Foto del docente

Matteo Battistini

Associate Professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Academic discipline: GSPS-04/A History and Institutions of the Americas

Curriculum vitae


Place and date of birth: Senigallia (AN - ITALY), 10/07/1979. Resident: Bologna (ITALY).



Work Address: Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali. Scuola di Scienze Politiche. Università di Bologna. Strada Maggiore 45, 40125


2017- Professor in American History at the University of Bologna, Department of Political and Social Sciences.

2015-2016 – Research Assistant in American History, University of Bologna, Department of Political and Social Sciences, project: Languages and Practices of political Delegitimation in US between New Deal and Cold War. Tutor: Raffaella Baritono.

2013-2014 – Research assistant in American History, University of Bologna, Department of Political and Social Sciences, project: The Political and Social Sciences and the Making of the Middle Class in the First Half of Twenties Century United States. Tutor: Raffaella Baritono

2009-2012 – Research assistant in American History, University of Bologna, Department of Politics, Institutions, History, project: The Commercial Transformation of Society in the Early American Republic and the Political Figure of Thomas Paine. Tutor: Tiziano Bonazzi.

Scientific Committee's Member of European Early American Studies Association (2010-2011)

Scientific Committee’s Member of CISPEA:

Member of the Editorial Board of Ricerche di Storia Politica(2015-): []

Member of the Editorial Board of USAbroad-Journal of American History and Politics (2018-) []


History of the United States, Degree in Diplomatic and International Sciences, University of Bologna (Campus of Forlì)

International Relations of the United States, Master Degree in Diplomatic and International Sciences, University of Bologna (Campus of Forlì)


Tutor Summer School CISPEA, (Interuniversity Consortium of Euro-American History and Politics)

- June 2007: “Americanism and anti-americanism: historical analysis and public use of history”

- June 2010: “The History and Concept of Citizenship in United States”

- June 2011: “United States, Italy, Germany and the challenge of national unification, 1861-1901”.

- June 2012: Gilded Ages: Economy, Politics and Society in US between 1880-1901 and 1980-2001

- June 2014: We the people: power and liberty in contemporary United States


Degree in History of Political Thought at University of Bologna, Faculty of Political Science, Department of Politics, Institutions and History. Thesis on the Political Thought of Karl Marx. Level in national qualification: 110/110 cum laude, March 2004.

Phd in Europe and Americas: Constitutions, Thought and Political Institutions. University of Bologna, Faculty of Political Science, Department of Politics, Institutions and History. Dissertation on Thomas Paine and the Atlantic Transmission of the Revolution, November 2008, Tutor: Prof. Tiziano Bonazzi.

Grants and visiting scholars

2006 – Marco Polo Program, University of Bologna: travel grant for 4 month at Columbia University

2006 – Visiting Scholar (4 month) at Department of History, Columbia University of New York, for research about Thomas Paine and the American Revolution. Inviting Professor: Eric Foner, DeWitt Clinton Professor of History.

2009 – Visiting Scholar (4 month) at Department of History, Columbia University of New York, for research about the foundation of United States and the building of the American State in the Atlantic World. Inviting Professor: Eric Foner.

2012 and 2013 – Visiting Scholar (one month) at Department of History, Columbia University of New York, for research about nationalism and internationalism in the American social sciences during the first half of twentieth century. Inviting Professor: Eric Foner.

2013 – One month research at Yale University Sterling Memorial Library. Manuscripts and Archives on Harold D. Lasswell, his studies and political and public activity.

2017 - One month research at Tamiment Cold War Center - Travel Grants 2016-2017.

National Research Project

PRIN 2008 - Building a new international order: American political reflection and activism from the New Deal to the Cold War Era; National Coordinator: Ferdinando Fasce, University of Genova; Local Unity Coordinator: Raffaella Baritono.

PRIN 2010-2011 – Pratiche e Linguaggi della delegittimazione politica nell’Europa contemporanea, National Coordinator: Fulvio Cammarano, University of Bologna; Local Unity Coordinator: Fulvio Cammarano. Research:Languages and Practices of political Delegitimation in California and New York gubernatorial campaigns between, 1896-1982.

