Foto del docente

Jane Helen Johnson

Ricercatrice confermata

Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne

Settore scientifico disciplinare: L-LIN/12 LINGUA E TRADUZIONE - LINGUA INGLESE

Contenuti utili

inglese II 3,5 o 6 cfu (dm 509)


1a parte
Nel testo seguente alcune parole sono state sostituite con un numero tra parentesi: le parole tolte sono elencate in fondo al testo. Ricostruite il testo, decidendo a quale numero corrisponde ciascuna parola elencata (ad ogni numero tra parentesi corrisponde una sola parola nell’elenco: ad ogni parola corrisponde un solo numero). Scrivere A SINISTRA DI CIASCUNA PAROLA NELL’ELENCO il numero nel testo al quale corrisponde.

The comment and opinion pages in newspapers contain editorials, also called leaders, which are unsigned articles expressing the newspaper’s view on events and [ 3 ] of the day. They also contain opinion articles [13 ] by individual journalists who often write a [ 10 ] column for the paper; in these the columnist [ 9 ] his or her own opinions. Also in the comment section we [ 2 ] the only space for readers’ opinions in the traditional [ 15 ]: letters to the editor. Newspaper websites generally contain these three elements of the comment section of the print edition. However, in addition to [ 5 ] traditional elements, the comment section usually [ 12] a great deal more. Comment on-line differs from comment in the press in two main [ 8 ]: there is much more space on-line for individual opinions, and the comment section is [ 11] by interactivity – the site user is also encouraged to contribute freely. Comment pages contain [ 14 ]by the newspaper’s columnists, some of which also appear in the print edition. Columnists [ 6 ] also relate to site-users in new ways. In addition to the usual comment articles, the Telegraph on-line, for example, offers a free podcast, with its regular columnists giving their opinions on recent events in a different [ 7 ]. Columnists also have blogs, a space in [ 4 ] they regularly interact with site-users, in a more informal and personal way. Times Online, for example, hosts about 50 blogs. To each of these, of [ 1 ], readers can contribute their own views.

[ ] articles
[ ] characterized
[ ] contains
[ ] course
[ ] expresses
[ ] find
[ ] issues
[ ] may
[ ] medium
[ ] press
[ ] regular
[ ] signed
[ ] these
[ ] ways
[ ] which

2a parte
Making reference to the Readings “Between the lines and pictures” (dispensa Haarman/Walsh), rispondere a DUE (per 5 o 6 cfu) oppure UNA (3 CFU) delle seguenti domande:

1. On-line newspapers are not the only source of news – and, in particular, of news relating to politics – on the Internet. Explain and comment.

2. Referring to the chapter ‘Soldiers at War’, discuss the CBS human interest item entitled ‘Boys to Men’ as an illustration of how the production strategies for personalisation are exploited in the construction of the military. Make reference to the video of the item.

3. Objectivity is probably “the prime myth of news gathering and reporting”. In what sense? Answer with reference to the choices involved in the production and presentation of news on television.