Foto del docente

Luciano Cavani

Professore associato

Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari

Contenuti utili

22nd Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society

The role of NOM and HS in achieving Sustainable Development Goals. Rimini, Italy • 25-30 August 2024. IHSS2024

ECHO - Engaging citizen in soil science. The road of healthier soils.

ECHO is a Research and Innovation Action co-funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe programme, and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). It will last 4 years – from June 2023 to May 2027. The project aims to engage citizens in protecting and restoring soils by building their skills and enhancing ...

EIT FOOD - Sustainable fertiliser from beef slaughtering biogas digested sludge. Digested sludge upgrading and converting into a recognised fertiliser.

This project aims to use waste and by-products which are created as part of the beef slaughter process to develop an organic nitrogen and phosphorus fertiliser. The thermal processes, condition and soil nutrition performance of the fertiliser will be explored in order to ensure it is used in a safe ...

Re Soil Foundation

Re Soil Foundation è la Fondazione che nasce per salvaguardare uno dei beni più importanti e allo stesso tempo sottovalutati del Pianeta: il suolo. Promossa dall’Università di Bologna, Coldiretti, Novamont e Politecnico di Torino, la Fondazione si pone l’obiettivo di dare impulso ad un reale cambiamento ...

International Union of Soil Sciences

The International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) is the global union of soil scientists. The objectives of the IUSS are to promote all branches of soil science, and to support all soil scientists across the world in the pursuit of their activities. This website provides information for IUSS members and ...

Centro Scientifico Italiano dei Fertilizzanti

Il Centro Scientifico Italiano dei Fertilizzanti fondato nel 2005, associazione senza fini di lucro per promuovere la ricerca nel sistema suolo-acqua-pianta, si dedica al miglioramento della scienza della fertilizzazione agronomica per uno sviluppo agricolo eco-sostenibile.

Società Internazionale dei Fertilizzanti

The International Fertiliser Society was founded in 1947 as a learned society for individuals who have a professional interest in any aspect of fertiliser production, handling and usage. It provides a forum for the dissemination and discussion of technical information relating to these areas.

Società Internazionale delle Sostanze Umiche

This website provides information on the International Humic Substance Society (IHSS), its products and services. IHSS was founded in Denver, Colorado, USA, on September 11, 1981 to bring together scientists in the coal, soil, and water sciences with interests in humic substances.

European Geosciences Union

The European Geosciences Union (EGU) is the leading organisation for Earth, planetary and space science research in Europe. With our partner organisations worldwide, we foster fundamental geoscience research, alongside applied research that addresses key societal and environmental challenges. Our vision ...

Società Italiana della Scienza del Suolo

La Società Italiana della Scienza del Suolo (SISS) ha lo scopo di promuovere il progresso, il coordinamento e la diffusione della Scienza del Suolo e delle sue applicazioni, e di favorire i rapporti e la collaborazione fra i suoi cultori.

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