Foto del docente

Maria Luisa Forchielli

Assistant professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Academic discipline: MEDS-08/C Food and Dietetic Sciences

Curriculum vitae





1989     Medical Doctor, Summa Cum Laude, Medical School, Bologna University, Italy

1992     Master in Public Health (Quantitative methods/Nutrition), Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, US


Postdoctoral Training

1989                 Intern, Medical School, Bologna University, Italy

1989-93            Resident, Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, Medical School, Bologna University, Italy

1993-97            Resident, Pediatrics, Medical School, Bologna University, Italy

1990-93            Research Fellow, Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Children's Hospital Boston, US


Licensure and Certification

1989     Board certification, Bologna, Italy.






1998-2000        Assistant Professor in Pediatrics, Medical School, Bologna University, Italy

2001-2016        Tenured Assistant Professor in Pediatrics, Medical School, Bologna University, Italy

Since 2016 Tenured Assistant Professor in Food Sciences and Dietetics, Medical School, Bologna University, Italy


Since 1999        Attending Physician in Pediatrics, S. Orsola Teaching Hospital, Bologna University, Italy



1989                 Visiting medical doctor, Cardiology Dept., Children's Hospital, Boston, US

1999                 Visiting Assistant Professor, Gastroenterology/Oncology Depts, Queen Fabiola Children's Hospital, Brussels, Belgium

2001-03            Visiting Assistant Professor in Pediatrics, Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, US

Since 2003        Lecturer, Dept of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, US




  Professional Societies

Since 1985        Italian Down's Syndrome Association                                                  Member

Since 1992        American Society for parenteral and enteral nutrition                             Member

Since 1992        Harvard Alumni Association                                                                Alumna

1994-95            Society for Nutritional Oncology Adjuvant Therapy                               Member

Since 1994        American College of Gastroenterology                                                 Fellow

Since 1999        Italian Academy of Pediatrics                                                              Member

1999-2014        Italian Society for Pediatric Nutrition                                                    Member

Since 1999        Italian Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, and Hepatology               Member

Since 2000        Italian Celiac Disease Association                                                        Member

Since 2002        European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology,
Hepatology, and Nutrition                                                                     Member

2002-2010        Italian Inflammatory Bowel Disease Association                                   Member

2015 SINPE ITALY Best Abstract

Editorial Boards

1998                 Ad hoc reviewer (Nutrition)                  Acta Pediatrica

1999                 Ad hoc reviewer (Nutrition)                  Oncology

2001                 Ad hoc reviewer (Nutrition)                  Pediatrics

2002                 Ad hoc reviewer (Nutrition)                  Pediatrics

Since 2003                                                                   J Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition

2004                 Ad hoc reviewer (Nutrition)                  Bone Marrow Transplantation

2005                 Ad hoc reviewer (Nutrition)                  J Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition

  Awards and Honors

1997: Italian National Research Council award.



1990-91            Research contract, no. 1318, awarded by the Rizzoli Research Institute, Bologna. (Contract declined to pursue studies in the U.S.).

2002                 “Marco Polo” grant, awarded by the University of Bologna to accomplish a nutritrional research study at the Children's Hospital, Boston.

2002                 Italian National Institute of Health grant, to develop a model of TPN-related cholestasis during lipid infusions (PI).






BolognaMedical School, Italy

Since 1999        Nutrition in clinical practice: teaching activity (8-10 hrs) to residents in Pediatrics

1999                 Seminar on diet and carcinogenesis: lecturer to medical students, residents, doctoral fellows, and staff.

Since 1999        Supervisory responsibility in clinical practice (emergency room, wards) and tutor for residents. (600-700  hrs/yr).