Main National and International Conferences

- “Political Revolution and Social Transformation in the Making of the Early American Republic”. Graduate and Post-Graduates Conference of CISPEA (Interuniversity Consortium of Euro-American History and Politics), Vercelli-Torino, October 6-8, 2008.

- “Paine after Paine. The Changing Meaning of the Democratic Language of the Revolution”, International symposium Thomas Paine and American Civil Liberties, School of Political Science, University of Milano, October 20, 2008.

- “Thomas Paine and the Atlantic Revolution. The Civilization of Commerce and the Building of a National Society” - The French American Atlantic in the Age of Revolutions, 1763-1815 Conference, Paris - École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Université Paris 8, March 20-21, 2009.

- “Thomas Paine, the Legacy of the Revolution and the Transition to Capitalism in the Early Republic”, SHEAR Annual Conference, Springfield, July 16-19, 2009.

- “Let Trade be as Free as Air: the Liberal American Revolution and the Early State-Building”, Twentieth AISNA International Conference - Translating America. The Circulation of Narratives, Commodities, and Ideas between Italy, Europe and the United States – University of Torino, September 24-26, 2009.

- “America in Europa? Thomas Paine and the Atlantic World in the Age of the democratic revolutions”, International Conference “Atlantic History and Transatlantic History in modern and contemporary historiography, Einaudi Institute, History Department of University of Torino and Humanities Department of University of Eastern Piedmont - Torino, may 3-4 2010.

- “Connections, Convergences and Disjuncture: Venice Workshop”, University of Warwick, Co-partner: Institute of Historical Research, London, June 16-17, 2010.

- “Harold Lasswell and the Problem of World Order: Politics, Economics and Symbols on a National and Global Scale”. International Conference: Beyond the Nation. Pushing the Boundaries of U.S. History from a Transatlantic Perspective. Genova, May 10-11, 2012.

- Coordinator (with Cristina Bon - University “Cattolica del Sacro Cuore”, Milano) of the Workshop “The Universalism of American Freedom and its Boundaries: How America recasts Freedom between World War II and the Cold War”, XXII International AISNA Conference, “Discourses of Emancipation and the Boundaries of Freedom", University of Trieste, September 19-21, 2013. Workshop Participants: Ferdinando Fasce (University di Genova), Salvatore Proietti (University of Calabria), Jelena Sesnic (University of Zagreb), Michele Cento (University of Bologna) and Matteo Battistini with the paper: “We may be caught in the trap of a garrison state”: Harold Lasswell, the American Freedom and the Building of the National Security State.

- International Seminar “Rebellion, resistance and revolution between the Old and the New World: discourses and political languages”, organized by Angela De Benedictis, at Department of History, Culture and Civilization, University of Bologna, October 2-3, 2013. Paper: Insurrection, Bank and Contracts: how Society shaped the Principles of the Constitution at the eve of the national Convention (1785-1786). Participants: Pierre Serna (Paris, Institut d'Histoire de la Révolution française); Antonino De Francesco (Università degli Studi di Milano); Karl Härter (Max-Planck Institut für europäischen Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt am Main); John Donoghue (Loyola University Chicago).

- International Conference “Citizen of the World: The Uses and Abuses of Thomas Paine”, Manchester Metropolitan University, November 29-30, 2013. Paper: “Atlantic Fragments of Thomas Paine: Democratic Language and its Class Meaning in Paine's Early Nineteenth Century Legacy on both the English and American Shores of the Ocean”.

- IV National Convention SISI (Italian Society of International History) “Continuity and Discontinuity in the Evolution of the International System of the Seventies”, at Department of Political and juridical Sciences and International Studies, University of Padova, June 5-6, 2015. Paper: “Fetishization of the Middle Class”: the Decline of the Middle Class and the Crisis of Global Capitalism in the current public debate of the United States.

