Foto del docente

Lavinia Tonelli

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: IIND-03/C Metallurgy

Curriculum vitae

Research Activity

  • January 2023 - today: Junior Assistant Professor.
  • November 2021 - January 2023: Research Fellow (Metallurgy Group, Department of Industrial Engineering (DIN), University of Bologna). Research project focused on the correlation between production process, heat treatment and mechanical behaviour of Al-Si-Mg alloys processed by Laser-based Powder Bed Fusion.
  • November 2020 - October 2021: Research Fellow (Metallurgy Group, CIRI-MAM, University of Bologna). Research project focused in the microstructural, topographic and mechanical characterization of metal alloys for electrical application produced by powder bed fusion additive process. 
  • November 2017 - October 2020: PhD Student at DIMSAI (Mechanics and Advanced Engineering Sciences - University of Bologna) with the following research project: "Additive Manufacturing by LPBF and WAAM of metals: correlation between production process, microstructure and mechanical properties".
  • October 2016 - October 2017: Research Fellow (Metallurgy Group, Department of Industrial Engineering (DIN), University of Bologna). Research project focused on the investigation of tribological behavior of metallic components. 

 Teaching and tutoring:

  • AY2022/2023: Learning module METALLURGIA APPLICATA M [cod. 66182] - [Modulo 2] for the master degree in Industrial Chemistry at the University of Bologna. 
  • AY2020/2021, AY2021/2022, AY2022/2023 for the course "Metallurgia T" held by Prof. Lorella Ceschini within the Mechanical engineering and Chemical and Biochemical first cycle degree programme at the University of Bologna.
  • AY2017/2018 for the course "Scienza dei metalli e tecnologia dei materiali con laboratorio, Modulo 2" held by Prof. Carla Martini within the Chemistry and Technologies for the environments and materials first cycle degree programme at the University of Bologna.


  • March 2021: PhD in Mechanics and Advanced Engineering Sciences - University of Bologna. Final dissertation title: Additive Manufacturing by LPBF and WAAM of metals: correlation between production process, microstructure and mechanical properties. Supervisor: Prof.ssa Lorella Ceschini
  • September 2016: Qualified to practice as an engineer - University of Bologna. 
  • March 2016: Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering - University of Bologna.
  • March 2013: Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering - University of Bologna.


  • 2020 Jacquet-Lucas Award for the Excellence in Metallurgy, assigned by International Metallographic Society (IMS) and ASM International.

  • Honorable Mention for the micrograph presented for the “Class 4 – Artistic Microscopy” of the “2020 International Metallographic Contest” organized by International Metallographic Society (IMS) and ASM International.

  • June 2021 -  micrograph chosen as "Image of the month" by International Metallographic Society (IMS) and ASM International
  • Premio Daccò 2020 assigned by Italian Metallurgy Association (AIM) for the progress and development of foundry and solidification processes.
  • Honorable Mention for the Doctoral Dissertation and Finalist for the "Premio per La Ricerca Scientifica e Innovazione Tecnologica Claudio Bonivento - 14° Edizione" assigned by Lions Club Bologna

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