2002:                Pediatrics (40 hrs) for undergraduate in Medicine

Since 2003:       Science and food technology (75-90hrs) for undergraduate program in Dietetics - 1st year

2004-2012:       Pediatrics (30 hrs) for undergraduate program in Dietetics; and tutor  during their nutrition rounds in the Dpt of Pediatrics - 2st year

Since 2013: Pediatrics (24 grs)  for undergraduate program in Dietetics; and tutor  during their nutrition rounds in the Dpt of Pediatrics - 2st year

Since 2012: Nutrition in pediatrics (8 hrs) - Combined program in nutritional requirements from birth to the lucky centennial human being

Since 2004:       Pediatrics (8-10 hrs) for medical doctor residents in Pediatrics – 3rd yr Course Title: Feeding the sick child

Since 2020: Pediatric gastroenterology (8 hrs) for residents in Pediatrics- 4th year course

Since 2019:       Science and food technology (8 hrs) for Residents in Science and food technology - 3rd year - previously    Pediatric Nutrition (10 hrs) for medical doctor residents in Clinical Nutrition- 5th yr

Since 2002        Member of the Hospital Committee on Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition and member of the Hospital Committee for the selection of nutritional products

Others: Seminars in pediatric nutrition during the Master "Alimentazione ed educazione alla salute” directed by Prof Marchesini Reggiani 


Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, US

1992-93            Teaching assistant in "Nutrition problems in developing countries" (Nut210). Course director: Prof. Guillermo M. Herrera.

1992                 Teaching assistant in the Advanced Seminar Program for prospective MPHs.


Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, US

Ongoing cooperation with the Nutrition Support Service


American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition

Since 2000        Member of the pediatric and research sections

2000                 ASPEN Clinical Congress: Poster Professor (critical discussion on some selected  scientific posters)



Development of teaching cases for residents to identify and correct nutritional problems in normal and sick children of different ages.




Clinical practice is performed in a tertiary teaching children's hospital with a particular interest in gastroenterology and nutrition. The activity includes a periodical day-night shift in the Emergency Room which is one of the attending's duties. Patient numbers and complexity vary across the different settings covered by the attending's rotations (i.e. clinic, wards, ER).


1.Gessaroli M, Frazzoni L, Sikandar U, Bronzetti G, Pession A, Zagari RM, Fuccio L, Forchielli ML. Nutrient intakes in adult and pediatric coeliac disease patients on gluten-free diet: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2023 Aug;77(8):784-793. doi: 10.1038/s41430-023-01280-0. Epub 2023 Mar 1. PMID: 36859658

2.Fabbrini M, D’Amico F, Leardini D, Muratore E, Barone M, Belotti T, Forchielli ML, Zama D, Pession A, Prete A, Brigidi P , Rampelli S, Candela M, Turroni S, Masetti R. Levofloxacin prophylaxis and parenteral nutrition have a detrimental effect on intestinal microbial networks in pediatric patients undergoing HSCT. COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY |

3. Roccatello G.; Cocchi G.; Dimastromatteo R.T.; Cavallo A.; Biserni G.B.; Selicati M.; Forchielli M.L.,

Roccatello G.; Cocchi G.; Dimastromatteo R.T.; Cavallo A.; Biserni G.B.; Selicati M.; Forchielli M.L., Eating and Lifestyle Habits in Youth With Down Syndrome Attending a Care Program: An Exploratory Lesson for Future Improvements [], «FRONTIERS IN NUTRITION», 2021, 8, Article number: 641112, pp. 1 - 8 [articolo]

