Current position
Full Professor BIO / 02 (Systematic Botany) at the University of Bologna. My research interests are mainly focused on Lichenology (floristics, taxonomy, distribution of lichens). I am also interested in floristics of vascular plants in a context of global change. The focus of my research is mainly related to agro-forestry systems and high altitude environments.
1993 Degree in Natural Sciences at the University of Padua
2008 achievement of the Ph.D. degree in "Environmental alteration biomonitoring techniques" at the University of Trieste.
Teaching activity
Since 2006 university lecturer and since 2017 responsible of various courses for the Degree Courses in Natural Sciences, Science and Management of Nature, and in Ornamental Green and Landscape Protection at the University of Bologna.
Supervisor of bachelor and master degree students
Supervidor of PhD students
Supervisor of Post Doc researchers
Scientific activity
I participated in numerous national and international research programs including:
Scientific coordinator project “Bando Habitat 2020 – Fondazione Cariverona”.
Scientific coordinator project DOLichens -lichen biota of the Dolomites
Member projecy MS-VegBank
Member project Progetto COMBI - Conoscere e Monitorare la Biodiversità, convenzione BiGeA-Regione Emilia Romagna.
Member project BIOMITI - Parco Adamello-Brenta
Partner e responsible for the UNIBO unit, project LIFE DRYLANDS - LIFE18 NAT/IT/000803
Member COST “OC-2018-2-23202 Biodiversity Of Temperate forest Taxa Orienting Management Sustainability by Unifying Perspectives”
Member of the national group for the management of monitoring of habitats of conservation interest and activities related to the ISPRA-Italian Botanical Society assignment
PRIN Project "Biodiversity and ecosystem services in Sacred Natural Sites (BIOESSaNS)"
Project "Lichens of the Alps: diversity and climate change", funded by the Austrian Science Fund
Endoflorvit project funded by the Mis. 24 PSR Veneto
LIBERATION Project "Linking Farming and Biodiversity to Ecosystem Services for Effective Ecofunctional Intesification" (VII Framework Program - n ° 311781)
Project "Biodiversity of epiphytic lichens in the forest areas of the province of Bolzano", funded by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano (scientific leader)
Project, "The effect of stand structure on the composition and diversity of different organism groups in the forests of Örség region", funded by the Hungarian Science Foundation (OTKA 68218, 79158)
Biodivigna Project, Mis. 24 PSR Veneto "creation of a model for the recovery and management of the viticultural biodiversity heritage in the Conegliano hill vineyard system"
European BIOBIO Project - Indicators for biodiversity in organic and low-input farming systems "(funded by the FP7 EU project, GA 227161; KBBE-2008-1-2-01)
Main Institutional activities and academic assignments
Member of the Academic Board of the Doctorate "Earth, Life and Environmental Sciences"
Member of the scientific committee of the BUB (University Library of Bologna)
Curator of the scientific area of the University Museum System
Prefect of the Botanical Garden and Herbarium of the University of Bologna.
Member of the research commission of the BiGeA Department.
Member of the committee for the 500th anniversary of the birth of Ulisse Aldrovandi
President of the Italian Lichenological Society
Coordinator of the Degree Course Council in Natural Sciences-UNIBO
Awards and recognitions
Winner of the Fund for Funding for Basic Research Activities - FFABR 2017 of MIUR
2009: winner of the "Italian Botanical Society Award" for the best doctoral thesis.