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Isacco Turina

Assistant professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences


Isacco Turina, Tarde’s ancestors. Imitation and crowds from Hobbes to Locke, «SOCIAL SCIENCE INFORMATION», 2023, 62, pp. 31 - 49 [Scientific article]Open Access

Turina I., Laudato si’ : continuité et changement dans le magistère catholique sur l’écologie, l’économie et la vie humaine, «STUDIES IN RELIGION», 2022, 51, pp. 26 - 41 [Scientific article]Open Access

Isacco, Turina, Consentire all’emergenza. Sulla ridefinizione dell’ordine sociale all’inizio della pandemia di Covid-19 in Italia, «RASSEGNA ITALIANA DI SOCIOLOGIA», 2021, a. 62, pp. 609 - 635 [Scientific article]Open Access

I. Turina, The globalization of the Catholic Church: history, organization, theology, in: Routledge International Handbook of Religion in Global Society, Abingdon, Routledge, 2021, pp. 234 - 243 (ROUTLEDGE INTERNATIONAL HANDBOOKS) [Chapter or essay]

I. Turina, La renonciation de Benoît XVI et le déclin de l’Église européenne, in: Les "héros du retrait" dans les mémoires et les représentations de l'Europe contemporaine, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2020, pp. 209 - 225 [Chapter or essay]

Isacco Turina, An Interpretive Account of Individual, Nonviolent Radicalization, «HUMANITY & SOCIETY», 2019, 43, pp. 250 - 269 [Scientific article]

Turina, Isacco, Pride and Burden: The Quest for Consistency in the Anti-Speciesist Movement, «SOCIETY & ANIMALS», 2018, 26, pp. 239 - 258 [Scientific article]

Turina, Isacco, Centralized globalization: The Holy See and human mobility since World War II, «CRITICAL RESEARCH ON RELIGION», 2015, 3, pp. 189 - 205 [Scientific article]

I. Turina, Chiesa e biopolitica. Il discorso cattolico su famiglia, sessualità e vita umana da Pio XI a Benedetto XVI, MILANO-UDINE, Mimesis, 2013, pp. 338 . [Research monograph]

I. Turina, La Santa Sede e i diritti riproduttivi, in: Médecine et religion. Collaborations, compétitions, conflits (XII-XX siècle), Roma, Ecole Française de Rome, 2013, pp. 359 - 383 [Chapter or essay]

I. Turina, L'Eglise catholique et la cause de l'environnement, «TERRAIN», 2013, 60, pp. 20 - 35 [Scientific article]

I. Turina, Oltre la bioetica: bilanci e congetture, «RELIGIONI E SOCIETÀ», 2013, 28, pp. 34 - 40 [Scientific article]

I. Turina, Vatican biopolitics, «SOCIAL COMPASS», 2013, 60, pp. 134 - 151 [Scientific article]

I. Turina, Le magistère postconciliaire face au biopouvoir, in: Catholicisme en tensions, PARIGI, Editions de l'EHESS, 2012, pp. 191 - 202 [Chapter or essay]

I. Turina, Consecrated Virgins in Italy: A Case Study in the Renovation of Catholic Religious Life, «JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RELIGION», 2011, 26, pp. 43 - 55 [Scientific article]

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