4. Fogarasi A.; Fazzi E.; Smorenburg A.R.P.; Mazurkiewicz-Beldzinska M.; Dinopoulos A.; Pobiecka A.; Schroder-van den Nieuwendijk D.; Kraus J.; Tekgul H; and the PUrple study group Giovanni Baranello; Simona Bertoli; Elisa Caramaschi; Duccio Maria Cordelli; Ramona De Amicis; Maria Luisa Forchielli; Azzurra Guerra; Althea Lividini; Maddalena Marchi; Andrea Rossi; Dea Schr€oder-van den Nieuwendijk; JeR drzej Flicinsk; Barbara Gurda; Anna Lemska; Agnieszka Matheisel; Maria Mazurkiewicz-Beldzinska; Zuzanna Niwinska; Małgorzata Pawłowicz; Agnieszka Sawicka; Barbara Steinborn; Marta Szmuda; Anna Winczewska-Wiktor; Marta Zawadzka: Alena Pobiecka; Ebru Arhan; Erhan Bayram; Eskis ehir Osmangazi; Pinar Edem; Deniz Ertem; €Ozben Akı ncı Goktas; Serdal Gungor; Goknur Haliloglu; Aydan Kansu; Mustafa K€om€ur; Akmer Mutlu; Ceyda Tuna Kırsac lıoglu; Cetin Okuyaz; Bilge €Ozg€or; Yesim Ozturk; Safiye Gunes Sagel; Esra Sarıgec ili; Mukadder Ayse Selimoglu; Hepsen Mine €Ozt€urk; Serap Tı ras Teber; Hasan Tekg€ul; G€ulten Thomas; Dilsad Turkdogan; Burcu Volkan; Coskun Yarar; Eskis ehir Osmangazi; Sanem Keskin Yilmaz., The PURPLE N study: objective and perceived nutritional status in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy [], «DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION», 2021, sep 2021, pp. 1 - 9 [articolo]

5. L. Diani, ML Forchielli. Sugar intake: are all children made of sugar? Life, 2021;11(5):444. (1-12) doi:103390/life11050444

6. D Zama,E Muratore, E Biagi, ML Forchielli, R Rondelli, M Candela, A Prete, A Pession, R Masetti

Enteral nutrition protects children undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation from blood stream infections, Nutr J. 2020; 19: 29. doi: 10.1186/s12937-020-00537-9

7. ML Forchielli, L Diani, F Labriola, G Bolasco , A Rocca , NC Salfi, A Leone , C Miserocchi , L Andreozzi , F Levi della Vida , AC Pessina , M Lima , A Pession. Gluten Deprivation: What Nutritional Changes Are Found During the First Year in Newly Diagnosed Coeliac Children?

Nutrients. 2020 Jan; 12(1): 60. doi: 10.3390/nu12010060

8. Forchielli ML, Bonoli A, Stancari A, Bruno LL, Piro F, Piazza G, Albertini C, Pession A, Puggioli C, Bersani G. Do Carnitine and extra trace elements change stability of paediatric parenteral nutrition admixtures? Clin Nutr. 2018 Oct 27. pii: S0261-5614(18)32487-7. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2018.10.016.

9. Mazzotti A, Caletti MT, Brodosi L, Di Domizio S, Forchielli ML, Petta S, Bugianesi E, Bianchi G, Marchesini G.

An internet-based approach for lifestyle changes in patients with NAFLD: Two-year effects on weight loss and surrogate markers. []

J Hepatol. 2018 Nov;69(5):1155-1163. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2018.07.013. Epub 2018 Oct 2.

10. Lezo A, Capriati T, Spagnuolo MI, Lacitignola L, Goreva I, Di Leo G, Cecchi N, Gandullia P, Amarri S, Forchielli ML, Dipasquale V, Parma B, Gatti S, Ravaioli E, Salvatore S, Mainetti M, Norsa L, Pellegrino M, Fornaro M, Fiorito V, Lanari M, Giaquinto E, Verduci E, Baldassarre ME, Diamanti A.

Paediatric Home Artificial Nutrition in Italy: Report from 2016 Survey on Behalf of Artificial Nutrition Network of Italian Society for Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (SIGENP). []

11. Forchielli ML, Bongiovanni F, Plate’ L, Piazza G, Puggioli C, D’Alise A, Bersani G. Insulin Instability in Parenteral Nutrition Admixtures. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2018 Jul;42(5):907-912. doi: 10.1002/jpen.1024. Epub 2018 Jan 9

12. Lezo A, Diamanti A, Capriati T, Gandullia P, Fiore P, Lacitignola L, Gatti S, Spagnuolo MI, Cecchi N, Verlato G, Borodani S, Forchielli L, Panceri R, Brunori E, Pastore M, Amarri S; SIGENP Nutrition Day Group. Italian pediatric nutrition survey. Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2017 Oct;21:72-78. doi: 10.1016/j.clnesp.2017.05.002. Epub 2017 Aug 21.

