Foto del docente

Jacopo Gaspari

Associate Professor

Department of Architecture

Academic discipline: CEAR-08/C Technological and Environmental Design of Architecture


Ricci A.; Ponzio C.; Fabbri K.; Gaspari J.; Naboni E., Development of a self-sufficient dynamic façade within the context of climate change, «ARCHITECTURAL SCIENCE REVIEW», 2021, 64, pp. 87 - 97 [Scientific article]

Gaspari J, Antonini Ernesto, Marchi Lia, Vodola V., Energy Transition at Home: A Survey on the Data and Practices That Lead to a Change in Household Energy Behavior, «SUSTAINABILITY», 2021, 13, Article number: 5268 , pp. 1 - 24 [Scientific article]Open Access

Giacomello E., Gaspari J., Hydrologic Performance of an Extensive Green Roof under Intensive Rain Events: Results from a Rain-Chamber Simulation, «SUSTAINABILITY», 2021, 13, Article number: 3078 , pp. 1 - 23 [Scientific article]Open Access

Di Resta Sara; Gaspari Jacopo., Knowledge contamination in the preservation of Modern glazed enclosures = La contaminazione dei saperi nella conservazione di involucri e chiusure vetrate del Moderno, «TECHNE», 2021, 21, pp. 256 - 264 [Scientific article]Open Access

fabbri kristian; Gaspari Jacopo, Mapping the energy poverty: A case study based on the energy performance certificates in the city of Bologna, «ENERGY AND BUILDINGS», 2021, 234, Article number: 110718 , pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article]

Cattaruzzi J.; Gaspari J., Taxonomical Investigation of Self-Sufficient Kinetic Building Envelopes, «JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING», 2021, 27, Article number: 03121001 , pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article]

Jacopo Gaspari, Michaela De Giglio, Ernesto Antonini, Vincenzo Vodola, A GIS-Based Methodology for Speedy Energy Efficiency Mapping: A Case Study in Bologna, «ENERGIES», 2020, 13, Article number: 2230 , pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article]Open Access

Jacopo Gaspari; Kristian Fabbri; Vincenzo Vodola; Giorgia Ferretti; Lorenzo Indio, A Simplified Algorithm to Predict Indoor Microclimate in Case of Courtyard Covering. A Case Study for the Courtyard of Palazzo Poggi in Bologna, «ENG», 2020, 1, pp. 222 - 239 [Scientific article]Open Access

Jacopo Gaspari, Valentina Gianfrate, Giovanni Ginocchini, Mauro Bigi, Accessibility as design tool: a comfortable environment through the public space / L'accessibilità come strumento di progetto: il benessere ambientale attraverso lo spazio pubblico, «TECHNE», 2020, 19, pp. 223 - 231 [Scientific article]Open Access

Kristian Fabbri; Jacopo Gaspari; Licia Felicioni, Climate Change Effect on Building Performance: A Case Study in New York, «ENERGIES», 2020, 13, Article number: 3160 , pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article]Open Access

GASPARI, JACOPO, Climate Responsive Building Envelopes. From facade shading systems to adaptive shells., Milano, FRANCO ANGELI, 2020, pp. 176 (RICERCHE DI TECNOLOGIA DELL'ARCHITETTURA). [Research monograph]

K. Fabbri, J. Gaspari, S. Bartoletti, E. Antonini, Effect of facade reflectance on outdoor microclimate: An Italian case study, «SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY», 2020, 54, Article number: 101984 , pp. 111 - 122 [Scientific article]Open Access

Beatrice Turillazzi; Giovanni Leoni; Jacopo Gaspari; Ernesto Iadanza; Marinella My; Martina Massari; Saveria Olga Murielle Boulanger; Amir Djalali, HERITAGE-LED ONTOLOGIES: DIGITAL PLATFORM FOR SUPPORTING THE REGENERATION OF CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL SITES, in: Sustainable City XIV, Southampton, WIT press, 2020, pp. 307 - 318 (WIT TRANSACTIONS ON ECOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT) [Chapter or essay]Open Access

Ernesto Antonini , Vincenzo Vodola, Jacopo Gaspari, Michaela De Giglio, Outdoor Wellbeing and Quality of Life: A Scientific Literature Review on Thermal Comfort, «ENERGIES», 2020, 13, Article number: 2079 , pp. 1 - 22 [Scientific article]Open Access

Gaspari J., Fabbri K., Sustainable Communities and energy poverty. The role of building performance to ensure affordable comfort conditions, in: PLEA2020 Planning Post Carbon Cities, A Coruna, University of A Coruña and Asoc. PLEA2020 Planning Post Carbon Cities, 2020, pp. 1124 - 1129 [Chapter or essay]

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