Foto del docente

Luigi Canetti

Full Professor

Department of Cultural Heritage

Academic discipline: HIST-04/B History of Christianity and Churches


Keywords: images relics hagiography rituals dreams ornatus ornamenta miracles statues reliquaries treasures ecstasy possession

1. Flores vitae nostrae: ritual use of flowers in the Christian society between Antiquity and the Middle Ages (cult and funerary use of garlands and floral crowns; presence of flowers or other vegetal elements – palm fronds and olive branches – in the christianized ceremonies of adventus; the act of laying flowers on tombs or inside burials; floral metaphors and cult of relics).

2. The christianized ritual of incubation: historical-anthropological and historical-semantic analysis of the sick's oneiric healing in some of the major therapeutic sanctuaries of the Mediterranean during Late Antiquity (3rd to 8th centuries) and the Middle Ages (9th to 13th centuries).

3. The medieval concept of res sacrae in the light of the post-Gregorian speculation on some key concepts of the theological and liturgical discourse.

4. Dressing, anointing and adorning statues: semantics of a rite between Antiquity and the Middle Ages.

5. Ornamentum and ornamenta in the European culture from Antiquity to the Renaissance.

6. Churches without images. The myth of the aniconic origins and its fortunes in the Middle Ages, I. Constantine and the Saviour's image from Eusebios of Caesarea to Bonizone of Sutri.

7. Votive offerings: rites and imagery in Christian History 

8. Ecstasy and demonic possession in the first Christian Millenium