Foto del docente

Luisa Iommarini

Associate Professor

Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology


L. Iommarini;I. Kurelac;M. Capristo;M. A. Calvaruso;V. Giorgio;C. Bergamini;A. Ghelli;P. Nanni;C. De Giovanni;V. Carelli;R. Fato;P. L. Lollini;M. Rugolo;G. Gasparre;A. M. Porcelli, Different mtDNA mutations modify tumor progression in dependence of the degree of respiratory complex I impairment, «HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS», 2014, 23, pp. 1453 - 1466 [Scientific article]

Giordano C;Iommarini L;Giordano L;Maresca A;Pisano A;Valentino ML;Caporali L;Liguori R;Deceglie S;Roberti M;Fanelli F;Fracasso F;Ross-Cisneros FN;D'Adamo P;Hudson G;Pyle A;Yu-Wai-Man P;Chinnery PF;Zeviani M;Salomao SR;Berezovsky A;Belfort R Jr;Ventura DF;Moraes M;Moraes Filho M;Barboni P;Sadun F;De Negri A;Sadun AA;Tancredi A;Mancini M;d'Amati G;Loguercio Polosa P;Cantatore P;Carelli V, Efficient mitochondrial biogenesis drives incomplete penetrance in Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy., «BRAIN», 2014, 137, pp. 335 - 353 [Scientific article]

Iommarini L.; Calvaruso M.A.; Kurelac I.; Gasparre G.; Porcelli A.M., Complex I impairment in mitochondrial diseases and cancer: parallel roads leading to different outcomes., «THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY & CELL BIOLOGY», 2013, 45(1), pp. 47 - 63 [Scientific article]

Caporali L;Ghelli AM;Iommarini L;Maresca A;Valentino ML;La Morgia C;Liguori R;Zanna C;Barboni P;De Nardo V;Martinuzzi A;Rizzo G;Tonon C;Lodi R;Calvaruso MA;Cappelletti M;Porcelli AM;Achilli A;Pala M;Torroni A;Carelli V, Cybrid studies establish the causal link between the mtDNA m.3890G>A/MT-ND1 mutation and optic atrophy with bilateral brainstem lesions., «BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA. MOLECULAR BASIS OF DISEASE», 2013, 1832, pp. 445 - 452 [Scientific article]

Bartoletti-Stella A;Mariani E;Kurelac I;Maresca A;Caratozzolo MF;Iommarini L;Carelli V;Eusebi LH;Guido A;Cenacchi G;Fuccio L;Rugolo M;Tullo A;Porcelli AM;Gasparre G, Gamma rays induce a p53-independent mitochondrial biogenesis that is counter-regulated by HIF1α., «CELL DEATH & DISEASE», 2013, 4, Article number: e663 , pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]Open Access

Mancini C;Roncaglia P;Brussino A;Stevanin G;Lo Buono N;Krmac H;Maltecca F;Gazzano E;Bartoletti Stella A;Calvaruso MA;Iommarini L;Cagnoli C;Forlani S;Le Ber I;Durr A;Brice A;Ghigo D;Casari G;Porcelli AM;Funaro A;Gasparre G;Gustincich S;Brusco A, Genome-wide expression profiling and functional characterization of SCA28 lymphoblastoid cell lines reveal impairment in cell growth and activation of apoptotic pathways., «BMC MEDICAL GENOMICS», 2013, 6, pp. 22 - 32 [Scientific article]Open Access

Calabrese C.; Iommarini L.; Kurelac I.; Calvaruso M.A.; Capristo M.; Lollini P.L.; Nanni P.; Bergamini C.; Nicoletti G.; De Giovanni C.; Ghelli A.; Giorgio V.; Caratozzolo M.F.; Marzano F.; Manzari C.; Betts C.M.; Carelli V.; Ceccarelli C.; Attimonelli M.; Romeo G.; Fato R.; Rugolo M.; Tullo A.; Gasparre G.; Porcelli A.M., Respiratory complex I is essential to induce a Warburg profile in mitochondria-defective tumor cells, «CANCER & METABOLISM», 2013, 1, Article number: 11 , pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article]Open Access

