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Pubblicazioni antecedenti il 2004
Papers before 2004 (in total
Bertucci C.,
Cimitan S., and Menotti L. Optical biosensor analysis in studying
herpes simplex virus glycoprotein D binding to target nectin1
receptor. (2003). J Pharm Biomed Anal 32 (4-5):697-706.
Menotti L., Cocchi F., and
Campadelli-Fiume G. Critical residues in the CC' ridge of the human
nectin1 receptor V domain enable herpes simplex virus entry into
cell and act synergistically with the downstream region. (2002)
Virology, 301 (1): 6-12.
Fabre S., Reymond N., Cocchi F.,
Menotti L., Dubreuil P., Campadelli-Fiume G, and Lopez M. Prominent
role of the Ig-like V domain in nectins' trans-interactions:
nectin3 and nectin4 bind to the C-C'-C" b -strands of the nectin1 V
domain. (2002) J Biol Chem, 277 (30): 27006-27013.
Menotti L., Casadio R., Bertucci C.,
Lopez M., and Campadelli-Fiume G. Substitution in the murine
nectin1 receptor of a single conserved amino acid at a position
distal from herpes simplex virus gD binding site confers high
affinity binding to gD. (2002). J Virol 76 (11):
Cocchi F., Lopez M., Dubreuil P.,
Campadelli-Fiume G., and Menotti L. Chimeric nectin1-poliovirus
receptor molecules identify a nectin1 region functional in herpes
simplex virus entry. (2001) J Virol 75 (17):7987-7994.
Menotti L., Avitabile E., Dubreuil
P., Lopez M., and Campadelli-Fiume G. Comparison of murine and
human nectin1 binding to herpes simplex virus glycoprotein D (gD)
reveals a weak interaction of murine nectin1 to gD and a
gD-dependent pathway of entry. (2001) Virology 282 (2):
Campadelli-Fiume G., Cocchi F.,
Menotti L., and Lopez M. The novel receptors that mediate the entry
of herpes simplex viruses and animal alphaherpesviruses into cells.
(2000) Rev Med Virol, 10 (5): 305-319. Review.
Menotti L., Lopez M., Avitabile E.,
Stefan A., Cocchi F., Adelaide J., Lecocq E.,
Dubreuil P., and Campadelli-Fiume G. The murine homolog of human
Nectin1d serves as a species nonspecific mediator for entry of
human and animal aherpesviruses in a pathway which is independent
of a detectable binding to gD. (2000) Proc Natl Acad Sci
97 (9): 4867-4872.
Cocchi F., Menotti L., Dubreuil P.,
Lopez M., and Campadelli-Fiume G. Cell-to-cell spread of wild-type
herpes simplex virus type 1, but not of syncytial strains, is
mediated by the immunoglobulin-like receptors that mediate virion
entry, nectin1 (PRR1/HveC/HIgR) and nectin2 (PRR2/HveB). (2000) J
Virol 74 (8): 3909-3917.
Lopez M., Cocchi F., Menotti L.,
Avitabile E., Dubreuil P., and Campadelli-Fiume G. Nectin2a (PRR2a
or HveB) and nectin2d are low-efficiency mediators for entry of
herpes simplex virus mutants carrying the Leu25Pro substitution in
glycoprotein D. (2000) J Virol 74 (3): 1267-1274.
Stefan A., Menotti L., and
Campadelli-Fiume G. The biology and natural history of two emerging
pathogens: human herpesviruses 6 and 7. (1999) Herpes, the Journal
of the IHMF 6 (3): 78-81. Review.
Campadelli-Fiume G., Mirandola P.,
and Menotti L. Human herpesvirus 6: an emerging pathogen.
(1999) Emerg Infect Dis 5 (3): 353-366. Review.
Menotti L., Mirandola P., Locati M.,
and Campadelli-Fiume G. Trafficking to the plasma membrane of the
seven-transmembrane protein encoded by human herpesvirus 6 U51 gene
involves a cell-specific function present in T lymphocytes. (1999)
J Virol 73 (1): 325-333.
Cocchi F., Lopez M., Menotti L.,
Aoubala M., Dubreuil P., and Campadelli-Fiume G. The V domain of
herpesvirus Ig-like receptor (HIgR) contains a major functional
region in herpes simplex virus-1 entry into cells and interacts
physically with the viral glycoprotein D. (1998) Proc Natl Acad Sci
USA, 95 (26): 15700-15705.
Cocchi F., Menotti L., Mirandola P.,
Lopez M., and Campadelli-Fiume G. The ectodomain of a novel member
of the immunoglobulin subfamily related to the poliovirus receptor
has the attributes of a bona fide receptor for herpes simplex virus
types 1 and 2 in human cells. (1998) J Virol, 72 (12):
Kempf W., Adams V., Mirandola P.,
Menotti L., Di Luca D., Wey N., Müller B., and Campadelli-Fiume G.
Persistence of human herpesvirus 7 in normal tissues detected by
expression of a structural antigen. (1998) J Infect Dis 178 (3):
Chang Y.E., Menotti L., Filatov F.,
Campadelli-Fiume G., and Roizman B. UL27.5 is a novel g2 gene
antisense to the herpes simplex virus 1 gene encoding glycoprotein
B. (1998) J Virol, 72 (7): 6056-6064.
Kablar B., Vignali R., Menotti L.,
Pannese M., Andreazzoli M., Polo C., Giribaldi M.G., Boncinelli E.,
and Barsacchi G. Xotx genes in the developing brain of
Xenopus laevis. (1996) Mech Dev, 55 (2): 145-158.
Campadelli-Fiume G, Cocchi F,
Menotti L, and Lopez M. HIgR and related V domain for the
manufacture of a medicament for preventing or treating HSV-1, HSV-2
and BHV infections. European Patent Office Application nº
98830677.5-5-2105. Depositato il 10-11-1998 in Germania per
Brevetto "Europeo" in Europa, USA (brevetto accordato), Giappone.
Assegnatari: Università di Bologna (Italia), INSERM (Francia).