Vergolini, Loris; Zanini, Nadir, The minimum guaranteed income in an Italian province: the effect of capping the benefit, «APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS», 2025, published online, pp. 1 - 5 [articolo]
Gianluca Argentin, Chiara Tamanini, Loris Vergolini, Better than whom? Methodological and substantial considerations emerged while going beyond a plain comparison of school performance in Trentino and in nearby provinces., in: Surveys on students: INVALSI national and international tests, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2024, pp. 9 - 24 (INVALSI PER LA RICERCA) [capitolo di libro]Open Access
Alessandro Bozzetti, Nicola De Luigi, Loris Vergolini, Differing patterns of employment for university students: the role of family background, educational choices and access to benefits, «JOURNAL OF YOUTH STUDIES», 2024, First online, pp. 1 - 20 [articolo]
Bazoli, Nicola; Fiorio, Carlo; Marzadro, Sonia; Pycroft, Jonathan; Vergolini, Loris, Equal Focus on Inequality? Approaches to Distributional Impact Assessment in the National Budget Process Across the EU, «JOURNAL OF COMMON MARKET STUDIES», 2024, 62, pp. 1747 - 1762 [articolo]Open Access
Laudisa, Federica; Vergolini, Loris; DE LUIGI, Nicola, Introduzione, «AUTONOMIE LOCALI E SERVIZI SOCIALI», 2024, 2, pp. 241 - 256 [articolo]
Bozzetti, A.; De Luigi, N.; Vergolini, L., Non-traditional Students Between Online and Offline: Which Way Forward for Higher Education?, «ITALIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION», 2024, 16, pp. 131 - 156 [articolo]Open Access
Loris Vergolini ; Eleonora Vlach, Social Origins and University Drop-Out During the Great Recession: The Role of the Field of Study, «RESEARCH IN HIGHER EDUCATION», 2024, 65, pp. 124 - 152 [articolo]Open Access
Cattaneo, Edoardo; Vergolini, Loris, The impact of needs-based scholarship on academic performances: evidence from three Italian universities, «AUTONOMIE LOCALI E SERVIZI SOCIALI», 2024, 2, pp. 287 - 308 [articolo]
Vergolini L., Recensione a: Camilla Borgna, Studiare da straniero. Immigrazione e disuguaglianze nei sistemi scolastici europei, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2021, «RASSEGNA ITALIANA DI SOCIOLOGIA», 2022, 2022, pp. 993 - 995 [recensione]
Azzolini, Davide; Martini, Alberto; Romano, Barbara; Vergolini, Loris, Design, implementation and assessment of a targeting mechanism in a college savings program, «RIV. RASSEGNA ITALIANA DI VALUTAZIONE», 2022, 82, pp. 33 - 53 [articolo]
Abbiati, Giovanni; Argentin, Gianluca; Azzolini, Davide; Ballarino, Gabriele; Vergolini, Loris, Experimental Research in Education: An Appraisal of the Italian Experience, «SCHWEIZERISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT FUER SOZIOLOGIE», 2022, 48, pp. 21 - 46 [articolo]Open Access
Nicola Bazoli, Sergiu Burlacu, Carlo Fiorio, Sonia Marzadro, Jonathan Pycroft, Loris Vergolini, Study on Distributional Impact Assessment, Luxembourg, Publications Office of the European Union, 2022, pp. 141 . [libro]
Azzolini, D., Vergolini, L., Come valutare un intervento di contrasto alla povertà educativa con il metodo sperimentale? Alcune lezioni dalla valutazione di WILL - Educare al Futuro, «RIV. RASSEGNA ITALIANA DI VALUTAZIONE», 2021, 80-81, pp. 58 - 81 [articolo]
Facchini, M.; Triventi, M.; Vergolini, L., Do grants improve the outcomes of university students in a challenging context? Evidence from a matching approach, «HIGHER EDUCATION», 2021, 81, pp. 917 - 934 [articolo]
Martini, A.; Azzolini, D.; Romano, B.; Vergolini, L., Increasing College Going by Incentivizing Savings: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial in Italy, «JOURNAL OF POLICY ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT», 2021, 40, pp. 814 - 840 [articolo]Open Access