Foto del docente

Lorenza Vitale

Associate Professor

Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences

Academic discipline: BIOS-10/A Cellular and Experimental Biology

Curriculum vitae

1989: Degree in Medicine and Surgery, University of Bologna achieved with 110/110.
1991-03-01: Technical Operator at the Interdepartmental Center of Cancer Research “G. Prodi”, University of Bologna. In these years she worked at the Experimental Hematology Laboratory (Institute of Histology and General Embriology) studying cell differentiation, cell cycle, growth factors, and actively participating in researches regarding megakaryocytopoiesis biology, hematopoiesis regulation in normal subjects and in patients with bone marrow aplasia and the biological effects of potential antiblastic substances on normal and leukemic hematopoietic cells.
1999-09-27: Technical Assistant, Faculty of Industrial Chemistry, University of Bologna.  
2002-10-14: Technician of D Category, Institute of Histology and General Embriology, University of Bologna.
2008-11-01: Researcher at the University of Bologna, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Department of Experimental, Diagnostic and Specialty Medicine - DIMES, Histology, Embryology and Applied Biology Unit.

2022-04-11: Associate Professor of Applied Biology (DIMES). From October 1st, 2000 to date she cooperates to scientific activity of the Laboratory of Genomics (DIMES), directed by Prof. Pierluigi Strippoli, focusing in particular on molecular genomic analysis of human chromosome 21 sequence by bioinformatics, gene discovery and gene expression and function characterization, as a contribution for the comprehension of molecular bases of the Down syndrome, the most common human chromosomal abnormality.

She has published 57 international full papers in the field of hematology, molecular biology, genomics and bioinformatics.

Lorenza Vitale has been teaching for years in the academic courses of Biology and Genetics at the Master of Science in Medicine, Master of Science in Nursing and Master of Science in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (School of Medicine).

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