Foto del docente

Matteo Alvisi

Assistant professor

Department of Sociology and Business Law

Academic discipline: ECON-01/A Economics


Keywords: Price Competition Regulation and Antitrust Industrial Organization Law and Economics Crime economics and Deterrence Theory Health Economics

1. Law and Economics (tragedy of the "anticommons", complentary goods and mergers/acquisitions)

2. Health Economics (Price competition in pharmaceutical markets and "excessive pricing"determinazione del prezzo dei prodotti farmaceutici ed "excessive pricing", drug cocktails and incentives to develop new therapies)

3. Industrial Organization (bundling and tying with complementary goods and their Antitrust implications, adoption of new technological standards and dynamic efficiency)

4. Crime Economics and Deterrence Theory (piracy in the markets for digital goods and the enforcement of copyright laws, the economics of corruption)

5. Public Economics (barriers to entry in the markets fof professional services, institutional and economics effects of tax amnesties) 

6. Regolamentazione ed Antitrust


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