At the University of Bologna, Guadagnini Lorella got the
first level degree in Industrial Chemistry (class no. 21 –
Science and Chemical Technologies) in 2004, then she got the
second level degree in Products, Materials and Processes for
Industrial Chemistry (class no. 81/S – Science and Technologies
for Industrial Chemistry) in 2006, getting a mark of 110 over 110
cum laude for both final examinations. The same year she
obtained the certificate as a professional chemist (section
A), with a mark of 196 over 210.
She got the doctoral degree in Chemical Sciences (22nd cycle) in
From 2010 to 2014 she worked at the Department of Industrial
Chemistry “Toso Montanari” of the University of Bologna as a
post-doc researcher in the laboratory of Analytical
Chemistry headed by professor Domenica Tonelli.
The research activity conducted at the laboratory of
Analytical Chemistry focused on the electrochemical
characterisation of electrode surfaces modified with hydrotalcite
and nickel hydroxide films, enzymes and transition metal
hexacyanoferrates, conducting polymers, metal nanoparticles, on the
investigation of their analytical applications and on the
development of amperometric sensors and biosensors. Recently she
conducted an SECM study, dealing with the investigation of the
morphology and reactivity changes undergone by bronze samples of
artistic interest, due to exposure to aggressive environmental
conditions (acid rain). In the group of Analytical Chemistry she is
expert of the SECM technique and she is the only staff member
currently using the SECM instrumentation.
Dr. Guadagnini performed research stages in Germany and
France in 2008. In the laboratory of Analytical Chemistry –
Electroanalysis and Sensors, directed by professor Wolfgang
Schuhmann, at the Ruhr University of Bochum (Germany), she had an
intensive training to perfection her knowledge and practice in
Scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM). There her research
interests focused on the electrochemical characterisation by SECM
of electrode surfaces modified with hexacyanoferrates and enzymes
for the development of sensors and biosensors. In the laboratory of
Inorganic Materials of the “Blaise Pascal” University of
Clermont-Ferrand (France), directed by professor Claude Forano, she
took part to a research project aimed at the development of
electrochemical sensors based on layered double hydroxides for the
detection of herbicides.
She worked as an assistant for students in writing
graduation theses and in carrying out laboratory activities, and
she performed exercise training for the “General and inorganic
chemistry” base course as professor's assistant.
She attended doctoral schools (National School of
Analytical Chemistry for PhD students, in 2007) and national and
international scientific congresses, and she is a co-author
in papers published on international peer-reviewed
In 2007 she obtained two important prizes: the “Best
graduated women” prize and “17th Guido Paolucci Rotary”
prize for the faculty of Industrial Chemistry.
Finally, Guadagnini Lorella carried activity as an “Expert in
Analytical Chemistry” since July 2014, during the examination
sessions for the "Applied Chemical Analysis LT" and "Industrial
Analytical Chemistry and Process Chemistry LM" courses (taught by
professor Marco Taddia).
Since december 2014 Guadagnini
Lorella has been working as a Technician at the
Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials
Engineering (DICAM) of
the University of Bologna, supporting teaching and research
activities in the Laboratory of Chemical Engineering located in Via
Terracini, Bologna.