphor and Metonymy in Advertising – by Paula Perez Sobrino. John Benjamins Publishing Company. Language and Cognition, 10, 3, 552-559.

    Book chapters (peer reviewed)

  36. Bolognesi, M. (under review). Metaphor. Cambridge Handbook of Intercultural Pragmatics.
  37. Bolognesi M., Timmermans B., Aroyo L. (2019). VisMet and the crowd: What does social tagging reveal about visual metaphors? In M. Bolognesi, M. Brdar, K. Despot (Eds.) Metaphor and Metonymy in the Digital Age. Building Repositories of Figurative Language: Amsterdam: Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 99-121.
  38. Bolognesi M., Despot, K. (2019). Editors’ Introduction to Metaphor and Metonymy in the Digital Age. Building Repositories of Figurative Language:. Amsterdam: Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 1-19.
  39. Bolognesi M., Steen G. (2019). Editors’ Introduction. In M. Bolognesi, G. Steen (Eds.) Perspectives on abstract concepts: From cognitive processing to semantic representation. Amsterdam: Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 1-13.
  40. Bolognesi, M. Van den Heerik R., Van den Berg E. (2018). VisMet: a corpus of visual metaphors. In G. Steen (ed.) Visual Metaphor: structure and process. Amsterdam: Benjamins Publishers, pp. 89-114.
  41. Bolognesi M. (2017) Grammatica visiva e apprendimento: aspetti semiotici delle vignette di Valico e trasposizione verbale nelle descrizioni di anglofoni. In E. Corino, C. Onesti (eds.) Italiano di Apprendenti. Studi a partire da Valico e Vinca. Roma: Guerra, pp.21-40.
  42. Bolognesi M. (2017). Conceptual metaphors and metaphorical expressions in images. In A. Baicchi, E. Pinelli (eds.) Cognitive modelling in language and discourse across cultures, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 367-383.
  43. Bolognesi M. (2017). Flickr Distributional Tagspace: Evaluating the Semantic Spaces emerging from Flickr Tags Distributions. In M. Jones (ed.) Big Data in Cognitive Science. New York: Routledge, pp. 144-173.
  44. Bolognesi M. (2016) Metaphors, bilingual mental lexicon and distributional models. In E. Gola, F. Ervas (eds.) Metaphor and Communication. Benjamin Publishing Company, Amsterdam, pp.105-122.
  45. Bolognesi M., Ghaffaryan S. (2015). The concept of power in Iran and U.S.A.: Metaphors and mental images from a cross-cultural perspective. In E. Nash, N. Brown, L. Bracci, Intercultural horizons. Volume III, Intercultural competence- key to the multicultural societies of the globalized world. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 312-329.

    Conference proceedings (peer reviewed)

  46. Bolognesi, M. (2019). How do words vs. images construct and represent metaphor. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 2347/1. Proceedings of Tricolore conference 2018: Creativity, Cognition, Computation, Bolzano, Italy.
  47. Bolognesi M. (2014) Distributional Semantics meets Embodied Cognition. In Selected Papers from the 4th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, 18-35.
  48. Bolognesi M. (2010) The Bilingual Lexicon, Semantic Links in L1 versus Episodic Links in L2: a case study. In Proceedings of YLMP 2010, Poznan.

    Other editorial projects

  49. Bolognesi M. (forth.) Competenze di Lettura. In M. Arcangeli (ed.) Grammatica Italiana. Milano: Mondadori. [Reading Competences. In: Italian Grammar for high-schools].
  50. Bolognesi M. (forth.) Competenze di Scrittura. In M. Arcangeli (ed.) Grammatica Italiana. Milano: Mondadori. [Writing Competences. In: Italian Grammar for high-schools]
  51. Bolognesi M, Biagi F, Bracci L, Filippone A. (2011) Workbook for study abroad university students, learners of Italian: “L’italiano…in Servizio! Un modello di service learning per l’apprendimento della lingua italiana”. Siena: Cantagalli.
  52. Bolognesi M. (2010) L’acquisizione lessicale. In L. Bracci, A. Filippone (eds.) L’educazione Riflessiva ed Interculturale: L’approccio FICCS allo Studio della Lingua e della Cultura Italiana. Roma: Carocci.

    Articles for the large public

  53. Bolognesi, M. (2018). How language shapes your thoughts – what researchers know. The Conversation, UK.

  54. Bolognesi, M., Strik Lievers, F. (2018). The coded images that let advertisers target all our senses at once. The Conversation, UK.