Foto del docente

Lara Michelacci

Associate Professor

Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies

Academic discipline: ITAL-01/A Italian Literature


Italian Culture-Monday class (3/10/2022)

Dear Students,

have a nice weekend!

I have uploaded Cantos 1, 19 and 23 of L. Ariosto's Orlando furioso to Virtuale (in particular we will read Canto I: stanza 33-43 and especially 42); Canto 19 (stanza 20, 28, 33, 36); Canto 23, stanza 104-122). I suggest you read Canto I and Canto XIX in their entirety, for Canto XXIII the part I have uploaded is sufficient)
You will also find MacCarthy's essay (Ariosto the Traveller) to be read for Wednesday 5th October class. I kindly request you to prepare at least two questions, based on MaCarthy's reading, to ask Prof. McCormick).
Last thing: the lecture will be held in Aula Forti, Via Zamboni 32 on the 1st floor (I hope you like it!).
Please let me know if you have received this message.

All the best,

Lara Michelacci

Published on: September 30 2022