Foto del docente

Luisa Iommarini

Associate Professor

Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology


Exam rules

***For all the students***

  1. The bioinformatics exercises part will be executed using the PCs available in the classroom. This part will be done at the beginning of the examination and will be followed by the rest of the exam. The overall maximum grade is 32/30 points.
  2. On the desk you will be allowed to keep only a scientific calculator, pens/pencils (no cases admitted) and the paper sheets that I will provide to you. No mobile phones or any other electronic device (including smart watches such as Apple Watch or similar) will be admitted.
  3. For multiple-choice questions and essays I will print the questions. At the end of the exam, you will be asked to submit all the sheets that you have used (including those that are not part of the final version of your exam).
  4. Students with certified disabilities and/or DSAs that require specific supports (for example, extra-time, conceptual maps, use of the pc or requirement to have oral examination instead of written examination) must contact me by email at least one week before the exam and provide the certification. I am more than happy to support them to the best of my capabilities.
  5. You will be allowed to go to the toilet before the beginning of the exam and in the break between the PC part and the rest of the exam.

Published on: September 13 2023