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Ludovica Ottaviano

Research fellow

Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies


Ferrara, S., Cartolano, M., Ottaviano, L., (eds), Talking Images: The Interface between Drawing and Writing, Routledge, 2024.

Ottaviano L., “Sex and irony in Zhang Dachun’sBildungsroman Wo Meimei.Kervan - International Journal of African and Asiatic Studies, forthcoming 2024.

Ottaviano L., Sections “Lingua e scrittura” 语言文字 and “Storia della Cina” 中国历史, translated form: Yuan Xingpei 袁行霈 (ed.), 中国文化知识辞典 (Dizionario enciclopedico della cultura cinese). Nanjing, Jiangsu fenghuang chubanshe, 2018 (translated pages: 275-284; 338-373), in press 2024.

Ottaviano L., “Il nome della rosa’s translations in the Chinese language.” Signs and Media (Brill), August 2022, pp. 1-20.

Ottaviano L., “Lies and fiction in Zhang Dachun’s Xiaoshuo bailei”. In Christian Soffel 蘇費翔 e Chien Juo-ping 簡若玶 (eds.), 異口同「聲」—探索臺灣現代文學創作的多元發展 (Exploring Sinophone Polyphony – Voices of Modern Literature in Taiwan). Taipei, Xiuwei zixun, 2022, pp. 211-238.

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