- VIII Cantieri di Storia SISSCO, University of Tuscia, Viterbo, September 14-16, 2015. Paper: Rivoluzione e democrazia tra Francia e Inghilterra: l’eredità intellettuale di Thomas Paine. Panel: Strategia di sopravvivenza nell’età della restaurazione (1815-1848), Coordinator: Paola Magnarelli. Discussant: Antonino De Francesco.

- XXIII AISNA International Conference. Harbors: Flows and Migrations of Peoples, Cultures, and Ideas. The U.S.A. in/and the World, University of Napoli L’Orientale, September 24-26, 2015. Paper: “The Transatlantic Making of the American Middle Class: The Euro-American Circulation of Scientific and Political Literature at the Origins of an Essential Category of the American Century”.

- International Symposium: The State of the State: What is American Political History Now? Organized by HOTCUS (Historians of the Twentieth Century United States) at the University of Nottingham, GB, February 17, 2018. Paper: Middle Class as Historical Category of Legitimation of the American State: Its Rise and Fall.

- Conference: Esportare la Modernità. Processi di interazione tra Americhe ed Europa, Università di Bergamo, Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Straniere, May 11, 2018. Paper: Ideological Construction of the Middle class and Political Legitimacy of the American State between New Deal and the Fifties.

- Conference: Revolutionary Texts in a Digital Age: Thomas Paine’s Publishing Networks, Past and Present, organized by IONA College and the Institute for Thomas Paine Studies, New Rochelle, New York, October 11-13, 2018.

- Paper: “The Lost Middle Class of Progressivism: Capital, Labor and Public Turmoil in Early Twentieth-Century America”. Nel panel Walls and Breaches: Gender, Race and Class within American Society and Politics in the 19th and 20th century, coordinato da Angela Santese. 25th AISNA Biennial Conference “Gate(d)Ways. Enclosures, Breaches and Mobilities Across U.S. Boundaries and Beyond”. September 28, 2019.

- Paper: “Democrazia e costituzionalismo: origini e tensioni nelle rivoluzioni atlantiche”. Convegno sociale SISSCO: Democrazia/democrazie: costruzioni e crisi in una prospettiva di storia globale (secoli XVIII-XXI), 4/7/14/15 giugno 2021.

- Paper: “Karl Marx and the American Civil War: Class and Race in the Struggle for Emancipation”, nel panel Recognizing Fractures before and after the Civil War: Gender, Race and Class in the Making of the Global America, coordinators: Matteo Battistini and Serena Mocci, 26th AISNA Biennial Conference, 23-25 settembre 2021, Recognition across Time, Space and Textuality in the US and Beyond, Dipartimento di Scienze Umane, Università L’Aquila, dal 24-09-2021 al 24-09-2021.

- Paper: “Between Myth and Reality: The Middle Class in the American Century and Beyond”. Seminar on US History, Literary and Culture, Centro Studi Americani, Roma, May 2-4, 2023.

- Book Presentation: Middle Class. An Intellectual History through Social Sciences. An American Fetish from its Origins to Globalization in the Seminar “Democratie et capitalisme aux Etats-Unis, at EHESS, Paris, organized by Nicolas Barreyre, May 17, 2023.

- Paper: “In questo momento sono alle prese con il mio ponte politico”, Thomas Paine tra Rivoluzione americana e Rivoluzione francese. Nel convegno italo-francese La Rivoluzione americana degli europei/La Revolution Americaine des Europeens, May 25-26, 2023, Università di Torino.

- Paper: “The Vulnerabilities of Consensus: CLR James, the Antagonism against Work and the Stalemate of American Capitalism, nel 27th Biennal Conference Vulnerabilities: Weaknesses, Threats, Resilience in the USA and in Global Perspective, Università di Perugia, FISSUF Departiment – CRISU, September 21-23, 2023, Narni.

- Paper: “La guerra civile del capitale: new (middle) class e neo-conservatorismo”. Conference Progetto Alma Idea 2022: Democrazia e liberalismo nella crisi americana, 15 dicembre 2023, Università di Bologna, Campus di Forlì.


