Foto del docente

Luisa Iommarini

Associate Professor

Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology


G.Gasparre; L. Iommarini; A.M. Porcelli; M. Lang; G.G. Ferri; I.Kurelac; E. Mariani; L.F. Pennisi; E. Pasquini; G. Pasquinelli; A. Ghelli; E. Bonora; C. Ceccarelli; M. Rugolo; N. Salfi; G. Romeo; V. Carelli., An inherited mitochondrial DNA disruptive mutation shifts to homoplasmy in oncocytic tumor cells., «HUMAN MUTATION», 2009, 30 (3), pp. 391 - 396 [Scientific article]

do V.F. Ramos .C.; Bellusci C.; Savini G.; Carbonelli M.; Berezovsky A.; Tamaki C.; Cinoto R.; Sacai P.Y.; Moraes-Filho M.N.; Miura H.M.; Valentino M.L.; Iommarini L.; De Negri A.M.; Sadun F.; Cortelli P.; Montagna P.; Salomao S.R.; Sadun A.A.; Carelli V.; Barboni P., Association of optic disc size with development and prognosis of Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy., «INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE», 2009, 50, pp. 1666 - 1674 [Scientific article]

Iommarini L.; Martelli P.L.; Ghelli A.; Rugolo M.; Casadio R.; Carelli V., Modelling ND subunits of complex I: Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON) pathogenic mutations and non-synonymous population variants in genotype-phenotype correlation, in: Proceedings of Mitochondial Medicine 2009, s.l, s.n, 2009, pp. 194 - 195 (atti di: Mitochondial Medicine 2009, Vienna, Virginia, USA, 24-27 Giugno 2009) [Abstract]

Srivastava S;Diaz F;Iommarini L;Aure K;Lombes A;Moraes CT, PGC-1alpha/beta induced expression partially compensates for respiratory chain defects in cells from patients with mitochondrial disorders., «HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS», 2009, 18, pp. 1805 - 1812 [Scientific article]

Ghelli A.; Porcelli A.M.; Zanna C.; Vidoni S.; Mattioli S.; Barbieri A.; Iommarini L.; Pala M.; Achilli A.; Torroni A.; Rugolo M.; Carelli V., The background of mitochondrial DNA haplogroup J increases the sensitivity of Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy cells to 2,5-hexanedione toxicity., «PLOS ONE», 2009, 4, Article number: e7922 , pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]Open Access

Amati-Bonneau P.; Valentino M.L.; Reynier P.; Gallardo M.E.; Bornstein B.; Boissiere A.; Campos Y; Rivera H; de la Aleja J.G.; Carroccia R.; Iommarini L.; Labauge P.; Figarella-Branger D.; Marcorelles P.; Furby A.; Beauvais K.; Letournel F.; Liguori R.; La Morgia C.; Montagna P.; Liguori M.; Zanna C.; Rugolo M.; Cossarizza A.; Wissinger B.; Verny C.; Schwarzenbacher R.; Martin M.A.; Arenas J.; Ayuso C.; Garesse R.; Lenaers G.; Bonneau D.; Carelli V., OPA 1 mutations induce mitochondrial DNA instability and optic atrophy "plus" phenotypes, «BRAIN», 2008, 131, pp. 338 - 351 [Scientific article]

Carelli, V; Reynier, P; Lucia, M; Labauge, P; Verny, C; Furby, A; Lenaers, G; Carroccia, R; Iommarini, L; La Morgia, C; Liguori, R; Zanna, C; Campos, Y; Arenas, J; Garesse, R; Wissinger, B; Bonneau, D; Amati-Bonneau, P, OPA1 mutations induce mitochondrial DNA instability and optic atrophy plus phenotypes, in: 60th Annual Meeting of the American-Academy-of-Neurology, TWO COMMERCE SQ, 2001 MARKET ST, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19103 USA, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, «NEUROLOGY», 2008, 70, pp. A486 - A486 (atti di: 60th Annual Meeting of the American-Academy-of-Neurology, Chicago, 12-19 Aprile 2008) [Abstract]