13. Forchielli ML, Conti M, Patrono D, Pession A, Puggioli C, Bersani G. Potential Intake Of Vitamins “A” And “D” Through Branded Intravenous Lipid Emulsions: Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analysis. Clinical Nutrition.2017 Apr;36(2):530-536. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2016.01.016. Epub 2016 Jan 29

14. Forchielli ML, Conti M, Motta R, Puggioli C, Bersani G. Phytonadione Content in Branded Intravenous Fat Emulsions: A Comparative Study of 6 Products With Different Fat Sources Using Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr.2017 Mar;41(3):489-495. doi: 10.1177/0148607115589989. Epub 2016 Sep 29.


15.Bertelli L, Di Nardo G, Zama D, Bardasi G, Morello W, Masetti R, Belotti T, Forchielli ML, Prete A, Pession A.A New Formulation of an Old Drug: A Potential New Therapy in the Management of Oral cGvHD. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2016 Nov;38(8):e295-e297

16. Forchielli ML, Bonoli A, Bersani G. Replay to the Editor regarding Prof Klek's letter -reference manuscript # YCLNU-D-13-00298R2 Parenteral Nutrition Admixtures for Pediatric Patients Compounded with Highly Refined Fish Oil-Based Emulsion: Assessment of Physicochemical Stability. Clin Nutr. 2015 Oct;34(5):1030-1. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2015.04.008. Epub 2015, 34:1030-31.

17. Forchielli ML, Fernicola P, Diani L, Scrivo B, Salfi NC, Pessina AC, Lima M, Conti V, Pession A.

Gluten Free-Diet and Lipid Profile in Children with Celiac Disease: Comparison with General Population Standards.J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2015;61(2):224-9. doi: 10.1097/MPG.0000000000000785.

18. Forchielli ML, Bonoli A, Preite I, Stancari A, Maselli S, Guarguaglini AM, Mignini I, Masi M, Puggioli C, Bersani G. Parenteral nutrition admixtures for pediatric patients compounded with highly refined fish oil-based emulsion: assessment of physicochemical stability. Clin Nutr. 2014;33(6):1127-31. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2013.12.011.

19. G Bersani, A Stancari, S Maselli, AM Guarguaglini, LL Bruno, ML Forchielli, C Puggioli. Pediatric parenteral admixture compounding in a highly specialized university hospital. Nutritional Therapy & Metabolism 2013; 31 (4 ): 162-168

20. ML Forchielli, G Bersani, A Munarini, S Talà, G Grossi, L Martini, MT Rodriguez-Estrada, S Savioli, G Lercker, C Puggioli, A Pession, R Giardino. Distribution of phytosterols in plasma and liver of rats nourished by different routes and effects on liver function. Nutritional Therapy & Metabolism 2013; 31 ( 2 ): 87- 97

21. Forchielli ML, Walker WA. The role of omega-3 in the development of the brain and obesity. In “Fish oil: Production, consumption and health benefits. Van Dijk M, Vitek J eds. ISBN: 978-1-61470-963-3. Nova Publishers Feb 2012:391-402.

22. Forchielli ML, Bersani G, Tala’ S, Grossi G, Munarini A, Martini L, Puggioli C, Giardino R, Pession A. Phytosterols and Lack of Occurrence of Cholestasis in Rats Nourished Parenterally or Orally. In “Cholestasis” Tripodi V, Lucagioli S eds, ISBN 978-953-51-0043-0, InTech, Published: February 10, 2012: 71-80. DOI: 10.5772/33770

23. Forchielli ML, Walker WA. Omega-3 fatty acids. Impact on cognitive development and inflammation. Nutrition Today 2011;46;5:224-34.

24. Forchielli ML, Bersani G, Tala’ S, Grossi G, Puggioli C, Masi M. The spectrum of plant and animal sterols in different oil-derived intravenous emulsions. Lipids 2010;45:63-71.

