Adjunct Professor in Economics at the School of Economics and Management and at the School of Political Sciences of the University of Bologna since a.y. 2002-2003.
Adjunct Professor in Economics at the Advanced School of Modern
Languages for Interpreters and Translators of the University of Bologna since a.y.
Since 1991 involved in research and consultancy professional
activity, mainly in the fields of Benefit-Cost Analysis,
Health Impact Assessment and Economic Impact Studies of plans and
projects, on behalf of private companies, universities,
public bodies and international organisations.
Part of the technical-scientific experts register of the
Ministry of Education, University and Research for the
appraisal of the scientific-technical aspects of the projects and
programs submitted in the framework of evaluative and
contractual procedures since 2002.
Member of the Department of Economics of Bologna University research team for the "H2020 ECDP777449 European Cohort Development Project: ex Ante Cost Benefit Analysis" since May 2018.
Evaluator of FP6 and H2020 projects on behalf of the European Commission. Currently serving as external evaluator of the project RESPONSe, co-funded by the Interreg V-A Italy-Croatia 2014-2020 programme.
1998, Ph.D., Economics, Northeastern University, Boston,
1993, Master of Science in Economic Policy and Planning,
Northeastern University, Boston, MA
1988, Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering, University of
1993, Morris A. Horowitz Award for Excellence in Economics,
Northeastern University, Boston, MA