Foto del docente

Lorenzo Donati

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: IIND-04/A Manufacturing Technologies and Systems

Coordinator of PhD Programme in Mechanics and Advanced Engineering Sciences

Curriculum vitae


Lorenzo Donati was born in Cesena (FC) on November 13th 1974.

Academic Status

Since September 2014 he is Associate Professor, (Sector ING/IND-16 Mechanical Technology and Manufacturing Systems) in the “Department of Industrial Engineering (DIN) “ in the School of Engineering (Forlì Campus) of Alma Mater Studiorum -University of Bologna. Previously he was a permanent university researcher in the same sector starting on March 1, 2006. Qualified as full professor (ASN) since 20/07/2017 (art. 16, paragraph 1, Law 240/10) .


  • Post Doctoral: From 2004 till 2006 on “FEM analysis of metal flow in aluminum extrusion dies”
  • Ph.D.: From 2001 till 2004: he got the Ph. D. in the course on “Engineering of manufacturing systems, of metallurgy and applied measurements” of the Polytechnic University of Marche (Ancona, IT) in conjunction with the University of Bologna with a dissertation on “Seam weld formation during aluminum extrusion: FEM simulation and experimental verification of the mechanical and aesthetical proprieties”.
  • Professional habilitation : 2001
  • Master Degree (5 year course): 2001 Mechanical Engineering (Production planning and Manufacturing systems), Alma Mater Studiorum –University of Bologna with a dissertation on “FEM simulation of aluminum extrusion process for die life prediction” in cooperation with the aluminum extruder “Alluminio S. Marinese” (Serravalle , RSM). A summary of the dissertation was published as: L. Donati, L. Tomesani, “Analysis of material flow and welding in aluminium extrusion of hollow sections”, Atti del 5° Congresso AITeM (Bari) Giugno 2001, pagg. 679-688, vol. II. .
  • Diploma: 1993, Scientific High School degree, in the Liceo Scientifico “A. Serpieri” Rimini, IT.

Teaching Activity

  • Since 2006 is responsible of the course of Tecnologia Meccanica CI (Manufacturing Technology I°) and since 2010 of the course of Tecnologie Speciali e dei Materiali Compositi LM (Advanced Technologies and Composite Materials Technologies LM) at School of Engineering (Forlì Campus) of University of Bologna; he also realizes seminars in the courses of Manufacturing Technologies at the Bologna Campus of School of Engineering and Architecture.
  • Since 2016 he is responsible of the course Manufacturing Technologies of Composite Materials in the first level Master of UniBo on Composite Materials (Ma.Co.F.).
  • Since 2018 he is responsible of the course Processes and Manufacturing Methods for Product Development M at School of Engineering (Bologna Campus) of University of Bologna;

He is discusser of more than 100 diploma and master thesis in the field of Mechanical, Aerospace and Industrial Engineering.

Member of International Boards

  • Member of the International Council on Materials Education ( (2022-today);
  • Member of ESAFORM, International Association on Material Forming (2005-today);

Participation to Unibo Boards and Commissions

  • Coordinator of the PhD Board of Mechanics and Advanced Engineering Sciences DIMSAI-Unibo (2022-today);
  • Delegate to Internationalization of the DIN Department(2018-2022);
  • Member of the PhD Board of Mechanics and Advanced Engineering Sciences DIMSAI-Unibo (2017-today);
  • Member of the commission Quality assurance of the course Mechanical Engineering in Forlì (2018-today);
  • Delegate to Internationalization of the course Mechanical Engineering in Forlì (2015-today);
  • Member of the commission for the Admission to the Master Level of the course Mechanical Engineering in Forlì (2017-today);
  • Member of the commission Study Plans of the course Mechanical Engineering in Forlì (2015-2017);
  • Member of the Department Board DIN(2013-2014);
  • Member of the University Board in Forlì (2010-2012).

Coordination and participation to research projects

International research programs:

  • 2020-2023: Participation to Horizon 2020 "Spreading Excellence & Widening Participation: Twinning", grant agreement No 952463: Unique Materials for Advanced Aerospace Applications (UMA3);
  • 2016-2018 MAECI funded project: Scientific Coordinator of MULTIDIE project "Multi Material smart extrusion dies with anti-wear bearing and printed cooling channels."
  • 2016-2017 H2020-FTIPilot-2015-1: Local unit coordinator of CARBON RIM PROJECT - CARIM "Development and commercialization of a full carbon wheel manufactured with an automated high-volume process for the automotive market."
  • 2014 FP7-NMP Participation to THERMACO Project "Smart Thermal conductive Al MMCs by casting";
  • 2012-2013: FP7, Clean sky JTI: Pincipal Researcher and Reporting Coordinator of the BFCleaner Project "Borate Free Cleaners for Aluminum Alloys"
National research programs:
  • 2022: Unibo Coordinator of the project POR-FESR 2014-2020 - CALL TECH FAST LOMBARDIA with Company A.T.I.E. Uno Informatica S.R.L. on "Validazione dei risultati al fine di analizzare eventuali difetti di estrusione tra cui modifica dei grani e del loro posizionamento";
  • 2019-today: Member of the Unibo Interdipartimental Centers for Industrial Research (CIRI) "Aerospace" and "Meccanica Avanzata e Materiali";
  • 2014-2018: Participation and Unibo Reporting Coordinator of CLUSTER TECNOLOGICI NAZIONALI, Progetto "High Performance Manufacturing";
  • 2016: Participation to Regional Funded project: ONDA SOLARE
  • 2016: Participation to MISE Call project in conjunction with SACIMCompany
  • 2009-2011: Participation and Unibo Reporting Coordinator of PRIN EXTRU-CHAIN - Estrusione di profili in lega leggera alto resistente
  • 2008-2010: Participation to FIRB project with Ducati Motor "Definizione di una piattaforma integrata per la progettazione di componenti motore di motoveicoli a basso rapporto peso/potenza e ridotto impatto ambientale attraverso metodi di modellazione d'avanguardia e ricerca su nuovi materiali e nuove tecnologie di processo, anche trasferibili ad altre componenti veicolo";
  • 2007-2008 Scientific Responsible of the project “Innovative joining (Friction Stir Welding) of sheets on aluminum extruded profiles “ founded by University of Bologna, young researchers action.
  • 2005-2006: Participation to the PRIN project “Welding of foamed components by means of laser techniques”;
  • 2004-2005: Participation to the FIT project “Prediction of seam weld formation during aluminum profile extrusion” Industrial partner: Compes Academic partners: Università di Roma, Università di Torino, Università di Padova, Università di Bologna.

