Foto del docente

Lara Michelacci

Associate Professor

Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies

Director of Second Cycle Degree in Italian Culture and Language for Foreigners


Ricevimenti/Office hours

Il ricevimento degli studenti e delle studentesse riprenderà in settembre.     Please note that office hours are suspended until september.    

Published on: July 24 2024

Letteratura italiana

Prof.ssa E. Tiller (University of Dreden) will held a lecture on: Narrazioni di migrazione ed invettività: approfondimenti e prospettive   Here the link: Time: Mar 20, 2024 11:00 Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 373 427 9576

Published on: March 19 2024

Lezioni del corso di Lett. it. mag/Letteratura italiana delle donne

Le lezioni inizieranno lunedì 12 febbraio alle ore 13.30. Le lezioni saranno tutte in presenza fino al 13 marzo (per errore sono state indicate come online tutte le lezioni del martedì).

Published on: February 08 2024

Class-Monday 30th October

Due to an institutional duty, Monday's class (October 30th) has been cancelled.

Published on: October 28 2023

Lezione di domani 27 settembre Lett. it. Gruppo C

Care Studentesse e cari Studenti, a causa dell'influenza, sono costretta ad annullare la lezione di domani 27 settembre. Ci rivedremo in presenza lunedì 2 ottobre. Mi scuso molto per l'inconveniente e vi auguro una buona continuazione. Un saluto cordiale, Lara Michelacci

Published on: September 26 2023

Italian Culture-Monday class (3/10/2022)

Dear Students, have a nice weekend! I have uploaded Cantos 1, 19 and 23 of L. Ariosto's Orlando furioso to Virtuale (in particular we will read Canto I: stanza 33-43 and especially 42); Canto 19 (stanza 20, 28, 33, 36); Canto 23, stanza 104-122). I suggest you read Canto I and Canto XIX in their ...

Published on: September 30 2022

Italian Culture-start of the course

Please note that, due to the Master's degree admission interviews, the first class will be held by Prof. Vetri Graziosi on 21st September from 3pm to 6pm. Looking forward to meet you all.

Published on: September 19 2022

Office hours

The last OH before the summer break will be held on 26 July from 3pm to 5pm. OH will resume on 13 September from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Published on: July 20 2022

Office hours

Next Office hours: January 4th 2022

Published on: December 21 2021

Classes: November 2nd and 3rd (Italian literature)

Please note: the lectures of 2 and 3 November will be held exclusively online

Published on: November 02 2021

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