La Morgia C.; Achilli A.; Iommarini L.; Barboni P.; Pala M.; Olivieri A.; Zanna C.; Vidoni S.; Tonon C.; Lodi R.; Vetrugno R.; Mostacci B.; Liguori R.; Carroccia R;. Montagna P.; Rugolo M.; Torroni A.; Carelli V., Rare mtDNA variants in Leber hereditary optic neuropathy families with recurrence of myoclonus., «NEUROLOGY», 2008, 70, pp. 762 - 770 [Scientific article]

Porcelli A.M.; Ghelli A.; Iommarini L.; Mariani E.; Hoque M.; Zanna C.; Gasparre G.; Rugolo M., The antioxidant function of Bcl-2 preserves cytoskeletal stability of cells with defective respiratory complex I., «CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCES», 2008, 65, pp. 2943 - 2951 [Scientific article]

Gasparre G.; Porcelli A.M.; Bonora E.; Pennisi L.F.; Toller M.; Iommarini L.; Ghelli A.; Moretti M.; Betts C.M.; Martinelli G.N.; Ceroni A.R.; Curcio F.; Carelli V.; Rugolo M.; Tallini G.; Romeo G., Disruptive mitochondrial DNA mutations in complex I subunits are markers of oncocytic phenotype in thyroid tumours., «PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA», 2007, 104, pp. 9001 - 9006 [Scientific article]

A.M. Porcelli ; A. Ghelli; L. Iommarini; G. Gasparre; M. Hoque; M. Rugolo, Effect of bcl-2 on the oxidative phosphorylation efficiency of cells with defective respiratory complex I., in: Frontiers in mitochondrial research: from bioenergetics to dynamics., BERTINORO, s.n, 2007, pp. 67 - 67 (atti di: Frontiers in mitochondrial research: from bioenergetics to dynamics., Bertinoro, 25-28.11.2007) [Abstract]

Carelli V.; La Morgia C.; Iommarini L.; Carroccia R.; Mattiazzi M.; Sangiorgi S.; Farné S.; Maresca A.; Foscarini B.; Lanzi L.; Amadori M.; Bellan M.; Valentino M.L., Mitochondrial optic neuropathies: how two genomes may kill the same cell type?, «BIOSCIENCE REPORTS», 2007, 27, pp. 173 - 184 [Scientific article]

C. La Morgia; A. Achilli; L. Iommarini; M. L. Valentino; P. Barboni; M. Pala; A. Olivieri; C. Tonon; R. Lodi; R. Vetrugno; B. Mostacci; R. Liguori; R. Carroccia; M. Amadori; P. Montagna; A. Torroni; V. Carelli, Rare mtDNA Variants in Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy Families with Recurrence of Myoclonus, in: Neurology A1-A508, s.l, s.n, 2007, 68, pp. A40 - A40 (atti di: 59th American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting, Boston, USA, April 28-May 5 2007) [Abstract]

A. M. Porcelli; A. Ghelli; M. Hoque; L. Iommarini; M. Rugolo, Mitochondrial DNA mutations in relation to cancer: the model of thyroid oncocytoma, in: 14th Euroconference on Apoptosis "Death or survival? Fate in Sardinia", CHIA, s.n, 2006(atti di: 14th Euroconference on Apoptosis "Death or survival? Fate in Sardinia", Chia, September 29 - October 4, 2006) [Abstract]

Carelli V.; Zanna C.; Ghelli A.; Porcelli A.M.; Cumero S.; Iommarini L.; Valentino M.L.; Rugolo M., Respiratory Chain Function and Mitochondrial Dynamics in Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON) and OPA1-Related Dominant Optic Atrophy (DOA) Fibroblasts., in: , «NEUROLOGY», 2006, 66(suppl.2), pp. A21 - A21 (atti di: American Academy of Neurology, Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA, April 1-8, 2006) [Abstract]