Nannoni, Eleonora; Martelli, Giovanna; Rubini, Giulia; Sardi, Luca, Effects of increased space allowance on animal welfare, meat and ham quality of heavy pigs slaughtered at 160Kg, «PLOS ONE», 2019, 14, Article number: e0212417 , pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article]Open Access
Nannoni, Eleonora; Sardi, Luca*; Vitali, Marika; Trevisi, Erminio; Ferrari, Annarita; Ferri, Michela E.; Bacci, Maria L.; Govoni, Nadia; Barbieri, Sara; Martelli, Giovanna, Enrichment devices for undocked heavy pigs: effects on animal welfare, blood parameters and production traits, «ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE», 2019, 18, pp. 45 - 56 [Scientific article]Open Access
Vitali, Marika; Nannoni, Eleonora; Sardi, Luca; Bassi, Patrizia; Militerno, Gianfranco; Faucitano, Luigi; Bonaldo, Alessio; Martelli, Giovanna, Enrichment tools for undocked heavy pigs: effects on body and gastric lesions and carcase and meat quality parameters, «ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE», 2019, 18, pp. 39 - 44 [Scientific article]Open Access
Eleonora Nannoni; Domenico Ventrella; Andrea Antonelli; Alessandro Valicelli; Giovanna Martelli; Luca Sardi, Group housing of sows: Effects of season and day of grouping on sow welfare and reproductive performance, in: Book of abstracts of the X International Symposium of Mediterranean Pig, 2019, pp. 85 - 85 (atti di: X International Symposium of Mediterranean Pig, Firenze, 16-19 October 2019) [Poster]
Luca Sardi; Eleonora Nannoni; Andrea Rossi; Enrica Gorlani; Andrea Bertolini; Giulia Rubini; Ruben Cantagallo; Giovanna Martelli, Is the European pig carcase classification grid still a valid method to select green hams for PDO circuit?, in: ASPA 23rd CONGRESS Book of Abstracts, Taylor & Francis, «ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE», 2019, 18, pp. 176 - 177 (atti di: ASPA (Animal Science and Production Association) 23rd Congress, Sorrento (NA), June 11–14, 2019) [Poster]Open Access
Biasato I.; Renna M.; Gai F.; Dabbou S.; Meneguz M.; Perona G.; Martinez S.; Lajusticia A.C.B.; Bergagna S.; Sardi L.; Capucchio M.T.; Bressan E.; Dama A.; Schiavone A.; Gasco L., Partially defatted black soldier fly larva meal inclusion in piglet diets: Effects on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profile, gut morphology and histological features, «JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY», 2019, 10, Article number: 325 , pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]Open Access
Jorgelina Di Pasquale, Eleonora Nannoni, Luca Sardi, Giulia Rubini, Renato Salvatore, Luca Bartoli, Felice Adinolfi, Giovanna Martelli, Towards the abandonment of surgical castration in pigs: How is immunocastration perceived by Italian consumers?, «ANIMALS», 2019, 9, Article number: 198 , pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article]Open Access
Eleonora Nannoni, Giovanna Martelli, Angelo Peli, Mariana Roccaro, Luca Sardi, Three years of research on manipulable materials in Italian heavy pig production: a synopsis, in: Proceedings of the First Annual Meeting of the Eurpean Congress of Behavioural Medicine and Animal Welfare (ECVBMAW), Gießen, DVG Service GmbH, 2018, pp. 208 - 209 (atti di: European Congress of Behavioural Medicine and Animal Welfare, Berlin, DE, 27-29 Settembre 2018) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Nannoni, Eleonora; Martelli, Giovanna; Peli, Angelo; Vitali, Marika; Roccaro, Mariana; Bassi, Patrizia; Militerno, Gianfranco; Sardi, Luca, A study on ante- and post-mortem lesions of Italian heavy pigs receiving different environmental enrichment tools, in: The 11th International Veterinary Behaviour Meeting - Scientific Proceedings, 2017, pp. 49 - 49 (atti di: The 11th International Veterinary Behaviour Meeting, Samorin, Slovakia, September 14th – 16th 2017) [Poster]
Bacchi, R.; Nannoni, E.; Sardi, L.; Bertolini, A.; Borciani, M.; Gastaldo, A.; Gorlani, E.; Rossi, A., Allevamento e macellazione del suino pesante: correlazione tra la qualità della carne e il grado di benessere (Correlation between meat quality and welfare level: the case of italian heavy pigs), in: Atti XLIII Meeting Annuale della Società Italiana di Patologia ed Allevamento dei Suini (S.I.P.A.S.), Parma, SIPAS, 2017, pp. 237 - 251 (atti di: XLIII Meeting Annuale della Società Italiana di Patologia ed Allevamento dei Suini (S.I.P.A.S.), Reggio Emilia, 16-17 marzo 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Nannoni, E.; Di Pasquale, J.; Sardi, L.; Martelli, G., At what extent does the study career influence the perception and attitude of university students towards the welfare of farmed animals?, in: Joint DCAW and NordCAW Animal Welfare Conference, 2017(atti di: Joint DCAW and NordCAW Animal Welfare Conference, Copenhagen, October 3-4 2017) [Poster]
Nannoni, Eleonora; Sardi, Luca; Vitali, Marika; Martelli, Giovanna, Behavioural traits of undocked heavy pigs receiving different enrichment tools, in: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Fam and Group Level (WAFL), Wageningen Academic Publishing, 2017, pp. 124 - 124 (atti di: 7th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level (WAFL), Ede, The Netherlands, 5-8 Settembre 2017) [Poster]
Nannoni, Eleonora; Martelli, Giovanna; Sardi, Luca, Enrichments For Pigs: Improving Animal-Environment Relations, in: Fourth International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction Proceedings, New York, ACM - The Association for Computing Machinery, 2017, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series Part F132525, a15, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: ACI2017 - Fourth International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction, Milton Keynes, UK, 21-23 November 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Nannoni, Eleonora; Liuzzo, Gaetano; Serraino, Andrea; Giacometti, Federica; Martelli, Giovanna; Sardi, Luca; Vitali, Marika; Romagnoli, Lucia; Moscardini, Eros; Ostanello, Fabio, Evaluation of pre-slaughter losses of Italian heavy pigs, «ANIMAL PRODUCTION SCIENCE», 2017, 57, pp. 2072 - 2081 [Scientific article]Open Access
Nannoni, Eleonora; Sardi, Luca; Vitali, Marika; Giovanna Martelli,, Growth traits, carcass and meat quality of heavy pigs receiving different enrichment tools, in: ASPA 22nd Congress Book of Abstracts, Taylor & Francis, «ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE», 2017, 16, pp. 94 - 94 (atti di: 22nd National Congress of the Animal Science and Production Association (ASPA), Perugia (Italy), 13-16 giugno 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]Open Access