Foto del docente

Isacco Turina

Assistant professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Curriculum vitae

Current position

2006- Researcher in Sociology of culture and communications, University of Bologna.

Academic degrees

2005 PhD in Sociology, University of Padua.

2000 MA in Communications, University of Bologna.


2023 Visiting scholar, Departamento de Sociologia, Universidade de São Paulo (USP).

July 2022 Visiting scholar, Institut Catholique de Paris

20 Nov.-12 Dec. 2019 Visiting scholar, Centre de recherches politiques (CEVIPOF), SciencesPo, Paris.

2005 Post-doctoral fellow, Centro di alti studi in scienze religiose, Piacenza. Tutor: Daniele Menozzi.

Dec. 2003-May 2004 Marie Curie doctoral fellow, Groupe de sociologie des religions et de la laïcité (GSRL), Paris. Tutor: Jean-Paul Willaime.

Peer review activity

In the last few years I have assessed research proposals for the “Trans-Atlantic Platform Recovery, Renewal and Resilience in a Post-Pandemic World Program” and for the National Science Centre in Poland. I have been in the panel of experts for the project Vers une spiritualisation de l’écologie? funded by the Swiss National Funding for Research (FNS) in 2016-2020 and led by Irene Becci at the University of Lausanne.

I have reviewed manuscripts for the following journals and publishers: Appetite, Archives de sciences sociales des religions, Critical Research on Religion, Journal of Contemporary Religion, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Open Information Science, Partecipazione e conflitto, Polis, Politics & Religion, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Rassegna italiana di sociologia, Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, Revue des Sciences Sociales, Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique, Social Compass, Sociologia urbana e rurale, Sociology Compass.

Since 2008 I sit in the board of the journal Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa of which I have been co-editor in chief between 2012 and 2015.

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