Foto del docente

Luigi Canetti

Full Professor

Department of Cultural Heritage

Academic discipline: HIST-04/B History of Christianity and Churches

Short Bio

The research of Luigi Canetti embrace the chronological range from Late Antiquity to the Late Middle Agesand focus on the cult of saints, hagiography, cultural memory, church institutions, urban history, religious orders, the relationship between the clerical and popular culture, rituals and forms of symbolic communication through images, relics and votive offerings, the cultural history of dreams and vision, the cultural history of diseases and possession rituals, the cultural history of death and funeral rituals. Particular attention has always reserved in methodologies and epistemology of historical-religious and historical-anthropological fields. Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 0544 9 36 718

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Dipartimento di Beni Culturali
Via Ariani 1 Angolo via Diaz, Ravenna - Go to map

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Sede di ricevimento: Dipartimento di beni culturali, via degli Ariani, 1 - 48121 Ravenna - tel. 0544 936711 (portineria); 0544 936718 (diretto)

Orario di ricevimento:
giovedì ore 15-17, anche in modalità a distanza tramite Microsoft Teams o Skype (in questo caso è necessario richiedere un appuntamento via e-mail). Sempre su appuntamento, è possibile concordare il ricevimento sia in presenza sia a distanza anche in altri giorni della settimana.