1. Sustainable building design.
The specific research topics concern the analysis of the performance requirements of buildings linked to thermohygrometric and visual comfort and energy quality, LCA analysis, the use of materials, products and components with low environmental impact.
• Advice to public and private administrations for the development of regulations and procedures on the subject of sustainability (municipality of Parma, ACER of Parma and Modena, Romagna Acque): development of guidelines, prescriptions and compliant solutions.
• Analysis and design of NZEB buildings with integration of passive systems (ventilation shafts and sun spaces) and active systems.
• Development of technical solutions for improving the performance of buildings and reducing the environmental impact, both specialized and basic: ceramic materials with low incorporated energy (geopolymers deriving from waste from the brick production process), systems and components of wood (post and beam wooden buildings with straw bales), green roofs and systems for retrofitting existing buildings, smart facade system (Smart-Skin system, with Focchi spa).
• Application of Life Cycle Analysis to the elaboration of protocols for assessing the environmental quality of projects (Cogest, Progra), to the comparison between cement-based and wood-based products, to low-impact construction in developing countries development (Cameroon project) and temporary construction.
• Study of the visual comfort of notable buildings of Modern Architecture (Riola church by Alvar Aalto, reconstruction of the Esprit Nouveau pavilion by le Corbusier).
• Participation in the H2020 European projects Pro.GET.onE (Proactive synergy for Greater Efficiency On buildings' Envelopes, https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/723747/it, https://www.progetone.eu/ ) and E-Safe (Energy and Seismic AFfordable rEnovation solutions, https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/893135/news/it).
2. Qualification and control of the building project.
The specific research topics concern the analysis and control of quality in the construction process in the design phase, the integrated performance analysis of buildings, the technological design of buildings as a system, assisted building design (BIM and interoperability in the use of IT tools).
• Creation of a Building Quality Observatory for Romagna, with functional and performance analysis of over one hundred buildings built in the region in 2005.
• Optimization of the executive phase of design in complex projects, obtained through the integration of information systems; use and development of ad hoc IT platforms for the integration of the project. Collaboration with manufacturing companies (Wienerberger, Index, Leca, Fassa, Sistem).
• Use of commercial BIM programs (Revit, ArchiCad) integrated with external databases and with platforms for structural, energy and life cycle analysis; use of IFC models in the project. The research is developed in contact with construction companies, software development houses and designers and through collaborative relationships and training meetings. The work is applied on real constructions
3. Study of historical construction techniques and intervention on buildings.
The specific research topics concern large-span roofing structures, the development of construction techniques in Italian twentieth century architecture, the updating of historical / traditional construction techniques, performance improvement or adaptation techniques, the application of non destructive for structural diagnostics to support the technological project.
• Research on large-span roofs: historical wooden trusses in Italy from the 16th to the 19th century.
• History of Construction: Bolognese designers archives of the twentieth century, twentieth century architecture in Italy.
• Research on the relationship between construction tradition and compatible technological innovation, through design activity, meaning the project as a research experience: choice of appropriate technologies, relationship with component manufacturers, design control.
• Design application of intervention techniques for performance improvement or adaptation, compatible with existing constructions on real cases.
• Development of non-destructive survey and diagnosis techniques for structural safety and the environment (laser scanner, flat jacks, sonic analysis, tromography, resistograph, heat flow meters, thermal imaging camera): studies on the former church of Francesco di Paola (Paolotti) in Parma, S. Francesco in Mirandola (post-earthquake), on the large-light wooden roofs of the churches of Bologna, on the roof of the Farnese theater in Parma; residential buildings from the post Second World War period.
• Development of experimental fast diagnosis techniques with special jacks, sonic instruments housed in the hole and dilatometers (with ex-Ismes).