Participation to research contracts funded by Industries:
Since 2001 participated and coordinated several research contracts funded by companies, as: Alcan, Almag, Almax-Mori, Alubin, Alutitan, Apple, Aieuno, Blacks Compositi, Bucci Composites, Caterpillar, Compes, CPC Composites, Cuprum, Poggipolini, Faac, Far, Forgia Rapida, Icel, Lamborghini Automobili, Mape, Pandolfo, Profilati, Sapa, Sovema, Toyota Handling.
Some investigated topics:

  • Influence of process parameters on the mechanical characteristics of FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymers) composite components;
  • Characterization of polymeric and composite materials for implementation of 'material cards' in simulation codes;
  • Characterization of composite materials exposed to environmental aging conditions (heat and humidity);
  • Static and crashworthiness simulation of automotive components made by polymeric and composite material;
  • Development of an aluminum alloy optimized for crashworth proprieties for automotive applications;
  • Effect of the design of extrusion dies on the quality of the final product;
  • Optimization of the microstructure of an aluminum alloy forged component;
  • Production of extruded components in magnesium alloys;
  • Evaluation of the origin of the defects 'streaks' on extruded profiles;
  • Development of a titanium alloy forged component;
  • Optimization of the stamping of a titanium alloy connecting rod;
  • Optimization of the manufacturing cycle of a stainless steel rivet;
  • Optimization of the rolling sequence of a shaped lead sheet;
  • Training courses for Company personnel on light alloys extrusion process and on the production technologies of components in composite material.



  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) (, Trondheim NO, on analysis and optimization of the extrusion process;
  • University of Strathclyde, Glasgow UK (, on digital twin of the extrusion process of light alloys;
  • TU Dortmund, DE-Dept. IUL ( ) on analysis and optimization of the extrusion process.
  • TU Delft, NL-Dept. LMP ( on the microstructure evolution during forming processes and on die life prediction.
  • Lehigh University, Bethlehem , PA, USA-Dept. INMATSCI ( ) on microstructure evolution during aluminum alloy extrusion.
  • Italian: University of Ancona, Cagliari, Padova, Reggio Emilia, Palermo and Cosenza.

Member of Conference Committees and Reviewer for Journals

  • ICTP 2011, International Conference on Technology of Plasticity
  • ESAFORM, International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming
  • Metal Forming International conference
  • ICEB, International Conference on Extrusion and Benchmark
  • International Journal of Plasticity, Elsevier IF 4,356 (JCR 2012)
  • Materials & Design, Elsevier IF 2,913 (JCR 2012)
  • Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Elsevier IF 2,617 (JCR 2012)
  • Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Elsevier IF 1,953 (JCR 2012)
  • Tribology Letters, Springer IF 1,743 (JCR 2012)
  • Tribology International, Elsevier IF 1,536 (JCR 2012)
  • International Journal of Material Forming, Springer IF 0,509 (JCR 2012)
  • Advanced Engineering Materials, Wiley IF 1.75 (JCR 2015)
  • Engineering Computations, Emerald IF 1,214 (JCR 2012)
  • Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, ASME IF 0,786 (JCR 2012)
  • Journal of Engineering Tribology, SAGE IF 0,631 (JCR 2012)
  • International Journal Of Materials & Product Technology, Inderscience IF 0,324 (JCR 2012)
  • Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, SAGE IF 0,305 (JCR 2012)

Conference Organization

Since 2007 he is co-organizer of the bi-annual conference “ICEB-International Conference on Extrusion and Benchmark”, co-organized with TU Dortmund-IUL Dept. up to 2013 and from 2015 in conjunction with Aluminium 2000 Conference.

Patents and Others

1.      8/2008 (RM2008A438), University of Bologna, “Assembly of sheets on extruded profiles by means of the Friction Stir Welding (FSW) technology, design of an innovative profile shape for material filling” Donati Lorenzo, Troiani Enrico, Minak Giangiacomo, Morri Alessandro, Ceruti Alessandro.

Spoken Languages
Italian C2, English C1, German A2