  • con Marco Sioli (a cura di), L’età di Thomas Paine. Dal senso comune alle libertà civili americane, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2011.
  • Una Rivoluzione per lo Stato: Thomas Paine e la Rivoluzione americana nel mondo atlantico, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2012.
  • con Maurizio Ricciardi ed Eleonora Cappuccilli (a cura di), Global Marx. Storia e critica dei movimenti sociali nel mercato mondiale, Milano, Meltemi, 2020; published by BRILL (2022) as Global Marx. History and Critique of the Social Movement in the World Market.
  • Storia di un feticcio. La classe media americana dalle origini alla globalizzazione, Milano, Mimesis, 2020, published by BRILL (2022) as Middle Class. An Intellettuale History through Social Sciences. An American Fetish from its Origins to Globalization.


  • “…lo si costringerà ad essere libero”. Appunti marxiani sulla Rivoluzione francese, in “Scienza & Politica. Per una storia delle dottrine”, 30/2004, pp. 3-28,
  • Radical Revisions: Thomas Skidmore reads Thomas Paine in 1829 New York, in
  • L’epoca di Paine. Società e Politica nella rivoluzione atlantica, in “Scienza & Politica. Per una storia delle dottrine”, 39/2008, pp. 110-123,
  • The Transatlantic Republican. Thomas Paine e la democrazia nel mondo atlantico, in “Contemporanea”, 4/ 2009, pp. 625-650.
  • Let the Trade be as Free as Air. The Liberal American Revolution and the early State-Building, in Translating America, edited by Marina Camboni, Andrea Carosso, Sonia Di Loreto and Marco Mariano, Bern, Lang, 2011, pp. 285-300.
  • Paine dopo Paine: Thomas Skidmore e l’eredità della Rivoluzione americana nella New York del 1829, in Matteo Battistini e Marco Sioli (a cura di), L’età di Thomas Paine. Dal senso comune alle libertà civili americane, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2011, pp. 217-230.
  • Un mondo in disordine: le diverse storie dell'Atlantico, in “Ricerche di Storia Politica”, 2/2012, pp. 173-188.
  • 11 settembre: un tornante della storia?, in Stefano Cavazza e Paolo Pombeni (a cura di), Introduzione alla Storia Contemporanea, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012, pp. 438-449.
  • con Maurizio Griffo, Un racconto di due Paine, in “Scienza & Politica. Per una storia delle dottrine”, 24/2012, pp. 49-68,
  • Living in Transition in the Atlantic World: Democratic Revolution and Commercial Society in the Political Writings of Thomas Paine, in “Nuevo Mundo-Mundos Nuevos”, Coloquios, Puesto en línea el 27 junio 2012,
  • Harold Lasswell, the “problem of World Order”, and the Historic Mission of the American middle class, in Fedinando Fasce, Maurizio Vaudagna e Raffaella Baritono, Beyond the Nation: Pushing the Boundaries of U.S. History from a Transatlantic Perspective, Torino, Otto, 2013, pp. 225-254.
  • Introduzione al numero monografico. Formazione e trasformazione dello Stato-nazione nel quadro atlantico e globale, in “Scienza & Politica. Per una storia delle dottrine”, 48/2013, pp. 5-11,
  • A National Blessing: debito e credito pubblico nella fondazione atlantica degli Stati Uniti d'America, in “Scienza & Politica. Per una storia delle dottrine”, 48/2013, pp. 13-31,
  • Insurrections, Bank and Private Contracts: How Society shaped the Constitutional Order during the American Revolution, in “Storicamente”, 33/2014, pp. 1-15,
  • Il declino della classe media americana, “il Mulino”, 3/2015, pp. 564-573.
  • Middle Class, Classe Moyenne, Mittelstand: History and Social Sciences in the Atlantic World, in Maurizio Vaudagna (ed.), Modern European-American Relations in the Transatlantic Space, Torino, Otto, 2015, pp. 123-148.
