Foto del docente

Luisa Molari

Associate Professor

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering

Academic discipline: CEAR-06/A Mechanics of Solids and Structures

Curriculum vitae

Current position: Assistant professor of Structural Mechanics, University of Bologna, since March 2011.


2004 PhD in Mechanics of Structures, University of Bologna.

2001 Qualification as engineer and enrolment at the Professional Engineer Society of Bologna.

2000 Laurea (M.S.) in Civil Engineering, (Structures) University of Bologna with full marks.


2010 - 2011 Contract researcher at DICAM Department, University of Bologna (Mechanics Model of historical structures subjected to environmental actions)

2007 - 2010 post-doc at the University of Bologna (Phase transition in steel heat treatments).

2003 - 2007 Contract researcher at DISTART Department, University of Bologna (Multiscale approach in the study of structural damage)

2005 Visiting Post-doc at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geoscience, TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands.

2002 - 2003 Visiting PhD student at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA.


2016/2017 Professor of the course of Strength of Material in Design

2011 - 2016 Professor of the course of Strength of Material in Architecture, University of Bologna.

2011 - 2012 Professor of the course of Theory of structures and of the course of Experimentation and Reability of Material, Faculty of Architecture, University of Bologna.

2009 - 2010 Contract professor for the courses of Theory of Structures,

2008 - 2009 Contract professor of Structures and Statics in Architecture, University of Bologna


 Participation to European Projects:

BIOFIBRE Erasums + Project

KISADAMA Kinetics of salt crystallization and mechanical damage in historic masonry- JPI Call on Cultural Heritage 2013, (2013-2016) (WP5 leader)

SMooHS - Smart Monitoring of Historic Structures, 7FP ENVIRONMENT, dec 2008 - dec 2011.

3ENCULT Efficient Energy for Eu Cultural Heritage, 7FP,  oct 2010- march 2014.

Partecipation to numerous National Projects and grants with SME

- PRIN 2007 Reliability of the computational mechanics analysis of structures

- PRIN 2005 From the survey to the structural analysis of roman constructions in the Vesuvian area.

- Strategic Projects, University of Bologna, 2006 - Mathematical models for phase transition

- PRIN 2004 Cultural Heritage: modelling and identification of damage and risk.

- Interdisciplinary Research project 2002, University of Bologna - Multidisciplinary methodologies for the survey the analysis and the preservation of archaeological structures in Pompei.


Editorial board of the following Journals:

-Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, (JMSR)

- International Journal of Constructive Research in Civil Engineering, ISSN No.(online): 2454-8693; DOI Prefix : 10.20431

- Journal of Material Science and Chemical Engineering ISSN Print: 2327-6045 ( ).

- London journals Press

- SciFed Materials Research Letter.



Reviewer of International journals as:

Computer Methods for Applied Mechanics and Engineering, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, Finite elements in Analysis and Design, Meccanica, Mechanics Research Communications, World Journal of Mechanics, Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Material Science.


2005 Marco Polo Scholarship of the University of Bologna for a research period at the TU Delft, Delft, The Netherland.

2003 Marco Polo Scholarship of the University of Bologna for a research period at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA.

2002 Scholarship of Compaq S.r.l.

2001 Award for master thesis Consorzio Spinner for Research and development, innovation and technological transfer.

1997-1999 Scholarship for students for academic and sporting achievements.