Foto del docente

Leila Signorelli

Associate Professor

Department of Architecture

Academic discipline: CEAR-11/B Architectural Conservation

Curriculum vitae

Leila Signorelli. PhD Architetct, Senior Assistant Professor in Architectural Conservation at University of Bologna (Department of Architecture) her research field focuses on post-war reconstruction, Cultural Creative Industry applied to Cultural Heritage, preservation of 20th century architecture, especially the Heritage of totalitarian regime (Dissonant Heritage), problems of Conservation related to the Indoor Microclimate.

She’s involved in some ongoing projects such as the 4CH project Competence Centre on the Conservation of Cultural Heritage (GA101004468),CapsulART (funded by FISR CoVid 2020), and two Erasmus +, ReVetand InVisible, which started in February 2022.

She obtained the PhD degree in 2014 at University of Bologna with a thesis on post-war reconstruction works of architect Josef Wiedemann in Munich under the supervision of Winfried Nerdinger (Technische Universität München) as external co-advisor.

Technical advisor in the candidature for the UNESCO Venetian Fortress site (2012-2016), nominated UNESCO World Heritage in 2017.

2014-2018 Adjunct professor in Theories and History Restoration at University of Bologna (Department of Architecture)

As Research Fellow she took part to ROCK project (Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities), funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. She was involved in the definition of a methodological approachto the Cultural Heritage, aiming to offer a cultural model which balances conservation and innovation issues, strengthening the awareness of the heritage as a common good. She was involved in the writing of BECK Project, an Erasmus + funded in 2018.

After a national selection, she was one of the winners as an architect at the Ministry of Culture, where she worked from 2018 to June 2020. Architect in chief and building manager at the museum Gallerie dell’Accademia di Venezia, she dealt with the management, enhancement and preservation of the historical building.

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