Ruolo editoriale nella rivista «Advances and Applications in Statistics»
Ruolo editoriale nella rivista «Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal»
Ruolo editoriale nella rivista «Computational Methods for Differential Equations»
Ruolo editoriale nella rivista «Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements»
Ruolo editoriale nella rivista «Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements»
Ruolo editoriale nella rivista «International Journal of Advanced Mathematical Sciences»
Ruolo editoriale nella rivista «International Mathematical Forum»
Ballestra, L. V.; D'Amato, V.; Fersini, P.; Forte, S.; Greco, F., Pricing Cyber Insurance: A Geospatial Statistical Approach, «APPLIED STOCHASTIC MODELS IN BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY», in corso di stampa, In press, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article]Open Access
Ruolo editoriale nella rivista «Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets & Institutions»
Tezza, Christian;
Ballestra, Luca Vincenzo;
Foschi, Paolo, A comparison of multi-factor stochastic models for commodity price, in: Proceedings of the Statistics and Data Science 2024 Conference, 2024, pp. 238 - 245 (atti di: SDS 2024, Palermo, 11-12 Aprile 2024) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Ballestra, Luca Vincenzo; D’Innocenzo, Enzo; Guizzardi, Andrea, A new bivariate approach for modeling the interaction between stock volatility and interest rate: An application to S&P500 returns and options, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH», 2024, 314, pp. 1185 - 1194 [Scientific article]Open Access
Ballestra L.V.; Guardasoni C., Boundary Elements and other mesh reduction methods for Finance, Economics, Probability and Statistics, «ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS», 2024, 164, pp. 1 - 1 [Comment or similar]
Rahimi, Vaz'he; Ahmadian, Davood; Ballestra, Luca Vincenzo, Construction and mean-square stability analysis of a new family of stochastic Runge-Kutta methods, «APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION», 2024, 470, Article number: 128570 , pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]
Scuotto, V.; Ballestra, L.V.; Cuomo, M.T.; Del Giudice, M., Increasing lower incomes and reducing material deprivation: The beneficial role of social robots, «TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE», 2024, 206, Article number: 123577 , pp. 123577-1 - 123577-10 [Scientific article]
Ballestra, Luca Vincenzo; Guizzardi, Andrea; Mazzucchelli, Lorenzo, Integrating narrow and wide framing disposition effect: A novel approach incorporating perceived risk and realized asset performance, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION», 2024, 220, pp. 422 - 432 [Scientific article]Open Access