Ghelli A.; Tropeano C.V.; Calvaruso M.A.; Marchesini A.; Iommarini L.; Porcelli A.M.; Zanna C.; De Nardo V.; Martinuzzi A.; Wibrand F.; Vissing J.; Kurelac I.; Gasparre G.; Selamoglu N.; Daldal F.; Rugolo M., The cytochrome B p.278Y>C mutation causative of a multisystem disorder enhances superoxide production and alters supramolecular interactions of respiratory chain complexes, «HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS», 2013, 22, pp. 2141 - 2151 [Scientific article]

Ghelli A.; Tropeano C.V.; Calvaruso M.A.; Marchesini A.; Iommarini L.; Porcelli A.M.; Zanna C.; Gasparre G.; Kurelac I.; De Nardo V.; Martinuzzi A.; Vissing J.; Selamoglu N.; Daldal F.; Rugolo M., Alterations in the supramolecular interactions of respiratory chain complexes and enhanced superoxide production by the cytochrome b Y278C mutation which causes a multisystem disorder, in: BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOENERGETICS, «BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOENERGETICS», 2012, 1817, pp. S139 - S139 (atti di: EBEC 2012 - 17th European Bioenergetics Conference, Freiburg, 15-20 September 2012) [Abstract]

Achilli A.; Iommarini L.; Olivieri A.; Pala M.; Hooshiar Kashani B.; Reynier P.; La Morgia C.; Valentino M.L.; Liguori R.; Pizza F.; Barboni P.; Sadun F.; De Negri A.M.; Zeviani M.; Dollfus H.; Moulignier A.; Ducos G.; Orssaud C.; Bonneau D.; Procaccio V.; Leo-Kottler B.; Fauser S.; Wissinger B.; Amati-Bonneau P.; Torroni A.; Carelli V., Rare Primary Mitochondrial DNA Mutations and Probable Synergistic Variants in Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy., «PLOS ONE», 2012, 7, Article number: e42242 , pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]Open Access

Iommarini L.; Maresca A.; Caporali L.; Valentino M.L.; Liguori R.; Giordano C.; Carelli V., Revisiting the issue of mitochondrial DNA content in optic mitochondriopathies, «NEUROLOGY», 2012, 79, pp. 1517 - 1519 [Scientific article]

Leonardo Caporali;Carla Giordano;Luisa Iommarini;Alessandra Maresca;Pio D'adamo;Solange R. Salomao;Rubens Belfort;Alfredo Sadun;Valerio Carelli, Searching for genetic modifiers of Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy penetrance, «MITOCHONDRION», 2012, 12, pp. 572 - 572 [Abstract]

Carelli V.; Schimpf S.; Fuhrmann N.; Valentino M.L.; Zanna C.; Iommarini L.; Papke M.; Schaich S.; Tippmann S.; Baumann B.; Barboni P.; Longanesi L.; Rugolo M.; Ghelli A.; Alavi M.V.; Youle R.J.; Bucchi L.; Carroccia R.; Giannoccaro M.P.; Tonon C.; Lodi R.; Cenacchi G.; Montagna P.; Liguori R.; Wissinger B., A clinically complex form of dominant optic atrophy (OPA8) maps on chromosome 16., «HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS», 2011, 20, pp. 1893 - 1905 [Scientific article]

Gasparre G; Kurelac I; Capristo M; Iommarini L; Ghelli A; Ceccarelli C; Nicoletti G; Nanni P; De Giovanni C; Scotlandi K; Betts CM; Carelli V; Lollini PL; Romeo G; Rugolo M; Porcelli AM, A Mutation Threshold Distinguishes the Antitumorigenic Effects of the Mitochondrial Gene MTND1, an Oncojanus Function, «CANCER RESEARCH», 2011, 71, pp. 6220 - 6229 [Scientific article]

Gonzalez-Halphen D; Ghelli A; Iommarini L; Carelli V; Degli Esposti M, Mitochondrial complex I and cell death: a semi-automatic shogun model, «CELL DEATH & DISEASE», 2011, 2, Article number: e222 , pp. 1 - 7 [Scientific article]Open Access