  • “We may be caught in the trap of a garrison state”: Harold D. Lasswell, the American Middle Class and the Political Legitimacy of the National Security State, in Elisabetta Vezzosi, Leonardo Buonomo (eds.), Discourses of Emancipation and the Boundaries of Freedom: Selected Papers from the 22nd AISNA Biennial International Conference, Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2015, pp. 219-230.
  • M. Battistini, The Transatlantic Making of the American Middle Class: The Origins of an Essential Category of the American Century, in Vincenzo Bavaro, Gianna Fusco, Serena Fusco, Donatella Izzo, Harbor, Flows and Migrations of Peoples, Cultures and Ideas: The USA in/and the World, Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017, pp. 199-216.
  • Revolutions are the Order of the Day”: Atlantic Fragments of Thomas Paine, c. 1819-1832, in Sam Edwards, Marcus Morris (eds.), The Legacy of Thomas Paine in the Transatlantic World, London, Routledge, 2017, pp. 87-106.
  • Il feticcio middle-class e le scienze sociali fra ordineliberale neoliberale negli Stati Uniti, in “Scienza & Politica. Per una storia delle dottrine”, 57/2017, pp. 161-193, .
  • L’instabile ordine della politica middle-class: le campagne elettorali di New York e California, in Fulvio Cammarano, Stefano Cavazza (a cura di), La delegittimazione politica nell’età contemporanea 3. Conflitto politico e propaganda elettorale in Europa e negli Stati Uniti (1861-1989), Roma, Viella, 2018, pp. 203-223.
  • La New Class del neoconservatorismo e la de/legittimazione del capitalismo americano, in “Scienza & Politica. Per una storia delle dottrine”, 61/2019, pp. 57-77,
  • L’introvabile middle class: la ricerca dell’ordine del progressismo americano, in Raffaella Baritono e Maurizio Ricciardi, Strategie dell’ordine: categorie, fratture e soggetti, Quaderno di Scienza & Politica, n. 8, 2020, pp. 187-206:
  • Tra schiavitù e free labor: Marx, la guerra civile americana e l’emancipazione come questione globale, in Matteo Battistini, Maurizio Ricciardi, Eleonora Cappuccilli (a cura di), Global Marx. Storia e critica dei movimenti sociali nel mercato mondiale, Milano, Meltemi, 2020, pp. 293-314.
  • (con Benedetta Calandra) Introduzione al numero monografico:I nodi della modernità Stati Uniti e America Latina tra New Deal e Guerra Fredda, in “Ricerche di Storia Politica”, 1/2021, pp. 1-6.
  • Middle-Class Revolution. La classe media americana come categoria ideologica della teoria della modernizzazione, in “Ricerche di Storia Politica”, 1/2021, pp. 7-16.
  • La statistica della legittimazione e il demiurgo della classe media nelle scienze sociali fra Germania e Stati Uniti. In: (a cura di): Monica Cioli, Maurizio Ricciardi (a cura di), Tra melancolia e disciplina. Per una storia costituzionale delle dottrine politiche Festschrift fur Pierangelo Schiera, 2021, Quaderno N. 13, pp. 263-278, Bologna: Scienza & Politica.
  • Karl Marx and the Global History of the Civil War: The Slave Movement, Working-Class Struggle, and the American State within the World Market, in “International Labor and Working-Class History, vol. 100, 2021, pp. 158-185.
  • Un progetto in movimento: il capitale in azione nella nuova storia (politica) del capitalismo americano, in “Ricerche di Storia Politica”, 3 (2022), pp. 279-294.
  • (edited by) with Paola Rudan, For bell hooks: “White-Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy” and “Feminism is for Everybody” in U.S. History and Politics, in “USAbroad – Journal of American History and Politics”, 6 (2023), pp. 1-4.
  • The New Class of Neoconservatism and the De/legitimization of American Capitalism, in “Crisis and Critique”, 1 (2023), pp. 9-29.

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