2019-2022 - PhD in Science of Interpretation (XXXIV ciclo), Department of Humanities, University of Catania
2010-2012 - MA in Chinese Language and Culture (LM-36), University of Rome Sapienza
Forthcoming (SEP 2024) - “Dal suono all’immagine: un approccio comparativo tra scrittura alfabetica e scrittura cinese”. Invited speaker at the Conference La voce, il segno e il mezzo. Percorsi e trasformazioni della comunicazione tra oralità, scrittura e media differenti. Museo archeologico dei Campi Flegrei nel Castello di Baia.
2024 - “The Aesthetic Qualities of the Chinese Oracle Bone Inscriptions”. Workshop The Aesthetics of Scripts. The Intersection of Form, Perception, and Meaning, organised by Dr. Ludovica Ottaviano and Dr. Daniele Caccin, and financed by the ERC INSCRIBE project (PI Prof Silvia Ferrara) and the ERC WRITE project (PI Prof Adriana Iezzi), in collaboration with the Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies and the Department of Interpretation and Translation at the University of Bologna.
2023 - “La metodologia e le categorie interpretative dell’individuazione dei caratteri delle ossa oracolari”. WorkshopSFIDE E CRITICITÀ NELLE RICERCHE SULLA CINA:metodologie, fonti e approcci teorici, Associazione italiana di studi cinesi (AISC).
2021 - “La percezione del corpo e la sessualità nel romanzo di formazione Wo meimei”. XVIII Conference Cina, cinesi, sinologia: lo stato dell’arte, Associazione italiana di studi cinesi (AISC), University of Turin.
2021 - “《玫瑰的名字》——自然,是个读后感 (Il nome della rosa – Naturally, a review)”, seminar for the on-line forum 格斯论坛, organized by the Umberto Eco’s Chinese Studies Association and the Research centre for Umberto Eco of the Department of foreign languagese of the Chongqing University.
2021 - “《玫瑰的名字》在中国的文本旅程——三十年中的中文翻译与解读概况 (The Chinese travel of Il nome della rosa - Thirty years of translations and interpretations of the novel)”, in the offline and online conference titled 中国首届翁贝托•艾柯学术研讨会 (The first Chinese conference on Umberto Eco), organized by the Chongqing University.
2020 - “Apocalittici e integrati di Umberto Eco”. Seminar for the MA course on Sociology of Literature held by Prof. Massimo Schilirò, Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche, University of Catania.
2020 - “Umberto Eco as Seen by China: the Case-study of The Name of the Rose”, in Europe as Seen by China, China as Seen by Europe. Arts, Literatures and Cultural Heritage, Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche, University of Catania.
2019 - “The reception of Umberto Eco’s ‘theory of lies’ in China and Taiwan: the contribution of Zhang Dachun”, in Across the Strait - Sinophone Literature from the 19th Century to the Contemporary Ages, Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Straniere, University of Roma Tre.
2019 - (co-authored with Lavinia Benedetti) “Blaming women for men’s degeneration: cases from Ming Dynasty crime novels”, in the panel titled Chinese Literature before 1900 for the annual conference of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association (RMMLA), Hotel Paso del Norte, El Paso, Texas, US.
2019 - “Zhang Dachun’s multicultural voice in the global context: the reception of Umberto Eco’s ‘theory of lies’”, in Exploring Sinophone Polyphony – Voices of Modern Literature in Taiwan, organised by Universität Trier and Monumenta Serica Institute, l’Universität Trier, Germany.
2023-2024 - Teaching assistant. 27928 - LABORATORIO (1) (LM) (G.F) - University of Bologna
2022 - Fixed term Lecturer in Chinese Language and Translation, Struttura Didattica Speciale di Lingue e letterature straniere, University of Catania, Ragusa
2018 - Fixed term Lecturer in Chinese Laguage and Culture, Università per Stranieri “Dante Alighieri”, Reggio Calabria.
2017-2019 - Fixed term Lecturer in Chinese Language and Translation, and Chinese Philology and Contemporary Culture, Struttura Didattica Speciale di Lingue e letterature straniere, University of Catania, Ragusa.
Erasmus Mundus - LiSUM Project scholarship, Wuhan University 武汉大学 (2010 – 2011)
University of Rome Sapienza scholarship for the Chinese intensive language course at Beijing Foreign Studies University 北京外国语大学 (2009)