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Luciano Cavani

Professore associato

Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari

Settore scientifico disciplinare: AGRI-06/B Chimica agraria

Contenuti utili

ReLEAF - Recycling locally produced bio-wastes to ensure affordability and availability of innovative bio-based fertilisers

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ReLEAF will formulate, produce, and demonstrate agronomic and environmental performance of safe, sustainable, and efficient Bio-based Fertilisers (BBFs) that can compete in the European and global fertilisers market by optimising, integrating, testing, and validating innovative technologies to efficiently recover and deliver agronomic added-value ingredients (nutrients and biostimulants) and other relevant products (biopolymers) from widely available bio-wastes, while creating new value chains and reducing the environmental impact linked to urban and agri-food wastes and the agriculture sector.

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