25. Forchielli ML, Bines J. Enteral nutrition. In Duggan C, Watkins JB, Walker WA (eds) Nutrition in pediatrics. 4th ed. Decker BC, Hamilton, Ontario, 2008:765-75.

26. Forchielli ML, Richardson D, Gura K, Folkman J, Lo CW. Better living through chemistry, constant monitoring, and prompt interventions: 26 years on home parenteral nutrition without major complications. Nutrition 2008; 24:103-7.

27. Forchielli ML, Paoletti V. Supporto nutrizionale domiciliare: enterale e parenterale. In Nutrizione e patologie del bambino. Ed Il Pensiero Scientifico, Roma 2007:369-376.

28. Forchielli ML, Miller SJ. Nutritional goals and requirements. In A.S.P.E.N. Nutritional Support Practice Manual. 2nd ed. The American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 2005:38-53.

29. Forchielli ML, Walker WA. The effect of protective nutrients on mucosal defence in the immature intestine. Acta Padiatr suppl 2005;94:74-83.

30. Forchielli ML, Walker WA. The role of gut-associated lymphoid tissues and mucosal defence. Br J Nutr 2005;93; S41-8.

31. Forchielli ML, Paoletti V. Supporto nutrizionale domiciliare: enterale e parenterale. Bambini e nutrizione 2005;12:84-91.

32. Forchielli ML, Bines J. Enteral Nutrition. In Walker WA, Watkins JB, Duggan C (eds) Nutrition in Pediatrics. 3nd ed. Decker BC, Hamilton, Ontario. 2003;945-56.

33. Forchielli ML, Azzi N, Cadranel S, Paolucci G. Total Parenteral Nutirrtion in Bone Marrow Transplant: what is the appropriate energy level? Oncology, 2003;64:7-13.

34. Forchielli ML, Walker WA. Nutritional factors contributing to the development of cholestasis during total parenteral nutrition. In: Advances in Pediatrics. Barness LA, Kappy MS eds, Elsevier, Mosby 2003; Vol. 50:245-67.

35. Forchielli ML, Gura K, Shulman RJ. Metabolism estimation, recommended energy, protein, and fluid needs by age. In Pediatric Nutrition in your pocket. American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 1st ed 2002, 66-9.

36. Forchielli ML. Recommended electrolyte and micronutrient needs by age. In Pediatric Nutrition in your pocket. American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 1st ed 2002, 70-81.

37. Forchielli ML, Gura K, Anessi-Pessina E, Richardson D, Cai W, Lo CW. Success rates and cost-effectiveness of antibiotic combinations for initial treatment of central-venous-line infections during total parenteral nutrition. JPEN 2000,24:119-25.

38. Forchielli ML, Paolucci G, Lo CW. Total parenteral nutrition and home parenteral nutrition: an effective combination to sustain malnourished children with cancer. Nutr Rev 1999;57,1:15-20.

39. Forchielli ML, Young MC, Flores AF, Richardson D, Lo CW. Immune deficiency in chronic intestinal pseudo-ostruction. Acta Paediatrica 1997;86:1077-81.

40. Forchielli ML, Lo CW, Richardson D, Gura K, Walker WA, Tonelli E. Central venous line related bacteremia during total parenteral nutrition and/or chemotherapy infusions in children. Ann Ig 1997, 9, 1, 35-40.

41. Forchielli ML, Hendricks KM, Lo CW. Home enteral and parenteral nutrition. In Walker WA, Watkins JB (ed) Nutrition in pediatrics. 2nd ed. Decker BC, 1997, 747-60.

42. Collier S, Forchielli ML, Lo CW. Parenteral nutrition requirements. In Baker RD, Baker SS, Davis AM (ed) Pediatric parenteral nutrition. New York, Chapman & Hall, 1997, 64-84.

Text: ML Forchielli. Nutrizione pediatrica: elementi per comprenderla ed applicarla. Ed SEU, 2012.