Foto del docente

Luca Fontanesi

Full Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Delegate for Competitive Research Projects

Useful contents

UNIBO Magazine: Notizia sulla COST Action "European Network on Livestock Phenomics - EU-LI-PHE" di cui il Prof. Luca Fontanesi è Chair

La notizia riportata da UNIBO Magazine sulla COST Action CA22112 "European Network on Livestock Phenomics"

The Genetics and Genomics of the Rabbit - CABI Book - Editor: Luca Fontanesi

The Genetics and Genomics of the Rabbit. Contributed by more than 50 world specialists, it fills a gap after the pioneering studies of William E. Castle, who published in 1930 the first genetic textbook dedicated to the rabbit (The Genetics of the Domestic Rabbit).

BEE-RER research project: Applied genomics to the apiculture sector

BEE-RER is a research project of the University of Bologna funded by Emilia-Romagna Region and focused on honey environmental DNA analysis.

UniBO Magazine: Genomica e parametri ematologici nel suino per l'adattamento agli stress ambientali

Lo studio, pubblicato su Scientific Reports, analizza il genoma suino e identifica i principali geni che determinano la variabilità di diversi parametri ematologici e biochimici misurati nel sangue. I risultati sono particolarmente interessanti per valutare come il suino possa adattarsi a stress ambientali. ...

UniBo Magazine: the magic world of the honey environmental DNA

UniBo Magazine features our paper published on PLoS ONE that unravels the magic tale of the honey environmental DNA

UniBo Magazine: honey, eDNA and plant-sucking insects - an interesting link

Unibo Magazine features our Scientific Reports paper on the environmental DNA that can leave an entomological signature in the honey. The study has been featured by National Geographic Italia (October 2018 issue - "Tre Domande" section) and by The American Bee Journal (September 2018 issue - Notes to ...

UniBo Magazine features our PLoS ONE paper on liver proteomics in two heavy pig breeds

UniBo Magazine features our PLoS ONE paper that presents the results of a comparative liver proteomic study between two heavy pig breeds

Blog - article of the month on the "Animal" Journal

The article of the month (September 2018) on the "Animal" Journal reports the first genome wide association study on the Italian Duroc pig breed. The blog is available at:

UniBo Magazine - Nel DNA dei suini italiani il segreto per fare prosciutti DOP

UniBo Magazine - Nel DNA dei suini italiani il segreto per fare prosciutti DOP UniBo Magazine features (in Italian) a research article that presents the latest results of a genome wide association study in the Italian Duroc pigs

Servizi alle aziende e alla ricerca - analisi del DNA (Research services to private enterprises and scientists - DNA analyses and assays)

1) Autenticazione genetica di alimenti di origine animale (Genetic authentication of animal foodstuff) 2) Identificazione della specie o delle specie animali e vegetali in prodotti alimentari (Species identification in meat, dairy and plant food products) 3) Identificazione della razza di origine ...

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