Foto del docente

Luca Scapoli

Associate Professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Academic discipline: BIO/17 Histology

Director of First Cycle Degree in Biomedical Laboratory techniques


Bodo M.; Lilli C.; Aisa M.C.; Scapoli L.; Bellucci C.; Rinaldi E.; Tosi L.; Baroni T.; Conte C.; Bellocchio S.; Carinci F.; Stabellini G.; Carinci P., Basic fibroblast growth factor: Effects on matrix remodeling, receptor expression, and transduction pathway in human periosteal fibroblasts with FGFR2 gene mutation, «JOURNAL OF INTERFERON AND CYTOKINE RESEARCH», 2002, 22, pp. 621 - 630 [Scientific article]

Farina A, Wyszynski DF, Pezzetti F, Scapoli L, Martinelli M, Carinci F, Carls F, Nardelli GB, Tognon M, Carinci P, Classification of oral clefts by affection site and laterality: A genotype-phenotype correlation study, «ORTHODONTICS & CRANIOFACIAL RESEARCH», 2002, 5, pp. 185 - 191 [Scientific article]

Stabellini G.; Carinci F.; Bedani P.L.; Calastrini C.; De Mattei M.; Scapoli L.; Caruso A.; Calvitti M.; Locci P., Cyclosporin A and transforming growth factor β modify the pattern of extracellular glycosaminoglycans without causing cytoskeletal changes in human gingival fibroblasts, «TRANSPLANTATION», 2002, 73, pp. 1676 - 1679 [Scientific article]

Carinci F, Bodo M, Tosi L, Francioso F, Evangelisti R, Pezzetti F, Scapoli L, Martinelli M, Baroni T, Stabellini G, Carinci P, Bellucci C, Lilli C, Volinia S, Expression profiles of craniosynostosis-derived fibroblasts, «MOLECULAR MEDICINE», 2002, 8, pp. 638 - 644 [Scientific article]

Francioso F.; Carinci F.; Tosi L.; Scapoli L.; Pezzetti F.; Passerella E.; Evangelisti R.; Pastore A.; Pelucchi S.; Piattelli A.; Rubini C.; Fioroni M.; Carinci P.; Volinia S., Identification of differentially expressed genes in human salivary gland tumors by DNA microarrays, «MOLECULAR CANCER THERAPEUTICS», 2002, 1, pp. 533 - 538 [Scientific article]

Scapoli L, Martinelli M, Pezzetti F, Carinci F, Bodo M, Tognon M, Carinci P, Linkage disequilibrium between GABRB3 gene and nonsyndromic familial cleft lip with or without cleft palate, «HUMAN GENETICS», 2002, 110, pp. 15 - 20 [Scientific article]

Stabellini G.; Calastrini C.; Scapoli L.; Locci P.; De Mattei M.; Dellavia C.; Moscheni C.; Vertemati M.; Bedani P.L., The effect of polyamines and dialysate fluid on extracellular matrix synthesis in VERO cell cultures, «JN. JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY», 2002, 15, pp. 539 - 546 [Scientific article]

M. Martinelli, L. Scapoli, F. Pezzetti, F. Carinci, P. Carinci, G. Stabellini, L. Bisceglia, F. Gombos, M. Tognon, C677T variant form at the MTHFR gene and CL/P: A risk factor for mothers?, «AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS», 2001, 98, pp. 357 - 360 [Scientific article]

Martinelli M, Scapoli L, Pezzetti F, Carinci F, Francioso F, Baciliero U, Padula E, Carinci P, Tognon M, Linkage analysis of three candidate regions of chromosome 1 in nonsyndromic familial orofacial cleft, «ANNALS OF HUMAN GENETICS», 2001, 65, pp. 465 - 471 [Scientific article]

Stabellini G.; Berti G.; Calastrini C.; Mariani G.; Scapoli L.; Marcucci A.; Bedani P.L., Experimental model for studying the effects of 2-ethylhexyl-phthalate and dialysate on connective tissue, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL ORGANS», 2000, 23, pp. 305 - 311 [Scientific article]

Carinci F, Pezzetti F, Scapoli L, Martinelli M, Carinci P, Tognon M, Genetics of nonsyndromic cleft lip and palate: A review of international studies and data regarding the Italian population, «CLEFT PALATE-CRANIOFACIAL JOURNAL», 2000, 37, pp. 33 - 40 [Scientific article]

F. PEZZETTI, L. SCAPOLI, M. MARTINELLI, F. CARINCI, G. BRUNELLI, F. P. CARLS, F. PALOMBA, F. GOMBOS, P. CARINCI, M. TOGNON, Linkage analysis of candidate endothelin pathway genes in nonsyndromic familial orofacial cleft, «ANNALS OF HUMAN GENETICS», 2000, 64, pp. 341 - 347 [Scientific article]

Ottolenghi C.; Veitia R.; Quintana-Murci L.; Torchard D.; Scapoli L.; Souleyreau-Therville N.; Beckmann J.; Fellous M.; McElreavey K., The region on 9p associated with 46,XY sex reversal contains several transcripts expressed in the urogenital system and a novel doublesex-related domain, «GENOMICS», 2000, 64, pp. 170 - 178 [Scientific article]

C. SCAPOLI, A. COLLINS, M. MARTINELLI, F. PEZZETTI, L. SCAPOLI, M. TOGNON, Combined segregation and linkage analysis of nonsyndromic orofacial cleft in two candidate regions, «ANNALS OF HUMAN GENETICS», 1999, 63, pp. 17 - 25 [Scientific article]

Pezzetti F, Scapoli L, Martinelli M, Carinci F, Bodo M, Carinci P, Tognon M, A locus in 2p13-p14 (OFC2), in addition to that mapped in 6p23, is involved in nonsyndromic familial orofacial cleft malformation, «GENOMICS», 1998, 50, pp. 299 - 305 [Scientific article]

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