Foto del docente

Lorenzo Rinaldi

Associate Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Director of First Cycle Degree in Physics

Curriculum vitae

I am associate professor  at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the Bologna University and my main research activity is on the Software and Computing for the ATLAS experiment.


My research activity started in 2002 at the Bologna University, when preparing the Master Degree thesis on the production of the W boson in Deep Inelastic electron-proton Scattering in the ZEUS experiment at the HERA collider.

From 2003 to 2005 I was PhD student of the Bologna University, dealing with the study of the production of leading protons in Deep Inelastic Scattering processes and with the monitoring and the maintenance of the Forward muon spectrometer of the ZEUS experiment. I indeed participated to the data taking operation as shift leader and deputy.

Since 2006 to 2007 I obtained a DESY fellowship (in Hamburg) to work on the Physics of the ZEUS experiment, in particular High Energy Diffraction and leading baryon production, still continuing to participate to the data taking operations and coordinating the ZEUS Event Display group.

From 2008 to 2009 and from 2010 to 2012 I worked with a Post-doc (assegno di ricerca) at the CNAF department, that hosts the main computing centre of INFN. My research was on the optimisation of the analysis and production activity of the ATLAS experiment at the Tier-1 site. The main duties were to support the software and computing operations of the ATLAS experiment in the Tier-1and Tier-3 computing centres, the management of the distribution and installation of the software of the ATLAS experiment on the Grid infrastructure, my remit being operation-manager of the Tier-1, cloud support of the ATLAS-Italy team and contact person between the ATLAS-computing group and the Italian computing centres.

From January to June 2010 I was external collaborator of the Bologna University for supporting the computing activity of the ATLAS experiment at CERN (Geneva), my remit being to develop the Site Status Board for the grid sites monitoring and participating to the data taking operations for the ATLAS P1 Computing.

Since 2013 I have been working on developing tracking and triggering algorithms by using general Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU), focussing on the use of the Hough Transform for the fast pattern recognition in High Energy Physics detectors and its integration within the software framework of the trigger of the ATLAS experiment.

From April 2014 to February 2016 I was Junior assistant professor (fixed-term) at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the Bologna University and I worked on the optimisation of the access of the LHC data via Grid and Cloud computing, with the responsibility of the distribution of the ATLAS Conditions Database on computing infrastructures for online and offline processing.


Since the academic year 2014/2015 I have been teaching General Physics at the School of Science of the Bologna University, in the Bachelor degrees in Physics and Geological Sciences.

During academic years 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 I've been General Physics lecturer at the School of Engineering and Architecture in the Bachelor degrees in Environmental Engineering, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering and Engineering Management.

From 2010 to 2014 I've been tutor in several courses of General Physics and Physics Laboratory at the Schools of Science and Engineering.

Publications and Conferences

I'm author and co-author of about 800 articles, published on international journals, in the field High Energy Physics and Scientific Computing

I attended more than 15 international conferences and workshops in the field of High Energy Physics and Scientific Computing

Latest news

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