Foto del docente

Lisa Branchini

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: IIND-06/B Energy Systems and Power Generation


Bianchi, M; Branchini, L.; Ferrari, C.; Melino, F., Optimal sizing of grid-independent hybrid photovoltaic-battery power systems for household sector, «APPLIED ENERGY», 2014, 136, pp. 805 - 816 [Scientific article]

Bianchi, Michele; Branchini, Lisa; De Pascale, Andrea, Performance indexes and output allocation for multi-fuel energy systems, «ENERGY PROCEDIA», 2014, 45, pp. 32 - 41 [Scientific article]

Bianchi, Michele; Branchini, Lisa; De Pascale, Andrea; Melino, Francesco; Peretto, Antonio, Preliminary investigations on a test bench for integrated micro-CHP energy systems, «ENERGY PROCEDIA», 2014, 45, pp. 1275 - 1284 [Scientific article]

Bianchi, M; Branchini, L.; Cesari, S.; De Pascale, A., Repowering existing under-utilized WTE power plant with gas turbines, «ENERGY PROCEDIA», 2014, 61, pp. 238 - 241 [Scientific article]

Bianchi, M; Branchini, L.; De Pascale, A.; Melino, F., Storage solutions for renewable production in household sector, «ENERGY PROCEDIA», 2014, 61, pp. 242 - 245 [Scientific article]

Bhargava, R K; Bianchi, M; Branchini, L; De Pascale, A; Melino, F; Peretto, A; Valentini, E, THERMO-ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF ORC SYSTEM IN OFF-SHORE APPLICATIONS, in: PROCEEDINGS OF THE ASME TURBO EXPO: TURBINE TECHNICAL CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION, 2014, VOL 3A, ASME, 2014, pp. 1 - 13 (atti di: ASME TURBO EXPO: TURBINE TECHNICAL CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION, 2014, Dusseldorf, GERMANY, JUN 16-20, 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Branchini, L.; Bianchi, M.; Cavina, N.; Cerofolini, A.; De Pascale, A.; Melino, F., Wind-hydro-gas turbine unit commitment to guarantee firm dispatchable power, in: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2014, 3B, pp. 1 - 13 (atti di: ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2014, deu, 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

M. Bianchi; L. Branchini; A. De Pascale, COMBINING WASTE-TO-ENERGY STEAM CYCLE WITH GAS TURBINE UNITS, in: Proceedings of ICAE 2013, Pretoria, Prof. J. YAN, Editor-in-Chief of APEN, 2013, pp. 1 - 11 (atti di: International Conference on Applied Energy, Pretoria, South Africa, 1-4 July 2013) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

M. Bianchi; L. Branchini; A. De Pascale; A. Peretto, ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE ASSESMENT OF CHP SYSTEMS WITH AVOIDED HEAT GENERATOR APPROACH, in: Proceedings of ICAE 2013, Pretoria, Prof. J. YAN, Editor-in-Chief of APEN, 2013, pp. 1 - 9 (atti di: International Congress on Applied Energy, Pretoria, South Africa, 1-4 July 2013) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Bianchi M.; Branchini L.; Ferrari C.; Melino F., Optimal size of grid-independent hybrid photovoltaic-battery power systems for household sector, in: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Applied Energy, 2013, pp. 1 - 12 (atti di: Fifth International Conference on Applied Energy, Pretoria, South Africa, July 1-4, 2013) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

F. Campana; M. Bianchi; L. Branchini; A. De Pascale ; A. Peretto; M. Baresi; A. Fermi; N. Rossetti; R. Vescovo, ORC waste heat recovery in European energy intensive industries: Energy and GHG savings, «ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT», 2013, 76, pp. 244 - 252 [Scientific article]

Bianchi M.; Branchini L.; De Pascale A.; Melino F.; Peretto A.; Vecci R., PEM fuel cell system experimental performance analysis with evaluation of unreacted hydrogen, crossover and ageing, in: Proceedings of EFC2013, Fifth European Fuel Cell Technology & Applications Conference - Piero Lunghi Conference, Roma, Viviana Cigolotti, 2013, pp. 47 - 48 (atti di: EFC2013, Fifth European Fuel Cell Technology & Applications Conference - Piero Lunghi Conference, Rome (Italy), 11-13 December 2013) [Abstract]

Branchini L; De Pascale A; Peretto A, Systematic comparison of ORC configurations by means of comprehensive performance indexes, «APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING», 2013, 61, pp. 129 - 140 [Scientific article]

A. Tafone; J. Wronski; A. De Pascale; L. Branchini, Theoretical investigation on advanced Organic Rankine Cycles, in: Proceedings of ASME ORC 2013, ASME, 2013(atti di: ASME ORC 2013, 2nd International Seminar on ORC Power systems, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 7-8 October 2013) [Poster]

Bianchi M.; Branchini L., Advanced Waste-to-energy Power Plant: Integration With Gas Turbine, in: Proceedings of ICAE 2012, SUZHOU, s.n, 2012, pp. 1 - 9 (atti di: ICAE 2012 The Fourth International Conference on Applied Energy, Suzhou, July 5-8, 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]