Foto del docente

Lamberto Tronchin

Associate Professor

Department of Architecture

Academic discipline: IIND-07/B Building Physics and Building Energy Systems

Short Bio

Associate professor at University of  Bologna since 2011, he is active in applied acoustics, energy efficiency. His interests mainly regard room acoustics, where he has worked on developing new methods to measure acoustic quality in rooms and designing theatres and auditoria, musical acoustics where he has developed new vibro-acoustic parameters (IAR)  and emulated nonlinear sound behaviour of musical instruments by means of Volterra series, energy efficiency, where he is studying new materials for energy efficiency in buildings. He is involved in EU project (POR FESR) and in National projects (PRIN). He is author of more than 240 papers, he has been Plenary Lecturer at several International Congresses. He is also inventor of an international patent belonging to University of Bologna, namely "Method for artificially reproducing an output signal of a non-linear time invariant system". He is Director of the Master course in Environmental Technologies for physical agents. 

He is General Chair of I3DA - Immersive and 3D Audio Conference

He is  past President f AES -Italian Section

Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 0547 338356

Other contacts


Dipartimento di Architettura
Viale del Risorgimento 2, Bologna - Go to map

Online Resources

Office hours


Any appointment must be confirmed in advance by email or phone.


Tuesday h 15-17  via Microsoft Teams

Moreover, also after each lectures (in Cesena, Ravenna, Bologna)