Foto del docente

Lisa Berti

Associate Professor

Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences

Academic discipline: MEDS-19/B Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine

Head of Scuola di Specializzazione Medicina Fisica e Riabilitativa (DI 68/2015)


Caravaggi P.; Benedetti M.G.; Berti L.; Leardini A., Repeatability of a multi-segment foot protocol in adult subjects., «GAIT & POSTURE», 2011, 33, pp. 133 - 135 [Scientific article]

Benedetti M.G.; Di Gioia A.; Conti L.; Berti L.; Esposti L.D.; Tarrini G.; Melchionda N.; Giannini S., Physical activity monitoring in obese people in the real life environment, «JOURNAL OF NEUROENGINEERING AND REHABILITATION», 2009, 6, Article number: 47 , pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]

M.G. Benedetti; L. Berti; C. Presti; A Frizziero; S. Giannini, Effects of an adapted physical activity program in a group of elderly subjects with flexed posture: clinical and instrumental assessment., «JOURNAL OF NEUROENGINEERING AND REHABILITATION», 2008, 5(1), pp. 32 - 58 [Scientific article]

Berti L.; Benedetti M.G.; Ensini A.; Catani F.; Giannini S., Clinical and biomechanical assessment of patella resurfacing in total knee arthroplasty, «CLINICAL BIOMECHANICS», 2006, 21(6), pp. 606 - 616 [Scientific article]

Leardini A.; Ferrari A.; Berti L.; Nativo R.; Benedetti M.G., Comparison of techniques for upper trunk motion in gait analysis, in: From research to practice, XVI Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, PROCEEDINGS, TORINO, Rainoldi e Minetto, 2006, pp. 42 - 42 (atti di: From research to practice, XVI Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, Torino, Italy, 28 giugno- 1 luglio, 2006) [Abstract]

Straudi S.; Berti L.; Longhi M.; Mariani G.; Cioni A.; Benedetti M.G., Evaluation of muscle and gait pattern in lumbar spinal stenosis for postsurgical rehabilitation plan, in: JEGM 2006 PROCEEDINGS First Joint European Society of Movement Analysis for Adults and Children- Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society, AMSTERDAM, s.n, 2006, pp. P-319 - P-319 (atti di: JEGM 2006, First Joint European Society of Movement Analysis for Adults and Children- Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, September 27-30, 2006) [Abstract]

Benedetti M.G.; Berti L.; Presti C.; Cremonin K.; Giannini S., Flexed posture in elderly: clinical and instrumental assessment and effects of physical activity programs, in: From research to practice, XVI Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, PROCEEDINGS, TORINO, Rainoldi e Minetto, 2006, pp. 161 - 161 (atti di: From research to practice, XVI Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, Torino, Italy, 26 giugno-1 luglio, 2006) [Abstract]

Berti L.; Benedetti M.G.; Mariani G.; Manfrini M.; Giannini S., Functional and biomechanical assessment in biological reconstruction of femur in children with bone sarcoma, in: From research to practice, XVI Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, PROCEEDINGS, TORINO, Rainoldi e Minetto, 2006, pp. 38 - 39 (atti di: From research to practice, XVI Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, Torino, Italia, 28 giugno- 1 luglio, 2006) [Abstract]

Longhi M.; Berti L.; Straudi S.; Benedetti M.G.; Giannini S., Functional evaluation of the osteochondral allograft translantation for the treatment of post-traumatic ankle arthrosis, in: JEGM 2006 PROCEEDINGS First Joint European Society of Movement Analysis for Adults and Children- Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society Meeting, AMSTERDAM, s.n, 2006, pp. PP-094 - PP-094 (atti di: JEGM 2006, First Joint European Society of Movement Analysis for Adults and Children- Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society Meeting, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, September 27-30, 2006) [Abstract]

Benedetti M.G.; Straudi S.; Berti L.; Leardini A.; Manfrini M., Gait performance in an original biologic reconstruction of proximal femur in a skeletally immature child: a case report., «ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION», 2006, 87(11), pp. 1534 - 1541 [Scientific article]

Leardini A.; Benedetti M.G.; Berti L.; Bettinelli D.; Nativo R.; Giannini S., Rear-foot, mid-foot and fore-foot motion during the stance phase of gait, «GAIT & POSTURE», 2006, 25(3), pp. 453 - 462 [Scientific article]

Ceccarelli F.; Berti L.; Giuriati L.; Giannini S., Semi-functional rehabilitation protocol in acute lesions of the Achilles tendon treated with minimally invasive surgical techniques, in: Abstarct Book, XIV International Congress on Sports Rehabilitation and Traumatology, The Accelerated Rehabilitation of the Injured Athlete, BOLOGNA, Roi G.S., Nanni G., 2005, pp. 87 - 88 (atti di: XIV International Congress on Sports Rehabilitation and Traumatology, The Accelerated Rehabilitation of the Injured Athlete, Bologna, Italy, April 9-10, 2005) [Abstract]

F. Ceccarelli; F. Morici; L. Berti; S. Giannini, Circumscribed myositis ossificans of the iliopsoas muscle. Description of a case followed-up after 1 and 14 years, «LA CHIRURGIA DEGLI ORGANI DI MOVIMENTO», 2004, 89(2), pp. 151 - 159 [Scientific article]

L. Berti; M.G. Benedetti; A. Ferruzzi; F. Ceccarelli; M. Longhi; S. Giannini, Correlazione tra pronazione del piede e dolore al ginocchio durante il cammino nel piede piatto idiopatico: valutazione clinica e funzionale, in: Atti del V Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Analisi del Movimento in Clinica, s.l, s.n, 2004, pp. -- - -- (atti di: V Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Analisi del Movimento in Clinica, Loano (SV), 3-5 ottobre 2004) [Abstract]

E. Benedetti; L. Berti; M.G. Benedetti; C. Presti; F. Catani, Effetti della dismetria nella performance motoria di pazienti operati di artroprotesi totale d’anca, in: Atti del V Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Analisi del Movimento in Clinica, s.l, s.n, 2004, pp. 71 - 72 (atti di: V Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Analisi del Movimento in Clinica, Loano (SV), 3-5 ottobre 2004) [Abstract]